Life fuel

I work from my computer, therefore I can live everywhere.

And that is what I did. I lived in western Europe, Asia, now in Eastern Europe.

But I'm not happier to say the least.

Not dwelling on my life here, but just pondering.
For the VERY FEW here that are actually happy in their life, what makes you happy? What gets you out of bed every day?

What is your fuel man?
What is your fuel?

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Not having to work from my computer. I was a systems engineer. Now I work as a carpenter.

Sup Forums

>what makes you happy?
That's the $64,000 question.

I was a network engineer, now I work as a freelance translator, do you think piling bricks after bricks made you happier?

You liar, nobody gets happier after coming to Sup Forums. You only get saltier.

Especially when you're Italian, because your country is shit.

My fuel is the suffering of hohols.

>What is your fuel man?
What is your fuel?

I don't care I'm not Ukrainian you know.

You asked for fuel, this is my fuel.

And bittersweet happiness is still happiness.

Then you would be the first guy I know for whom Sup Forums is having an actual positive effect in his life.
Good for you I guess. You must be weird.


Of course you're happy with just a piece of ass, you're basically an animal, Brasilero.

I'm asking real people, here.


Kinda. I just like to shitpost here with you faggots while everything slowly burns down.

I would agree with that, but I don't know what I would like to do.

And I don't think killing random shitskins will make me happy in the medium/long run.

I wouldn't be happy in the Ukraine either. Hard to be happy when you've got civil war/foreign invasion going on.

I actually am happier now, albeit slightly. I'm not alone in hating feminism and cultural marxism. College democucks made me want to an hero. It's all over now.

1) This is not 2015 anymore
2) I live in Kyiv, not Crimea.

Friends and family my man
hanging out with your friends and doing retarded shit is fun, it makes me happy

Fuck my family and I leave all my friends every time I move to another country.

Maybe I should aim to get a more dense and viable group of friends, you may be right, even though I am not the most sociable man out there.

Thanks for the advice.

this leaf gets it
do what you like doing
no point torturing yourself for a paycheck

Meanwhile in the Ukraine

I don't man, I don't make much money compared to when I was a network engineer for a bank, I just translate shit now, it's not a lot of money, but I'm a minimalist, I don't need much.

If I knew what I wanted, I'd be doing it.
Sadly, ain't so simple.

A few faggots are better than 40% non-whites, am I right, America?

Making money doing what I love and being my own boss, that's what makes me happy, so kind of in the same situation. I'm not quite in the financial situation to move elsewhere (I probably could, but I want to be able to live there for at least 2 years and have enough savings to cover all these costs), so I'm still staying here in Germany, but I want to move somewhere like Malta. I was going to say making money is my fuel, but really, I'm just working towards a life of more or less independency and seclusion (but not self-sufficiency), so a constant stream of income is neccessary. I derive my happiness from being able to model and schedule my life the way I want and I believe I am getting there sooner or later. I have to, because I see no worthwhile alternative.

I'm living the life you are aiming for, and while it prevent me from suffering some shit I had when I was a basic employee, it doesn't add any happiness to my life per se.

I hope it will work for you.

Living for others.
Sounds crazy don't it, but it works.
Without purpose your life meaningless. You need a reason to exist, just money is not enough.
Living for others, is the only kind of life worth living. A smart guy said that, and that guy was Albert Einstein. It takes your mind off your own problems, fixing other people's. I am happy and content, want or need nothing, and do not fear the future.

I don't know if I'm going to be any happier, but I know the life of a wage slave and how miserable I have been back then. I just can't deal with having to construct my life around work and other responsibilities. I want to be able to decide how I spend every minute of my life (within limits, because I still have to earn money somehow) and not have others make these decisions for me.

>Living for others
How does that applies in everyday's life for you?
I stayed a while with my ex-GF because she would be devastated if I left, but I was miserable as fuck the second I was alone with my thoughts.

At the moment, Sup Forums is the only fuel I have in my life. Every morning I first check the latest threads, and after wörk I do the same until I go to sleep. Sometimes I'm drunk after wörk while checking the threads, and then I might write a reply in the hope of (You)'s. Rarely that happens but it's understandable. I hope someday I wörk for myself so I am in full control of my life.

I feel like most people are aiming to get far from shit they have in life (prison-work, family situation, shitty country) but never toward their happiness.

