Could THIS be anymore of a Friends thread?
Could THIS be anymore of a Friends thread?
Other urls found in this thread:
chandler > joey > ross > monica > rachel > phoebe
This is now an ugly Jew thread
Does anyone else get jealous of Chandler?
>hot wife who loves to cook and clean
>good and easy job
>awesome best friend
Phoebe is utter trash. I don't know how you spell her name. Pure trash. Shouldnt be part of the main cast. Needs to die.
Smelly cat isn't even funny or good. Worse they dragged that shit on for seasons. Stupid bitch. Her plots sucked ass too. Fuck her.
Chandler is the best. Funniest.
Could THIS be anymore of a reddit thread?
She was really bad, always fucking her friends over because some stupid belief
Ross is boss
Ross is boss
I take thee P I V O T
Best girl
The 90s were god-tier. Notice how they all have good jobs, never worry about money, spend their time doing literally nothing.
I know it's just a sitcom, but sitcoms reflect the times in which they are written
Ross shouldn't have given in. Should've killed her right then and there. Fuck.
Schwimmer told me how much he disliked her dumb character points.
Vegan, psychic, animal "lover", flip flop whore, communist, and worst of all.
Could this BE anymore of a overrated show for sad millenials living their lives through people on a tv screen?
You're not even putting the emphasis on the right word
Holy fucking shit, CUTE. FUCKING CUTE. When is this? Why did she fuck her face up? Jennifer blows a lot each month on that shit, why didn't she give her the same doctor's info.
She needs Cock here. But now, she needs to be put down.
It's a terrible feel, isn't it
Pre-marriage Chandler is best but then post-marriage Chandler he really falls off.
chandler was best in the early seasons when he was wearing shirts that were 5x too big for you
David spade needs to be dipped in acid and fed to nigger dogs.
apparently she had hepatitis as well
>the episode with phoebes feet
worst scene in the entire series, what a stupid bitch
>the episode where they piss on monica
I never really got why the PIVOT scene was funny
Rachel fags btfo
why was phoebe the best girl?
also she aged the best
My sandwich?
S A N D W I C H ? ! ? !
If you really believe she's best girl then you should go to reddit
>everybody in the 90s had great lives
>people don't have good lives anymore
dumb sheltered teenage white boys
You could make a good case for her on season one. After that she aged like milk compared to the others.
im sorry user but i think you might be gay.
Phoebe>rachel>season 2 joey>>>>>>monica
When I was a kid:
1. Joey
2. Chandler
3. Phoebe
4. Monica
5. Rachel
9001. Ross
Now that I am a mature adult:
Elder God. Ross
2. Chandler
3. Monica
4. Joey
5. Rachel
9001. Phoebe
meant for you
She's the worst friend
same ross really is slowly becoming my number one but rn it is still chandler even post-marriage chandler is amazing, he becomes really mature
>it's a chandler becomes a chain smoker overnight episode
be honest you're just jealous because he looks very cool when he smokes
>its a Matt Perry's drug use becomes astoundingly obvious as he's lost about half his body weight season
>mfw someone implies they weren't on a break
Ross did nothing wrong.
dr house as an objective person who heard the story from Rachel's perspective thinks they WERE on a break. That pretty much confirms he did nothing wrongp
Opening credits Phoebe >>>>>>
Perfect. That was the one and only time she was best girl though.
A) While Ross was a bit over the top in how he dealt with his feelings about Mark, Rachel was being wilfully obtuse
B) When Rachel wants to take a break, Ross reacts very maturely; he says they should just forget about it, go grab some ice cream and calm down. Rachel actively seeks a separation.
C) Mark was playing a game; he knew what Ross thought. He knew he was the cause of their relationship problems. He knew that by letting Ross hear him over the phone, he'd create an opportunity to move on in. He was completely aware of what he was doing.
D) Ross is proven to be completely and utterly correct in his suspicions about Mark; Mark even fucking ADMITS this to Rachel and then asks her out.
>it's a "Matt Perry tries to pretend his drug consumption is an "illness" but he gets completely BTFO by Peter "Morality Man" Hitchens who reminds him that he is a human agent with free will and must take responsibility for his own actions" episode
Isn't this unsanitary?
>Elder God. Ross
>2. Chandler
>3. Monica
>4. Joey
>5. Rachel
>9001. Phoebe
Objectively true.
Phoebe is the most important Friends character, she counters everybody else's main personality trait to cause chaos, and drama that would not otherwise be there
>this cats my mom fuck off kid
Yeah sure ;)
This. She's a shit person and easy to hate but is written that way on purpose because the entire point of her character is to set episode plots into motion. Her absurd hippie beliefs lay the foundation for episodes with absurd storylines. Absurdity is the root of comedy and while Phoebe is written as a dumb hippie brainlet she's still a very good foil to the rest of the characters with her carefree attitude.
put chandler alongside ross and you're golden
I think everyone can actually appreciate the necessity and utility of her character, while personally disliking her characterisation.
I also dislike how she fell in like with Michael so randomly and so fast, over the scientist she'd been madly in love with for several seasons.
I'd like to stick my face right between her unsanitary ass cheeks.
The scientist was never around. He always left her for his work and by the time he was back she had moved on.
Yeah but there was no real development with Michael, it was just "well everyone else has someone so we need to pair up phoebe too"
Joey couldn't be paired up because his trysts were a huge part of the show
>I am a mature adult
>elder good tier
>9001 tier
sure thing pal
He was around a lot in the later seasons, I think it was enough. You can't have every character around since season 1.
He was around in later seasons because they shoehorned him in. That's not an excuse.
Just like how the black woman Ross was dating just came off like a massive bitch in all her interactions with people. She was literally only added in because they started to be criticised for not having any blacks.
Just because he's there, doesn't mean it was enough. He turned up, nothing really happened between them, but they're totes in super serial love guys.
>tfw empathized with gunther more than any of the other characters
Over 9000 is one of the oldest Sup Forums memes.
>mfw immoralets try to defend ross
would marry in a heartbeat.
>you will never have a pure virgin polite young courteney cox gf
What is even the point of living anymore?
Is this how all friends threads are supposed to start now?
Dude half the first season was money problems the show.
Ross is one of the few characters to actually get better because of Flanderization. The more neurotic he gets the better.
Ross is the best friend
>Smacks ass
Dude, there is no way that anyone other than Ross the professor at NYU and MAYBE Chandler the middle manager at a large city firm could have afforded the apartments they occupied. They were living right in the middle of Manhattan. That has never been cheap. It's all a fantasy.
Wasn't rachels apartment handwaved as having been owned by her grandmother or something?
No ur wrong
Yeah there was some barely explained bullshit that it was Monica's grandmothers apartment which they were illegally subletting and this somehow made the rent cheap. That makes zero sense and also means the landlord is a literal retard. I also didn't get why it was super nice while Chandler and Joeys was average.
>I also didn't get why it was super nice while Chandler and Joeys was average
I understood this to just be a characterization thing, Monica is really bitchy about stuff so I can see her primping up her apartment with nice furniture while Joey/Chandler only really care about having a tv and somewhere to sit while watching the tv.
I mean how hers was over twice as big with a giant window and terrace.
Her living room was much bigger plus she had a balcony
Oh, in that case I suppose you're right and it's really strange for the jump in layout space/quality.