With NFL players now expected to refuse to play I was wondering what was the most famous televised protest? Would anything compare?
With NFL players now expected to refuse to play I was wondering what was the most famous televised protest...
>soccer fan trump tries to sabotage real football
what the fuck?!??!
writer's strike a few years ago
mlb strike in the 90s
do riots count? because there's a shitload of them
Those were actual union strikes that had legitimate reasons for protest. These players are going to sit down because of something the President said.
This society has become so thin-skinned and reactionary it's honestly ridiculous.
Yep. Butthurt over someone else protesting? You're thin skinned.
Presidents have become so thin-skinned and reactionary it's honestly ridiculous
society should just grow a spine and let them protest. It's just gridiron football which is a US only sport so who cares
You used the plural incorrectly there.
>do anything or say anything against identity politics and marxism and you're thin skinned
Thanks for the reminder but it ain't working anymore to silence people.
>Amerifats believe this
Are you really saying people have a right to stand up for their rights?
Why not people other than you, then?
The President is attempting to fuck up their livelihoods because they're daring to express a political opinion. You're blaming them for reacting negatively to that?
And there is nobody in this country more thin-skinned and image paranoid than Donald Trump
based trump taking care of the handegg trash
When Trump says retarded shit on twitter you should just ignore it. It's Trump, we knew he would do stuff like this.
Honestly who the fuck cares, Trump can air his silly opinion on Twitter it' not like the Canadian Finance minister is gonna be like "Oh shit Trump said players shouldn't kneel for the anthem better stop negotiations."
A lot of people don't like Trump, at this point these hockey players are like the last guy to stand up and say "I'm Spartacus!"
Real talk. Shouldn't the President be focusing on the real issues like North Korea nuking South Korea and Japan?
>using a sports event to air your laundry about made up bullshit
The very concept that you cannot bear to have anything NOT be politicized is fascinating and the root cause of why you're doomed to burn yourself out. You can't be fanatically zealous forever, you will reach a breaking point.
All this faggot ever does is contradict himself because all he does is post shit for reactions.
He should be focused on the real issue of distracted driving, and obesity, and the gap between the automated economy and the consumer economy, or a dozen other things.
Why not START with the things that kill the most of the people he works for?
>emotional players
the state of these bitch ass niggas, lmao
Looks like the Patriots get another ring.
>these are the people yanks worship
You're saying people you like can use their public forum to attack specific other people, but responding to it in the same exact way is a bad thing?
Yea, I noticed that meme.
Remember, liberals can't help but project. They don't understand strange concept like principles and hypocrisy.
>distracted driving
Not the federal government's role to police the roads. Contact your state legislature.
>and obesity
Not the federal government's role to try and be everyone's daddy on what they eat and how they live their lives
>the gap between the automated economy and the consumer economy
Demanding government pick winners and losers to try and achieve an opinion-based economy led us to the problems we have now where brainless spazzes try and say 'late-stage capitalism' is the reason worthless poor people are worthless and poor.
>Butthurt over someone else protesting? You're thin skinned.
Butthurt over someone being butthurt over childish tantrums? Yep, you're thin skinned.
spics and niggers the most obese in the usa. we're trying to rid of the beaners and getting rid of niggers would also be a bonus. so which is it, libcuck?
>You're saying people you like can use their public forum
Where did I say that? You're still projecting. It's cool to watch how you subconsciously know your argument has no merit and is completely retarded so you stuff it in your opponent's mouth because it's easily beaten. Do you even realize that's what you're doing?
Never change, burgers.
The government already picks winners and losers, they pick the people who are already winners to continue winning.
Poor people are worthless and poor because they don't get enough free money to get beyond that. People who do get free money rarely end up poor and worthless.
And let's be honest, the worst possible thing a poor people could do with free money is to give it to a business. It would suck for businesses to have to start competing for success instead of lobbying for success, but that's what a basic income would mean.
I won haha
Would you rather live in a world without police officers or a world without professional athletes?
Trolling =/= butthurt.
You seemed to be butthurt over sports celebrities communicating using television.
>refuse to play
I'm sorry what? this amount of entitlement is astonishing? Are they really planning on not playing while being paid tens of millions of dollars because the NFL wont give in to their demands about supporting their ""movement"" and because a man voiced him opinion? Since when have blacks in America become gods that you cant criticize or fire for not doing their job
It's working better than ever. Your time is up libshits
The irony in this post.
I'm Chinese you racist fuck
>The government already picks winners and losers
Yes, that was the insinuation.
>a well functioning first world country
Go on.
>President says NFL players should be fired for not standing for a song arbitrarily played before every sporting event for some reason
>god damn leftists always making things political
kys red hat
You just described trump supporters and people in general. Snowflake detected
>arbitrarily played
And that's how you know you're not arguing with a person.
>FUCK yo' dawgs, nigga! FUCK YO' DAWGS!
Stopped watching the NFL when they decided that the "N" and "F" should stand for Nigger and Felon instead of National and Football.