For a privileged motherfucker like me that has skills, money, health and freedom, I have nothing to run from anymore, and I feel so fucking empty.

I tried the army, but there is no big war in my country, so chances are I wouldn't shoot anything in five years, so I quit.

I would like a big war.
Would give me meaning.
As sad as it may be.

What countries did you like best? Why?

Which were the worst?

Were you born in Western Europe user? Where?

Happiness is a myth. The pursuit of happiness is what drives the world. Like in Tetris you are in the urge to fill gaps and when you're done, new gaps appear. Filled gaps doesn't make you happy, it's filling the gaps.

Only africans may be happy and look where they are now. In Africa.

Easy, it's as simple as letting some one car or person go before you. A few quid in a charity box, a kind or reassuring word to someone you meet. Listening to people who need to talk, giving a hand to any who need it. Look around you you see people in need everyday. Offer but don't push it, if they don't want help. They feel good, you feel good, win all round.

I only lived in France, Japan and now Ukraine.

Very different one from another, but I loved Japan the most, because the society is great, perfect safety and access to everything, I left because I quit my wife and wanted some space, and give her some too. Maybe I'll go back some day.

I'm a French citizen, even if I did not lived there since I was 17.

I hope you are in the wrong, because this is a proper suicide motive you got there for me.

Sadly you may be right.

Maybe I'm just not a good person like you, but I don't feel fulfilled just by doing this.

But it's a path worth exploring, thanks for the advice.

How'd you like France?
And what led you to the Ukraine, of all places, after these first world countries? Most Ukrainians would kill to get to live in Japan or Central Europe.

Here is your (You)

>be ukrainian
>be poor

The endless pursuit of knowledge
Good food
Creative exploits
Beautiful scenery
Love for my pets (fuck him when gets gets in my trash though)

Happiness is fleeting, but I would call my life a happy one.

Follow your dreams

France ain't so bad, but the security is shit and I was bored with it, no novelties. Getting assaulted and robbed by sand-niggers twice did not helped things too.

And Ukraine may not be great for the locals because they have bad salaries and being poor is not good anywhere. Gaining 300 dollars a month is not great you know.

But for me, I have everything here, nothing to complain about. Plus a learn a new language, and I like it.

I'm not Ukrainian, and not poor.

Meh, don't have any anymore.

>What is your fuel man?

The same reason this guy has

I see the evil in our world as a chance to fight against it.

In a perfect world, I would probably kill myself.

Some of these things don't work for me, but thanks for the advice, I'll look into it too.

What did they used to be? You sad sack.

>french citizen

this would explain why you're such a miserable depressing faggot

agincourt WILL commence again

>Follow your dreams
I did that once, my teeth fell out and I turned up for work naked.

It is not "things" that should make you happy. It is the substance underneath that leads you to search

Reality is a projection. So what are you projecting? Think very hard about why you do anything.

I am not a good person, I try to be. I have been where you are, I sunk as low as I could get. Then thought fuck it, I will try something else.

What do you do against said evil? Are you a militant of some kind?

Live somewhere else, be my own boss and free of most social rules, have a wife.
I did all three.

I don't care much about my home country anymore.

Kids, dude. You can't really know until you have them. And when you do, you won't want to move like that.

Okay, merci.

In my opinion, you're clinically depressed.
There's nothing wrong with the world. Even the simplest activities bring pleasure and have meaning.
If you don't feel line that, the problem is your perception and you need medical help.

Ah, seems your dreams were shallow.

>be my own boss
Now you're king of the mountain... but it's all garbage!

Try focusing on yourself, rather than a system of money.

I agree with you, I am heavily on the philosophical side of things, but I have trouble finding stuff that moves me anymore. I get so fucking used to it and so fucking bored so quickly.
I end up drinking a lot.

Self improvement.

you know, user, the only constant in your residences were you so perhaps that is saying something about you, not the environment

happiness is always fleeting, a momentary feeling one gets when everything is in order and all is well with the world; as time goes by I am experiencing happiness for smaller and more trivial reasons but this is by no means universal; one may be rich af with a sexy loving wife and children yet still miserable just as one may be poor af, all alone yet the happiest man on earth

I _really_ do not want kids.

I have the horrible fear of not being capable of making it have a happy life, I had a shitty childhood and always regretted being born, I cannot inflict this to someone else. That would be the highest point of hypocrisy.


