there's always a problem with everything and anything for these people
There's always a problem with everything and anything for these people
If I was a writer or a game developer I would cater all my attention to the people who complain all day.
Because I am really good at business.
Richard Brody has a problem with all films not directed by Godard
Of course there's always a (((problem))), it's how we're all kept fighting among each other for the most trivial things, instead of recognizing the one true (((problem))) with the world.
>le actor portrays a spaz for an oscar may may
Why are the Jews so reddit?
Sell me this pen.
>these people
Hmmm? What you mean *these* people?
the jews are a problem. period
No we're not.
you catch more clicks with vinegar than honey
you wanna bet?
>implying he isn't the GOAT critic
>tfw the final solution failed
Actually you catch more clicks with steaming piles of shit than vinegar or honey. That's why it works.
precisely why jews are a problem. they're always opportunists looking for a chance to make money. you just proved my point
>OP thinks Richard Brody is some kind of SJW
Jews aren't the problem. It's those who take the teachings of the Talmud seriously. The Torah is perfectly fine as it adheres mostly to the "be good to one another, etc, etc, and you'll feel mighty fuckin fine."
richard brody is LITERALLY fucking mossad, you asshole
no he's literally alan moore
You are a speck of bacteria feasting on pig shit compared to Brody, meme scum
every jew is secretly a racial supremacist and nationalist. this is indisputable fact.
also a reptilian
Don't be silly. I'm as disgustingly anti-semite as one gets, but there are some jews who don't give a fuck about politics or victimization or subversion. All they want to do is entertain and/or get on with their shit. Take Bobby Fischer, for example. One of the greatest minds the world has ever known, AND a jew, and with his incredible pattern-recognition he saw through all the bullshit that fellow jews were trying to pull. And he let us KNOW about it. It all depends on what you're taught, and who's teaching it.
t. Caucasian non-denomination
Jew here. Can confirm.
>Sup Forums actually defending oscar baits because muh politics
jesus fucking christ. I have no words.
Anyone who ever played a cancer victim without having cancer is a problem too, right?
Who are "these people"?
>guy is now permanently shorter
what about self-hating jews
richard brody looks like a chomo
Buzzfeed liberals are annoying, but I'm so fucking sick of Sup Forums treating every fucking board like their personal playground.
Fuck off, /pol. Not everyone wants to read your mind-numbingly stupid posts about le ((clever Jewish references, hahahahah)).
He played a gay guy once. Is there a problem with that now too? Fucking hell.
>place on the internet has an extremely low average intelligence to the point where it looks like satire
>infested with neo-nazis
every single time without fail
Well of course, they cater to women and women love to complain and play the victim.
It's not pol, it's a change in mainstream thinking
Get with the times or get left behind
Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
>Sup Forums complaining about hugboxes
>Sup Forums complaining about fucking REDDIT
oh, the ironing
Yes. Acting is inherently privileged and discriminatory.
>proving him right
>proving him RIGHT
>it's a change in mainstream thinking
No, it isn't. Antisemitism has been all the rage since the fucking Middle Ages; in fact, they were spouting the exact same conspiracy theories Sup Forums is spouting today.
Sup Forums has a literal metldown any time someone says something on their board that isn't part of the hivemind and have you ever even heard of r/the_donald? I would bet all of my savings that Sup Forums has the highest concentration of Reddit users of any board on Sup Forums.
>but there are some jews who don't give a fuck about politics or victimization or subversion
95% of jews support israel.
Fuck off jew.
no other site on the internet is as wild west as Sup Forums. you get every kind of person here. low iq or high iq. they can type whatever they want. you don't get that on reddit.
Leftists have treated the entire media like their personal playground for the entire decade. They can't be pushed back against hard enough.
>I would bet all of my savings that Sup Forums has the highest concentration of Reddit users of any board on Sup Forums.
keep talking as a jew
Sup Forums is just more concerned about the well being of the world than most people. can you say the same? i don't think so
No one's defending the movie.
OP is Brody.
>proving him RIGHT
Supporting Israel isn't a political stance, it's just a correct stance. You have a first world democracy surrounded by backwards theocracies that stone women to death as punishment for being raped. Anyone who doesn't support Israel is an SJW, whether rightist or leftist.
Have you been exclusively on /lgbt/ for the last 10 years? This is nothing new to Sup Forums.
If you actually believe those deranged low IQ sociopaths have concern for anything other than causing harm and suffering in the world you are delusional. Congratulations on being so gullible you're fooled by an extremely transparent facade.