>no u
>u project
>no u!
7 more years
Southern white people are literally the fattest people in the world, user.
>Call coony niggers for what they are
>Destroying their livelihood
>i wuz just pretending 2 b retarded guise
>not the federal governments role
-trump on twitter
"hey, assholes, get off your phones when youre driving, *distracted driving statistics"
>not the federal governments role
"hey assholes, stop shoving pounds of red meat, fried food, and 6 glasses of dairy milk a day and start exercising, *statistic about red meat consumption linked to heart disease and obesity*
was that, too difficult? would you rather him tweet about Kathy griffin again?
Nice opinion, next time provide sources
The NFL became political because niggers think black people are perfect people that never deserve to kill cops
wait, why do the niggers refuse to stand for the anthem in the first place?
can someone explain this shit?
>hurr durr, i love mah country so much i need to hear our boring song before i watch the overgrown niggers run each other over
>unless those niggers don't put their hand on their american t shirt adorned chest and act like a slave
>that's real patriotism!
seriously, kys
>Dwight Smith
this nigga clone himself?
Blacks and Mezkins' are both fatter than whites.
Black felons that flee from police, illegally have a weapon in their possession, and fire at cops should have the right to do these things without any fear of being shot by police.
>you think I'm exaggerating but this is a real situation
Day wan mo gibs
this is a bait post, but they'd be the ones making it political first in this scenario by not standing since they're doing it specifically to be political
>being this triggered
So they do it because they think blacks are pressed in America or something?
Damn, as if they could not be even more entitled than they are already.
Who should bears the responsibly for laying to these dumbfucks though?
why should you stand for the anthem? America is supposed to be about Freedom
>NO U!
The pres is the one to dare express his opinion, and THEY are the paranoid ones. Dumbass shitposter.
>petty reversal on top of not seeing the irony of your own posts
You guys are butthurt over someone else protesting a protest. You're thin skinned and reactionary, it's honestly ridiculous. Oh look what I just did.
found the butthurt nigger
youz such a victim!
>America is supposed to be about Freedom
nice meme
They honestly believe there's a vast conspiracy that all uniformed police are in on. It's not because the black person was speeding 85mph in a school zone in a stolen car after being pulled over and has a firearm illegally in their possession, refused lawful commands to stop that he was fired on by police. It's entirely because he was black that the racist police shot him. This is the reason most of the NFL members taking a knee during the National Anthem do so.
Maybe user was just pretending to be retarded when they were butthurt over the president or some footballer saying some stuff in public.
sounds like a pretty fucking gay and emotional locker rooom meeting with a bunch of professional athletes. why do they have to be phony and try to class it up. it's a bunch of dumb overpaid apes acting like niggers.
lmao no they arent you can't just say things
>top players
>all black
fucking white bois lmao you are fucking DONE
>>" mmm-man da president jus roasted us! :'("
Fucking faggits.
Unsure if b8 or actual democrat nigger.
>get btfo
>resort to samefagging
brainlet trumptard sop
>why do the niggers refuse to stand for the anthem
Because they never learned that more whites died fighting the war that freed their nigger asses than all the other wars we've fought combined. Nor have they learned that blacks have been fighting and dying with whites and Hispanics for the past 60+ years fighting our nations stupid "wars". They're just ignorant niggers that bring discredit to their black peers, and the nation.
Black "people," lmao
>millions of dollars playing a fucking game
Bros, I get such when I think about how great this country would have been without blacks.
It's fucking so sad, all those lives and wealth wasted on trying to civilize niggers. Such a fucking shame.
>It's ok when a leftist does it
America wouldnt exist without slavery
But muh fee fees
Of course it would, and it would have been far more glorious without niggers holding it back.
So it's no longer the case that protesting is the sign of butthurt?
Or is it okay when anyone does it?
what television & film is this?
complete bullshit
slavery only helped make 1-2% people rich while denying average Americans of work. Not to mention it caused a civil war.
Sup Forums is an altright website.
Based centers, the only position literally no black person plays
It was a factor. It was not the cause.
>America wouldnt exist without slavery
Right. Because whites wouldn't have been able to fill those agricultural jobs in the colonies the same way they filled them in Europe.
This is right up there with the Mezkin' "doing the jobs whites won't do" bullshit.
The only thing slavery did was destroy the agricultural industry for the poor whites in the south. The same shit's going on today, except they call it "outsourcing".
Sunday night football, amerilard television
The Internet and social media have given too many retards voices. Your opinions aren't that important. Dont get me wrong,say what you like, just don't suppose that it matters.
>it would have been far more glorious without niggers holding it back.
Not to mention the South was held back by clinging onto slavery compared to the North. Would have industrialized sooner if it wasn't for slavery.
It's just a butthurt black. Let it go. Blacks have never achieved anything on their own, so they cling to revisionism of all kinds, like we waz and blacks built America. Deep down inside they know how blacks truly are.
American public school education at work, ladies and gentlemen. Thanking my lucky stars that my parents weren't poor and I got to go to private school.