This was fucking great. Easily a 9/10 and MOTY so far
This was fucking great. Easily a 9/10 and MOTY so far
DAE hate Jennifer Lawrence???
that title belongs to Baby Driver
>not getting the point of the film
This. The movie was intentionally obvious. It was a subversion of the typical pretentious filmmaker who uses bible references to make his work seem deeper than it really is. Mother! BTFO Evangelion shit
Subversion doesn't excuse it being garbage. It's the
>I'm just kidding, it's a social experiment
Of movies
It wasn't garbage though. Everything about this movie was executed perfectly but the script, which was the only experimental part. It was a great movie, but not as good as Baby Driver IMHO
>Subversion doesn't excuse it being garbage.
It wasn't garbage. I don't consider it MOTY but it's pretty close. It was so perverse and exciting.
Finally someone else gets it.
>not realizing this movie was intentionally shallow with the biblical stuff
You really think a seasoned filmmaker like aronofsky doesn't know what he's doing?
I have never seen such a technique ever produce a good film. There are parody films, but those, to be good, actually have to be funny on their own, and there's a mixture of jokes that work independent of the object of satire, and jokes that work as satire, (and even then, you should find those jokes funny).
>Christfags act like hamfisted biblical allegories and symbolism makes a movie smart
Every time
No? If anything, they're the most offended.
My friend and I laughed hysterically the whole time. I never felt like it was inappropriate to laugh though, the movie was obviously supposed to be somewhat farcical. I definitely had a good time, well done Tarkovsky.
Christfags aren't the ones who dedicate their lives worshiping hollywood movies, especially grotesque shit like this. Retards who denied their parents religion and have only heard of some bible stories during the holiday are the ones circle jerking about knowing these extremely superficial references
Yes I had more or less the same reaction. It only took about 20 minutes for me to get into it and then it just didn't let up the insanity.
I thought the Biblical stuff was just obligatory references and metaphors that could be found in any artsy movie. I didn't think it was the crux of the movie until I read other people's reviews and saw Aronofsky's interviews. When I watched the movie I thought it was just about abusive relationships, whether they be with a spouse or with God or whatever.
>it's deep because it's intentionally shallow
Oh fuck off
t. snyder fan. You have such shit taste bro. Aronofsky is a professional. You're a literally who
Thaaat's right Jay!
it was a fine spectacle, but that's all it was
I think it is very fair to laugh at this movie, accept that it is not subtle any feel kind of shocked, not just because it's content, but because it is so blunt and extreme. It seems intentional to me, but I think that will be the hardest pill for art-hating philistines to swallow.
It had virtually no plot and was claustrophobic the entire time, brevity with insane emotion and pace seemed to be its goal.
Have you ever seen Noah?
Aronofsky is at least as pretentious and empty as Snyder.
They're both hacks
What was pretentious about Noah? He took a boring biblical story and made it a human psychological story.
I'll wait for when he makes another film about another mathematical constant.
You're giving Aronofsky way too much credit. Watch his interviews before you say some stupid shit like this. It's obvious and lacks subtlety because he does as an artist. It's not some subversion of symbolism. Even if it was that doesn't make a good movie. Once you realize what you're watching 20 minutes into the movie the rest just becomes a chore. You're adding meaning because there isn't any. That's the definition of pretentious.
I'd like to direct you to every single second of the movie from beginning to end.
Greatest plebfilter in years. Easily one of the most beautiful, intelligent, subtle and all-round magnificent movies of the century, possibly of all time. I saw it twelve times in theaters, can't wait to buy the bluray.
It is only a chore if you're a hard-ass. Just sit back and take in the absurd bluntness uncharacteristic of art cinema. It is at least a hell-dive through some immense anxiety and madness, and if you can't feel that you're thinking too much or are somehow catatonic.
wow thanks for clearing that up. I don't see how it's pretentious.
Sure thing shill
This bait is almost as obvious as the biblical imagery in the film, albeit your post probably has more artistic substance
Noah was the opposite of pretentious. He took a myth literally and put it on screen. He didn't add anything to it besides some character relationships and dialogue. It was completely superficial.
daft individuals, can't even appreciate the art of shitposting. No business in threads about real art cinema.
>MOTY so far
Are you forgetting something?
>I saw it twelve times in theaters, can't wait to buy the bluray.
Some people will take you seriously: you should have written Laser-Disc instead of Blu-Ray.
>can't wait to buy the bluray.
Yeah, I've already fapped to this a few times. I want to see it in HD
You must have missed the visions
>I-I-It's not a shitty film guys, y-you're just not a smart as my and that's why I like it and you don't!
>even when she's being raped/molested, no one is allowed to grab JLaw's tit
hot damn that's an uncommonly realistic looking beating they've crafted here
i bet it looks like CGI shit in higher resolution
Nah, I think you're mistaken
You've obviously never read the story of Noah or seen the movie. The movie adds a shit ton to the Biblical story, the Bible story is only like four chapters long
>I was only pretending to be retarded
Good Time is easily MOTY
You're tryin to tell me there weren't giant rock monsters in the Bible?
Oh, how embarrassing
>brainlet misunderstands the post
change the fuckin channel, already!!
I have no opinion on this film. I just cant stand how everyone is having honest discussion about a movie, then a Half in the Bag comes out and all of a sudden everyone is parroting and quoting it. Stupid sheep.
I don't even care if this movie is deep or shallow or pretentious or whatever, it made me feel like no other movie made me feel in a long ass time. It's like a fucking nightmare fever dream. The camerawork, the sound design, the constant tensions. It was a real experience. And if you like the message or not, you can't deny that this movie evokes a strong reaction in everyone. And that's a feat in itself in this white washed times where every hollywood movie is created by focus groups so no one gets offended.
>plebs get introduced to Jodorowsky lite and can't take it
You can find plenty of that elsewhere. Like not in American cinema. Mother isn't unique at all in that sense. The only thing is it has is known names attached.
What a hack he is.
Yeah it's gross.
>takes pot-shots at anything that moves, or seems like it's trying to
>strong reaction
if that reaction was the biggest fucking sigh in the world, then yeah, I guess it got a strong reaction
bravo darren
and then the baby scene happens and you laugh at how silly it is
I didn't think it was a silly scene, but I did laugh at how extreme it was. It's literally horrific and I think it earned a bit of a gasp, it wasn't out of nowhere or over-the-top compared to anything else we saw.
If anything I thought Kristen Wig executing six people was the film's funniest thing.
Nothing this clown has done is remotely on the level of The Fountain and The Wrestler
how is it silly though? it's just the logical conclusion of what was happening before. It's basically taking the eucharist literally. Body of christ and all. This movie was hilariously fucked up.
that was good too, especially since she's so cheery about it
it's silly exactly because it's so over the top
don't get me wrong, it fits in the context of what's happening, but by that point it's hard to take anything that's happening seriously
I think it might be the worst movie ever made, or at least it's up there with Batman vs Superman and The Room.
No it wasn't. Jlaw can't act for shit. 1/10 trash.
how can someone seriously say that? regardless of the message and the story of the movie, its technical aspects alone are way above trash like that.
Kek fucking pleb. Noah was and still is pleb filter
Not mother! Noah you fucking redditor.
Nope it's a jennifer lawrence shitfest you filthy embryo.