I don't care much about money, man, I left most to my ex-wife anyway.

I word just enough to being able to live comfortably, since I'm a freelancer, I can modulate how much I work.

My drive is my ultimate goal in life which is:
Settle down in some small European country in the north (Iceland,Ireland or something), get a qt redhead wife and make like 6 children. Live a peaceful life in the countryside, away from war/muslims/jews and everything else, that mental picture alone is to die for.

I might agree with you, and my psychiatrist were too.
Had therapies and shit like this for years, was medicated for as many years, and it did not worked, so I flipped the table and stopped, trying to find a solution in life itself instead in a room with a shrink and some fucking SSRI.

I don't know the answer either.


LPG master race here too.
I laugh at gasoline powered cucks in their tiny 1000cc Fiat 500s as I blast past them at full throttle in my 20 years old LPG guzzling 1.8L turbo Audi knowing I'm still spending less than them

life's good man

I agree with you, Slovenian friend. This is why I want to know what are your happiness sources, what kinds of big things, or little things, or way of thinking, makes you happy.

I don't care much about material things anymore, I just want all right with the world.

I live and study in Stockholm.

At the moment I am on the train back To my hometown, I Will stay at my parents in my old room.

As for right now I am in the bistro having a few beers, they are alright (a little meek desu) and the train is desolate, barely 20 people on board.

The thought of me hugging my mother, having a chat with my brother, checking out what is new in my old town.

I live a fairly shit life, everyday in Stockholm pulls me farther from life, I just have To make do with what I have.

I am going To enjoy this weekend.

If that is something that I think would make me happy, I would go for it.

But I already lived with someone I lived, more or less cut from society, did not worked very long.

I hope it will for you.

Worked when I discovered it, for a few years, watched a shitton of them, then moved on to visual novels, then obscure doujin games, then I learned Japanese, moved to Japan, translated visual novels (you're welcome), then got fucking bored of it after a while.

I don't find anything enjoyable in this anymore.

Go in with the medication, user.

There is no "answer" in life, no grand scheme of things. Life is arbitrary, chaotic and objectively meaningless.

But many people are still hqoot. They don't need a reason. Happiness is a neurochemical state, not much else.

How old are you

Plant roots

I know that feel my friend. I wish you well.

My next cup is for you.

Thank you friend, cheers

>Happiness is a neurochemical state
I took many shitty medication that made my life difficult because of this reason, did not really worked, tried lots of different shits and I am not ready to try one more time.

Maybe later, I'll keep in mind, thank you.

Btw, serious answer:

I want to buy the most remote house I can find, with as much land as possible, and retire before I'm 40.

That's my fuel for now.

Late 20's.

My country.

My city.

The people in it who have become my friends.

There is happiness out there.

I am a remote network engineer like you.

But when I am not working, I am out making friends.

>I took many shitty medication
If you drink alcohol, you're taking the very shittiest medication. Clearly you suffer from depression. You need life-long treatment. The problem is inside you, not out there anywhere. Nothing you change outside yourself will change your misery.

If you haven't tried meditation, Buddhism, try that next. Focus on the nature of your inner misery. And stop drinking.

I met a guy like you when I was in the FFL for a month, he just wanted to get the money from the army when you can get out after five years (around 70kEUR) and then buy a RV, drive around and fish all day every day.

While I respect that, I know I'll get fucking crazy two days after.

Good luck.

how about this: I enjoy the scenery, being outside, going places just for kicks, I have seen and traveled much of the world but riding remains much more than that; with practice it quickly becomes a semi conscious activity like driving but way more involved on the physical level; as for the mental level I often find myself in a kind of nirvana with the blissful absence of thoughts, only reacting to the environment and being attentive, totally in the moment

This kraut gets it. Happiness is just the state in which you don't anymore want anything. And who really wants that? The pursuit of happiness is more fulfilling than getting the happiness in your hands. Carpe diem, lads.

I know alcohol doesn't help, baguette friend, I just drink because my days are shorter this way.

Was under treatment for like four years, and I felt like shit because of it.

After a few people talked about it, I'll seriously look into medication stuff, always looked like hippy nonsense to me, but I ain't got nothing to lose, do I.

I know this feeling, I got it when I was doing competitive online gaming, when I was doing training with firearms, when I was climbing mountains and shit, this is a great feeling.

