"A man GOTTA know his limitations."

"A man GOTTA know his limitations."

And THAT is how you do it.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Methinks you should learn to know how and when to put the fork down then

>Is your limitation 3 subs and a coke?

You obviously don't know yours, Jonah


>Jonah can never win

>How's the weather anyway?

Oh wow, a burn like that has made me hungry. I guess its time to Eat Fresh™® and decimate my hunger with a footlong™® Subway Club™® sandwich

>I can't tell... you're blocking my sun


ignore and walk away is the only choice you fucking idiots, deal with it

even if she follows up with the sick "that's the way i thought you'd leave" burn which is childish garbage anyway

Not before Brad and Leo decimate me with their footlongs

"pull my finger"

>STILL no rebuttal



You guys are thinking about this the wrong way. jonah hill has money coming out of his fat ass. He may not get her during the show but he is a cunning and ruthless man. He mentions how great her joke was after the show. He mentions how he knows someone who might like her to star in a movie, a sort of witty woman who really cuts into people, a great comedic role. Does she think she can do it? Of course she can! Jonah acts as her agent through the process introducing her to the producers/directors/other actors meanwhile. He's her only friend in the states and clearly the only person she can trust as a burgeoning Hollywood actress. Jonah is constantly communicating with her, keeping a professional distance while maintaing a healthy friendship. He is seen with other women while around her and he makes sure that men stay away from her. In fact, he makes sure most men find her physically revolting. Nobody talks to her, only Jonah. She's desperate and sad, and although her success in hollywood is the greatest she has ever achieved she feels hollow when she doesn't see Jonah because he is the only person who really understands her in a Hollywood where no one cares except about themselves. Jonah slowly makes his romantic feelings for her clear. He tells her he loves her, he wants her for the rest of his life. He knew it the first day he met her. She's the perfect woman and the only woman he ever wants in his life. She is stunned, she never knew she felt this way but suddenly it makes sense that Jonah is the kindest, most living person she has ever met. He built her career and made her life livable in the carcass of hollywood. They're engaged and happier than ever. One night Jonah brings something up to her, He has a shit fetish. He loves to get his asshole licked by girls. Okay, she think, this is kind of weird, but for my future husband I'll do anything. She strips her clothes off and as he squats over her, she lets her tongue slide out. Her tongue meets his -

>I suppose that's the only footlong you have

"that's a nice story, but that's all it will ever be.. a story. You are nothing but a washed up sand nigger fucking cunt.. there I said the c word.. YOU'RE a big mean cunt and that's all you'll ever amount to be you dumb fucking whore. Who the fuck do you think you are talking to me like that? You don't know half the hard work, commitment and effort I put in to be where I am because you're a 7/10 cunt living in the 21st century. Well guess what? I don't have to take this shit from you you fucking frogs, yeah that's what we call you in my country, frogs, you know why? Not because eat them, because you live in a 21st century sharia ridden SWAMP. You can't even envision how free I am you pathetic socialist bitch. I am FREE to eat at McDonald's, I am FREE to choose the footlong at subway. I am FREE to look like this. I guess that's what's lost on you you pathetic worms, you just have no idea of how good we have it. Good day to you, frog faggot cunts"

anus in a pungent gasp. She's wheezing and gagging on the scent of his filthy asshole. She tastes the weeks worth of filth on the rim of his hole and attempting to please him she stabs him with her tongue, digging for a thicker taste. Finally, Jonah unleashes a healthy stool onto her face, pasting her with his making and forever branding her as his. She sits still, thighs quivering never having felt such excitement, thighs wet with her sweet wetness. The walls suddenly give way to a studio audience, she's stunned, the laughter and vomiting fill the air and she can suddenly smell the putrid shit on the mast of her being. She begins to vomit and Jonah begins to laugh

Why didn't he fake his own death, really really convincingly. Funeral and everything. With a drunken facebook video blaming her and the show specifically for cruelty and humiliation. Wait until there is enough outrage that anyone be bullied like this and take thier own life. Then after she is forced to apologize and looses her job he parachutes down into the Super Bowl alive dressed in the same outfit he was wearing on the show and then tears up a picture of her and tosses his bloody tampon into the crowd.

jesus christ jonah calm down

>as the french say, i surrender



>The incident happened more then a year ago
>in that time, despite almost daily threads not a SINGLE person was able to come up with a retort

how is this possible. did this women end comedy?

The best rebuttal is a revenge.

