Tell me Sup Forums

.. how the fuck is this so comfy?

It's shit.

maybe you're shit

i dont want to watch anything with that retards face on the front of it, ever and I dont care if its a new jesus coming or fucking masterpiece of tv series

fuck him and his stupid retarded face

You're a shit

This series probably sucks, but agreed.

No. It's objectively shit.

The plots are cliches (what if we got trapped in an alien zoo?), the sub-plots are stupid and shallow (men lay eggs), jokes are not funny and it's just bad overall. It's a shame because it obviously has a large budget and a more creative and better writer could have made a great sci-fi comedy.

Have you even watched it? Makes me feel like CBS really payed some shills

Did you even read my post? I'm not going to watch it, if only because it has that literal hack MacFarlane. I won't say it's bad, but I never watch anything he ever does it again, my life would be better off, even if he somehow bucks his incredibly consistent trend and makes something half descent.

Have you watched it? What are your top three jokes from it?

>Sup Forums shits on Seth and everything he does for years
>Suddenly on the verge of Discovery coming out there are a huge number of Seth fans who think his new show is great

I also can't wait to tune into The Orville© every Thursday at 9/8c only on Fox©!

>Multiple successful cartoons
>Several hit movies
>Now into making kino live action TV shows
Can anyone stop him?

Was my point that it was funny? Or rather that it was comfy?

>you like something I don't like
>must be a shill
Sup Forums, please - never change

It's comfy if you have the type of taste that a dog has in eating it's own shit

comfy is just a buzzword that people use when they know their taste is shit but still try to justify their shit taste.

When every single thread about the Orville dismisses any and all criticism as CBS shills, you kind of bring this on yourself.

Watch out! We have some insecure dictionary man over here. Once again -

Well.. Most of said "criticism" usually shows that said person never watched the show, so indeed - it brings some doubts

but it's not comfy. it's painful to watch.

Why is that?

I think he wants star trek but with that little humor element that sg-1 had. It's meant to be a serious show, but he wants that little humor that RDA was able to pull off so well. I am willing to give him a chance for a little while longer. People expecting a full-on comedy should just give up. It's not meant to be a comedy any more than stargate was.

t. FOX shill



Because almost none of the jokes are funny and the stories are lame. They take any chance they can get to act as if it is 2017. Worst jokes are the ones where they mention things from today.

Fuck missed the fist episode because my tv wasn't working, and I really wanted to watch this. Missed the second episode because it slipped my mind. Was going to watch the next one this Sunday only to find out it already aired because it switched to thursday night.


Thank you. But I'll tell you, there were times sg-1 almost made me piss myself. I am not sure Seth has it in him. I sure hope he can make something out of this.

>tfw no new orville episode tomorrow
why even live bros?

I agree with you on the jokes, however this user said it nicely -

Unfortunately I have to agree with this. WTF with the Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer. I get the need plot-wise but seriously?

It's literally nu-tng with like 2 jokes to appease fox penny counters .
I'm glad because its good, and it doesn't try to be Red Dwarf because it could never reach that level.

This is a pretty good Orville discussion thread. Too bad it's doomed because OP didn't include "Orville" in his post and the braindead morons ruining Sup Forums will make the other newly-created thread the dominant one.

stop shilling this its shit

Why is it shit?

This is wrong. It's obviously a comedy. There is absolutely no way that is a serious show because it has a comedy tone, they joke even in 'serious' situations and any tense moment is ineffective as none of the characters seem to take anything seriously.

unironically jelly
t. aspiring screenwriter

hi CBS

Try watching the show

>The plot of every episode is solved by a 21st century pop culture reference
How can anyone defend this?

Baal: I am Baal (totally serious)
O'Neill: As in bocce?

So SG1 was a comedy?

It has a slight comedy tone, however it still holds its seriousness enough. Serious moments are serious and while the jokes don't land, they obviously are not the main focus of the show. Not deep down.

"What if Star Trek was full of average joes rather than super-human weirdos?"

It's a fine idea, the execution just needs tweaking a bit. A bit less 20th C pop-culture specific jokes and more wit and off-kilter shit (like the mexican dance-off).

Like, the soda on the bridge was the right sort of joke, or the futuristic glue gun, or the pilot guy being dumb. Shit like that.