>keep talking as a jew
>please stop using facts and logic, it hurts my feefees :(
Sup Forums whines about things on the internet. Hardly the height of sociopolitical activism.
Or seen the movie.
>anonymous sites are the only places you can openly acknowledge (((them))) without having your life ruined
>surprised when people acknowledge (((them))) on an anonymous board
hmmmm, interesting...
sounds like a certain thread i know.
in fact, sounds like a certain board i know
in fact, sounds like a certain website i know
>Hebrew Intensifies
>(((Not everyone)))
israel did nothing wrong
Nothing you say is even remotely truthful, that's why you can't say it without "having your life ruined." Being a lying, slanderous rat is generally frowned upon in society regardless of who you're lying about or slandering. Neo-nazis really shouldn't even be allowed to breathe, so you should be thankful you live in a civilization pacifistic enough to tolerate your diseased combination of low intelligence and malevolence.
Makes me wonder if articles like this exist if Jake was black, or the cripple role went to an able bodied black person?
>is given half of another countries land because they're cry babies pounding fictional story books
>then begins to illegally encroach upon that neigbouring land until the sovereigns have to be held in cages so the invading nation can walk around 'peacfully'
Israel did nothing wrong
The articles would exist and so would the posts crying about it, but they wouldn't be screenshotted and spammed here by alt right shills with a victim complex. The same way all opinions exist on the internet.
>Being a lying, slanderous rat is generally frowned upon in society regardless of who you're lying about or slandering.
Yet the Black and Jewish communities are untouchable as far as criticism goes.
I think after Donald Trump, it's more a victor complex. The far-left socio-political culture we have today is founded upon self-victimizing babies.
I'm not going to bother reading that, but I assume the jist is
>acknowledging that Jews control the entire media, federal reserve, and make up over 50% of billionaires in the country despite being only 1% of the population makes you a nazi
Therein lies the problem
Because you're lying about what happened. Jews were relocated to Israel according to a completely peaceful plan called the UN partition plan, at which point Muslims tried to kill them all and lost... and then they tried again and lost and tried again and lost. All loss of Palestinian land was caused by their own hilariously failed aggression. The world is a better place the less land fascist/religious nuts have control over.
I'm a Caucasian male atheist with Anglo-Saxon and predominately Mormon heritage. As far as I'm aware, none of my ancestors were Jewish.
Not everyone who hates you is a Jew or a woman or a black criminal. Some people just honestly think you're fucking retarded.
Okay, humor me.
Jews have a disproportionate amount of wealth and power. Why do you find this to be a pressing issue and what are your proposed solutions? If your proposed solutions are laws that limit or revoke Jewish property rights or mass deportations of Jewish people, then it isn't a false accusation to call you a Nazi.
Why hasn't Sup Forums been shut down then?
Is he not a black muslim transgender refugee?
Quints don't lie, this argument is settled.
Who here actually wants to see this movie?
I just read the end of the article
In what universe is being disabled a better quality for a role in a movie than being an actor?
Find a disabled actor that can act as good as gyllenhaal, I dare you.
>I'm a Caucasian male atheist with Anglo-Saxon and predominately Mormon heritage.
Funny how the solution to all of these problems is always white genocide.
>"the entire media" includes major companies like Fox, Sky, BBC, Amazon, Netflix, AT&T and so on which are not owned by Jews
So yes, this claim means you're probably a Nazi shill.
The rest is pure bullshit and the federal reserve is controlled by a board.
Illusion of freedom, you think people who use this site are seen in a positive light? Even the Jews don't need to do anything to make the world hate us.
It's the most logical one.
lol why can't marxists ever make good memes? are you waiting for bernie to give you one?
people who complain all day don't have time to see movies
Starting to look like those old pedowood threads
This new resurgence of anti-semitism is a direct result of illuminati rulers, under the guise of jews, defiling the name and principles of that religion. some cabal of satanist/molochfags, and when more people become "woke" they will blame righteous jews instead of the childraping godless psychos behind the curtain.
our guy jesus predicted so many years ago
The brainwashing is lifting and your safespace of delusion is shrinking. You won't be able to hide from the truth much longer.
But his hair gets messy when he's angry
Jews are okay in my book!
Jews who commit crimes like Bernie Madoff or that subway guy are held accountable and punished to the full extent of the law. What you're actually complaining about is that all Jews, 99% of whom are virtuous, decent, honest people like all other groups are not being blamed for the actions of a few. You're essentially crying because the world is not operated in some dystopian manner according to your own brainwashing.
There's actually a problem for that one person and now you're bitching about it hyperbolically like everyone in the world shares their view.