ITT: Political people you admire.
ITT: Political people you admire
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Literally who
*dissapears leftist
Wtf happens in chile
I'm argie, but pretty similar l, lefties were thrown off planes
degenerates and stoners usually have him on their clothing
Ex fucking scuse me?
Isn't school back in session? Shouldn't you be in middle school?
so many fucking jews
he was a preddy cool goy
eh hated spics and didn't afraid of anything
>killed by illiterate Indians
Hillary Clinton.
She's going to be the first female president of USA, and to humiliate Donald The Trump.
I just love her. I could eat her juicy pussy and eat her ass.
You edgy hipster, you
thumbnail has a hitler with a nice big tit out
>i can fap to this
Those cold eyes...
Also digits
This jungle nigger is a terrorist.
disappointing Sup Forums
I fail to see the irony
Mexicans are only good at a few things and one of them is killing anyone at any time, assuming you pay them enough Chimichangas in advance.
fuck commies
videla was better
>I'll take the b8
I admire Che too, but only after I saw what he thought about the black people.
oh god che
please kill yourself
he was killed by bolivians (indigenous people)
I don't know who invented nihilism so I'll just leave this here
the bolivian that killed him was white
yeah buddy
if guevara was on command, you wouldn't have a gun
Both of these men are heroes
He was a good boy. He dindu nuffin'
> Inb4 He's not political
Fuck you. I do what I want.
the only correct answer
First Prime Minister of Canada warned us of the yellow horde...
...But we didn't listen... chinks are shitting up this nation...
>ywn kill muslims alongside based bibi
>they might control the vote of that whole province
hey sounds like BC
a true hero
shame he hasn't finished the job
This is the future we chose
Surpried Are Nige hasn't been mentioned yet
No way Asians are making a society worse
No way blacks are making soceity worse.
The price is for the land, not the house.
haha fuck off
Killed by the world bank and now the world bank took over Africa. RIP.
Chink apologists are the worst, also checked.
Almost forgot my #2
Hating nigger and spics is just common sense though.
He took the iron pill long before someone even came up with it.
how so?
Che was a piece of shit spic faggot, and it's only edgy and cool in a gay hipster way for people to pretend to think he's cool. Same reason why so many undereducated morons got on the Uncle Freestuff (Bernie Sanders) bandwagon. Go read a histroy book & put your little weenies down for a second, you sandy vaginas.
Jahn was a prominent German nationalist during and after the Napoleonic war who wanted to both unify Germany and create a strong people by promoting both education and gymnastics. The movement he founded had a strong effect on the German desire to unify and especially the revolution in Germany in 1848.
Sounds like a cuck
nigga i can appreciate someone who with something like 13 other men (at least those who survived the slaughter that was their landing on cuba), led a successful gorilla campaign that eventually undermined the US's growing control of the region
Education is anti-iron pill iron pill is basically be a Varg Vikernes.
Haha, no seriously that is very cool and interesting. I was unaware of his existence. Thank you for the wiki link.
'Gorilla' campaign? Oh I get it, you mean Black Lives Matter.
Go worship king Obama, amerilard.
I meant 'Bildung'. The term doesn't translate well into English.
He just wanted people to be in prime shape mentally and physically. It had nothing to do with modern education systems.
No problem, man. Jahn is kind of obscure nowadays but still a very interesting historical figure.
So Boss. So fly. Thank you, my son.
are you a college marxist?
Obama is a worthless free cellphone nigger
Definitely interesting. I will read more on Jahn for sure. Thanks again. I am not a man, I'm one of those rare females who don't let their vaginas get in the way of reading history books or logical linear thought.
who is that and why is he holding a fasces?
Kek, I just assume everyone on Sup Forums is a guy because this Tibetan mosaic discussion forum is one massive sausage fest for the most part.
Have a good read, friendo!
fucking bastard commie murderer. they should have done much more than cut off his hands when they executed.
I think it's Cincinnatus.
He was a Roman that was called into action to lead the fight against some invaders, and then gave up his power after he won. George Washington based himself on this guy.
He was killed by CIA SpecOps, bro.
there is not a lot of people the frenches can be proud of, but he was great