Futurama also sucked when it relied on cheap 20th century references ("Susan Boil"? ugh)

Agreed tbqhwyfam

Susan Boil almost ruined Futurama for me

I have seen it.

SG-1 had a different style of humour. It wasn't the Family Guy, Seth MacFarlane type humour.

But there are no serious issues that affect the crew that have to be solved. It seems the drama of the show and the plot is secondary to the jokes.

I'm watching it for now because I really need some Star Trek in my life...but the entire show really feels like Seth wanted to cosplay as a Star Trek captain, but he didn't really want to put that much effort into the show.

The alien species feel like they were ripped straight from star trek, the jokes tend not to go anywhere, and every episode so far the resolutions feel forced as fuck.
Just this last episode Bortus goes from sticking with his species opinion on gender and no sense of wavering to completely changing his world view BY WATCHING RUDOLF THE FUCKING RED NOSED REINDEER.

>But there are no serious issues that affect the crew that have to be solved. It seems the drama of the show and the plot is secondary to the jokes.
>I have seen it.

Choose one, but only one, senpai

Jesus Christ what the fuck is with the haters in this thread? For Christ sake, you'd think it had nothing to do with the show and more to do with Sup Forumstards just hating Seth for the sake that he threatens their fragile political ideology.

Honestly who gives a fuck. The show is fine, it makes people happy. I have never once gone into another shows thread just to shitpost and "ATTACK" what others enjoy. Seriously, I do not enjoy GOT, but you don't see me over in their /got/ general talking shit because it's childish and juvenile.

You basement dwellers need to spend less time on the internet and just let people have their fun. For Christ sake grow the fuck up.

why do you say it like you wrote but you didnt


You're right about that. They're going to need to find the right balance for the humor, and it's not going to be Family Guy in space. That will crash and burn pretty quickly.

Jesus Christ what the fuck is with the Seth defenders in this thread? For Christ sake, you'd think it had nothing to do with the show and more to do with shills just defending Seth for the sake that not liking it threatens their fragile political ideology.

Honestly who gives a fuck. The show is shit, it makes people sad. I have never once gone into another shows thread just to shitpost and "DEFEND" what others don't like. Seriously, I do enjoy GOT, but you don't see me over in their /got/ general talking shit because it's childish and juvenile.

You basement dwellers need to spend less time on the internet and just let people have their different opinions. For Christ sake grow the fuck up.

I actually wrote .

nice Sup Forums , playing the victim card as usual. You're poor feelings. I'm not the one in the fucking Orville thread shit posting.

Its Star Trek with jokes and its pretty ok for a Star Trek clone.

It is and will be better then the New Star Trek show coming out. No doubt about it

I'm not the one getting pissed off that other people don't like your show Seth.

Just kill off Seth's shitty character and get a real actor to take his place.

>This is a pretty good Orville discussion thread.
>it's people shitting on it while saying they haven't watched it and other people saying its great without giving reasons calling eachother shills
I wouldn't like to see what makes a bad Orville discussion.

You're either trying too hard to like it or you have shit taste. Choose one, but only one.


He's getting better in the four episodes so far and it's not a deal breaker Imo.

He has off-putting eyes that make him look a bit Asian, though

Just because my taste is not identical to yours does not make it shit senpai. Work on your arguments and perhaps watch the show first, before criticizing it

Ep3s ending was a little odd, there was this giant fight that ended in a loss, and that was ok.

Felt odd

Girl with 4head and ears is cute

Not an argument. He's a shit actor son, deal with it.

You miss the point as usual, the fact that you scroll through the catelog and actively seek to shit post about this, just shows your some fucked up ideologue with an agenda that needs, REALLY NEEDS, to attack whatever might (or has in the past) attacked your precious ideology.

Kindly fuck off, you are pathetic. Or stay, and keep shitposting. It just shows how desperate and fragile you are that you have to seek this shit out to attack.

Nobody does what you are doing. The only people that do are the ones that are sick in the brain with political motivations and feel genuine fear when something comes along that "MIGHT" threaten them.

That is you. A sad cuck scared out of his little mind and has to attack a Sup Forums show because you don't like the liberal Seth. I actually find it fucking hilarious that you are even here to begin with.