But once I get home. Once I get my ass on something soft, I feel so fucking bad, if it could kill, it would.

Anyway, I don't like driving a car, but never tried a bike, maybe I'll give it a try, thanks mate.

the only thing that keeps me going strong is weiht training and athletic training. I love the power I have over my body, I can grow bigger, faster, stronger, -get lean, get fat, ect.

I do cardio everyday and lift heavy 3x a week.

I pretty much crippled myself in my late teens and when I was 18 I took up serious weight lifting.

you really don't know what you have till it's gone, I could without a doubt be professional athlete right now if I didn't fuck up my body. I'm striving to reclaim it all, I work my hardest every single day, even working 40 hrs a week. I dream about not just playing nigger ball, but being the best nigger baller to ever live and stick it in the god damn arrogant racists in every sports network imaginable

every day pol. every single day.

MD here.
I realised that I will never be truly happy, I will only enjoy fleeting moments of happiness and otherwise emptyness and dread. I'm an idiot for falling into old routines, but also these routines keep me afloat. My life feels often without purpose. It's satysfying seeing patients leave pleased, but that's it. I set some goals, sometimes achieve them, sometimes I don't, no matter failure or success I feel empty. Honestly, I want ReLIFE, not sure if even that will help.

You had an unhappy childhood, and you can't undo that. But you can make friends, you can stay physically active, and you can make peace with your past. Stay active, stay social, and stay sane.

No, you have nothing to lose. The medication is needed when you are in a crisis (suicidal, unable to get out of bed, crying all the time). But the root cause is somewhere inside you. Talking it out with a therapist, being truly honest, can help.

Using meditation to observe your thoughts, your very negative thoughts, can be a revelation. Realize that the voice in your head saying all those negative things is not the true you. The true you is listing to that voice, and you need to learn how to let that depressing negativity slide off you, like the rain.

But you may have to face some very difficult things inside yourself before you get better. But, in my opinion, seeking new places, people and activities just covers up the root problem. We cannot escape our true selves.

I wish you the best of luck, friend. I suffer as well, and many people suffer in silence. Reach out for help if you need it. Take care.

Baguette going to bed...

Good fuel. A nice cabin is my goal.

What you need is a long term purpose and mission, but more important than that is associated with like-minded individuals. Social context and social identity gives us meaning. What you need is a tribe of men to associate with.


>What is your fuel man?
>What is your fuel?

I'm an empty shell with a materialistic addiction. I just live in order to consume (entertainment) and continue this by buying useless trinkets related to these things (nendos and figs and the like). I stay alive to continue consuming the entertainment I want (movies, concerts, tv shows, etc)

One day this will not be enough, and I'll finally kill myself.

>be atheist
>hard life
>I hate life
>find Christ
>begin to pray
>feel a higher power and a higher morality
>change my actions
>have more of a precedence to respect myself and my life
>life doesn't change much
>but I no longer hate it
>see the importance of my existence and how golden and beautiful life truly is
>For the first time in my life I am truly happy
>Life slowly gets better with each passing day
>I only get happier and more thankful for all my blessings
>inb4 delusional christfag

Realize that no matter what happens to you your life will always be golden and no one can ever take this away.

Wise words you wrote there. Moving too.

Merci, mon ami. J'espere que tu iras mieux.

I lay pipe for a living.

You wanna know what would make me happy ?

To be able to farm marijuana in my yard without being crucified for it
Use it as my currency or trade for real currency and play vidya all day and live stream for people who enjoy watching others play vidya

I'm sorry but I'm 27 years old
Had more than 40 "jobs" and I've had been fired or left because it doesn't make me happy to be a wage cuck that lines the pockets of the business owners who probably aren't happy either

If I could kill myself , trust me I would. But I can't , its not in me to pull the trigger.
So its just day dreaming about what makes me happy. Not ever going to live happily ever after like all the Disney cartoons I saw as a child.

Fuck this earth. Fuck working for some corp or even franchise

Its a waste of time and .. That's all I have is time... That's all I really own.

I have a very limited time to live and be happy. And I've spent 95% of it trying to make my labor turn into paper

Its fucking depressing that I give someone paper and I receive an item , sometimes sustanince sometimes not. Its scary that we are all so brainwashed into that almighty $$$$

You are depressed. It's probably problems with dating(family, reproduction), trade, friend circle or something else