>that's my fantasy too, except I get to stay and watch!

Can someone explain this meme to me?

>Fantasy? That happens twice a week!

>please fuck me


He's /fit/ but the bullies still won't stop

sorry jonah, I like my men DARK


>You'd go through all that just to get turned down?

Why does this kid look so old?

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha so funny hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha can you say it one more time? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaahaba

I've got my limits too

Jonah was the guest on a French talk show where one of the hosts made fun of him for not being as attractive as Brad Pitt and Leo DiCaprio. Jonah got so butthurt he cancelled the rest of his press tour in France. The Sup Forums meme is about Jonah trying to think of a comeback where he can win; but his comebacks always get defeated. He, and through him the user who can see himself in Jonah, is doomed to suffer eternal humiliation and rejection.

>*jonah puts on a serious face*
>*takes a moment, the crowd is silent*
>i could make a perfect comeback
>i could destroy you right now
>in front of all these people
>mentally crush you so that you couldn't even look in the mirror again without thinking about this day, when i destroyed you, tore your very soul from your body
>*the crowd gasps*
>but i wouldn't do that
>*jonah closes he eyes a moment*
>today i will teach you kindness, and restraint
>i will take this insult without response, and let it be my burden
>this is my sacrifice, for you, for all of you
>*crowd erupts into applause and cheering*
>*jonah holds up his hand for them to stop*

>"oh, I would gladly leave. I wouldn't wanna get STDs anyway"
There, end of discussion

There is no correct retort, because it wasn't a joke. It was just a needlessly cruel comment that was totally unwarranted.

If it was me though, I'd just have her killed.

fucking kek

>You couldn't get STDs even if you wanted to

>Where did I go?

We really need a frenchfag to explain the nuances of this sort of humour. What sort of reply to that kind of ribbing would you expect if it was just amongst friends?

>Heh... good one.

By George, he's done it. The perfect response.


>Shrug and act like you dont care
>Nobody remembers it the next day


Do Americans really not understand banter? its just banter, she makes a shitty joke this time and some other time you will make some shitty joke about your friend. if you really are offended lose some weight or something


So you're saying that the contextually appropriate response would be to make an equally insulting comment about her? Or to say something like "hey fuck you!" ?

Holy fucking shit. Fuck off. Fuck off uou retarded fucking britcunt. This is a FUCKING AMERICAN WEBSITE FUCK OFF DOUCHEBAG

she can't keep getting away with it!

No that's right you'd probably have to be lifted in a crane away

an insulting joke that everyone laughs it but deep down it probably hurt their self esteem

I, uh... I think we've done it, guys. We can all go home now. We did it.

this poster is over 200 lbs

Jonah must be fluent in french secretly because i isolated some frequencies and upped the gain only to clearly hear him say "je vais t'enfoncer mon marteau tellement profondément que tu vas plus chier pendant des jours" which translates to "you think hurting me to elevate yourself is a smart thing but in fact it's nothing but cruelty "

>... Anyway. How's the weather?

>dry, just like your love life

I don't know. Your blocking my view.

>"A man GOTTA know his limitations."

That doesn't make any sense

On earth or the microclimate that developed on the hamplanet jonah?

>caring about comebacks
Still in middle school?

>I don't think Pitt likes bestiality though

lol this is my favorite picture today hehehe

Save it, it's all yours.

>hey, at least I wouldn't have said no

"Be very... careful now..."

>Loudly greentext ">METHINKS" followed by "FROG REACTION IMAGE DOT JEEPEEGEE"

Just like you can't say no to food?

This is the best Sup Forums meme ever.





It's decided then. Jonah should have turned into a giant, eat her, and then make an Avengers-esque quip.

>I could destroy you right now
>"The way you're about to destroy that chair?"

long winded never goes well




*Silently claps to this post while a tear falls from my eye* The curse has been broken

this is it

fucking hell



no, just... no.

You're right, I wouldn't want to feel like you did on prom night

But that's exactly what his response was in the interview and he ended up canceling his entire tour and locking himself up in his hotel room.

You are as beta as Jonah user.

She doesn't know what prom is. Check.Mate.

She's probably aware from american movies

Wasn't his actual reply something like "isn't that how you got this job"? Doesn't sound too bad to me, why'd he still fall flat?

"watch it, ornella".
No comeback

Very poor comeback. Jonah wins this round.

You should watch your weight



>you should watch the amount of dicks in your ass

face it hon you can't win