I've presented several arguments
All people have said to them is "watch the show".

is this show being pushed by viral marketers here?
>Seth MacFarlane
I didn't watch it but I really can't imagine it being good

You ok?

bye CBS

hi FOX

>pop culture jokes from 2006
>Star trek rip off guised with parody
>first scene is him watching his wife get cucked
>promotes forced tranny surgery

You know he's going to take her back, and watched the blue man group run a train on her while he sings in pseudo-sinatra voice for a 2 hour musical special about how he's accepted being a cuckold

lol no more counter argument, just more shit posting. I take it you are finished.

There is no argument here because all you do is spout "stop shitposting" over and over.

There might be shilling but a new sci-fi show that resembles TNG is nerd bait. It would be fucking weird if there wasn't many posts about it

>stop laughing at me or I win!
Didn't work for Killary, isn't going to work for you either.

It seems weird to me that a person who consciously watched the show would say it had no seriousness and relied only on the jokes. Orville is not comedy solely, it has drama in it. While it fails with the jokes, the stories are much better than 70 percent of the TV today. And also, it is very comfy to watch

There's that buzzword again. It just further proves you have no argument for why it is good.

lol thank you for proving my point, you know what you are doing, I called you on your bullshit, and now all you can do is post your shitty pics. It's over, you've been called out, but please keep going.

>but a new sci-fi show that resembles TNG is nerd bait. It would be fucking weird if there wasn't many posts about it
The presence of Seth "A Million Ways to Die in the West" Macfarlane would have had the opposite effect I would think.

AH HA! look at this! THIS is what I'm talking about. You fucks are on Sup Forums but you can't help yourself. You seriously are Sup Forumstards shitting in a Sup Forums thread. At least you cucks are finally admitting it. Thank you.

HI shill. I see your 'everyone who hates this is cbs' button is working. People have good taste, get over it.

>promotes forced tranny surgery
They don't though. did you watch that episode?

>I agree
>I guess. The jokes don't land, but the whole show is still comfy and the stories are good tbqhwyfam
>For which she is shunned for and called a bitch often. It does not propagate such behaviour, as many other shows do
>I am not sure whether you finished watching said episode, but back to Sup Forums you should go

>called out

Other than all of those I mentioned before and you chose to ignore. Please, take your time and scroll upwards. Read and maybe you shall understand

People do have good taste. And then there are some that don't even bother to watch and criticize either way.

I'm not Seth fan, but Trek fan and I think he has managed to do something that actually honors the material that he parodies. It is closest thing TNG that we will ever get. STD will shit on existing fans and will almost certainly suck.

trump post, was only a matter of time. It's clockwork with you faggots, I love it. Again, thanks for confirming. pls keep going!

There's absolutely no subtance to the plots. They're infantile and unoriginal. The show tries to be a Trek-like space opera but it fails miserably. A lot of it is due to the fact that it feels very small. It feels like a sitcom and they might as well be sitting in a living room rather than on a space ship's bridge. I guess that has to do with the format with which Seth MacFarlane is comfortable.

I agree completely which is why I am sure to watch The Orville© every Thursday at 9/8c only on Fox©.

its not very intelligent show and it doesnt really make much sense

it doesnt homage star trek, it mocks it, but in a really stupid way

whatever federation is called in this, would never exist, when people (and aliens) in this universe act so dumb like in this show

also the plot resolvements are usually nonsense - what the hell was that flying so close around the krill ship? that was idiotic.

it has some jokes, that work, but very rarely, so it doesnt really pay off to watch this, when you can watch actual Star Trek like TNG or DS9, which are great and can be very funny from time to time.

Orville has great set, ship and costume designs, great cgi, but that's pretty much it.

now please stop shilling it, im being very objective here

I've watched it. I can confirm it is shit.

TNG is funnier, and parodies its self more successfully.

Mr. Critic with an opinion has spoken. He a good goy

>second episode is them travelling to a huge planet with explosions outside
what bothers me about criticism of this show is that they haven't fucking watched it.

Oh come on

No you haven't watched it because you don't like it and are just shitposting.

>.. how the fuck is this so comfy?

It's not. it's total garbage. fuck off shill