Why do americans make fun of niggers for WE WUZING?

When Americans are by far biggest WE WUZ IRISH/ITALIAN/NORWEGIAN faggots?

well maybe because its actually true

yeah and niggers were KANGZ aswell

they are white

and from where do you think white folk came and colonized the shit out of america?

Dindos are the fattiest and unhealthy if you removed all the blacks for the USA they would go up into the top five ranks in the world for most things

Not Egyptian though.

yea its fucking annoying. i cant stand hearing burgers go on about their 1/64th german bloodline.

you eurofags should know that most americans dont actually know what they are.

White Americans have their own white American accomplishments even ignoring their European ancestral accomplishments.

Niggers have nothing.

Fuck off Tyrone.

Let's say a man from norway fucks a polish girl. Let us now say that the halfbreed child, marries a purebred polack and has some 3/4 pole kiddies. They will likely call themselves Polish because almost nobody actually cares about your families entire genetic history.
But this thread is bait, isn't it?

Because Americans have no real history or culture, so the normies talk about their 1/16th cherokee and 1/32th shitalian ancestry each other to get a notch higher on the social status totem pole

>it's dumb bača episode

>good looking
w-why does it hurt so much Sup Forums? ;__;

>America no culture or history

Fuck off you little SJW prick. Hilarious coming from a fucking Canadian.

german aswell

because claiming to be american doesn't mean shit when the africans, asians, pacific islanders, and latinos can all be some variant of african-american, latino-american, asian-american, and so forth.

whites are the most oppressed race in the USA.

Because they cant handle that they were born in a fucking colony that became independent thanks to the kikes.

Because ethnic ghettos were a thing.

Because most white americans DO have irish, german, and italian blood. Those groups made up the overwhelming majority of immigrants up until 1960's, when the quotas were changed and niggers and spics came flooding in.

WE WUZ about it because our identity as white americans is constantly under assault. We're Americans first, but we're not allowed to be anything second, whereas every other group in the country gets to be Niggers/Spics/Asian first, American second.

It's an identity problem caused by liberals screaming RACIST at the top of their lungs every 13 seconds

claiming to be a dego or a potato nigger is not even close to the same as pretending to be from an impressive civilization.

most americans only claim irish and Italians because they dont realize how shit the irish and Italians actually are kek.

like seriously kek, claiming to be irish is like claiming to be retarded. its not an accomplishment at all lmao, that's why nobody cares.

Its true desu.

About 3/4 British Isles and 1/4 German/Dutch as per genealogy.

Autosomal DNA testing agrees.

Y-DNA haplogroup is Celtic Fringe. Notable members include Guinness brewing family and the Scottish kings of England.

>coming from humble european backgrounds like serfs and various forms of peasantry.
Compared to niggers shouting WE WUZ KANGS.

because the country is only 240 years old and most white family in the US immigrated here with in the past 150 years

the WUZ isnt too far off

>when every American claims to be Irish
>wanting to and being proud of being descended from potato niggers

Every European is related to Charlemagne, its not really notable after so many generations

>blacks have a delusional aspiration towards monarchy, one of the most oppressive forms of government
>whites come from poor working-class backgrounds
Can't have that narrative slipping out.

kek, it blows my mind too bro.

they even get mad if you shit on the irish. its annoying


I had german ancestors like 3-4 generations ago yet i don't say i'm 1/16 german. It's an American thing.

I've been to Boston and I think I understand why the rest of the states hates it as well.

Whites know the difference between Italy and Ireland.

Blacks don't know the difference between Ghana and Egypt.

True, but I share a direct father line ancestor with King James.

The split was in the late 1200s though.

Useless info, but still neat.

>autism in pure form

rare desu

oh well

only in an isolated, underdeveloped place of little importance or relevance to the world as a whole.


This bothers me the most. Why the fuck do so many americans pretend to be irish? They're probably german but their cuck parents don't want to admit being german because of muh holocaust. Irish are overrated as fuck. Trash country and culture, why would anyone be proud of being the second niggest race in europe (after gypsies)?

yeah but we actually were what we claim to be

you probably don't carry your "ancestors" y-chromosme

it is an american thing but think of it this way, what if all of Europe combined and the EU became a country? would you identify as simply white while everyone else was "african-european" or "asian-european"?

not promoting heritagefags but its something to think about

yeah and its common in all cities. any area that calls itself an irishamerican area is a white trash ghetto.

i honestly miss the era of wasps, at least the anglo pride cucks were successful as shit and dominated finance and other industries. wasp was a like a badge of accomplishment kek.

>and niggers were KANGZ aswell

I'm a descendant of Charlemagne.
I don't go "we wuz Emperors".
Because the vast majority of our ancestors were regular folks.

I am a Turk so that doesn't make me too sad
girls like that still make me depressed though. I will definitely stick to my own women

why. if you like white girls fuck white girls you stupid cuck

americans pretend to be anything that sounds cool. they hear their parants or grandparants bullshit story about being irish/italian/german or whatever and take it as fact.

if you asked me in middle school what i was i would have said probably german, british and some "other stuff" and now that ive had a DNA test im 100% anglo

honestly, white women are sluts. hes probably better off avoiding them unless he wants degenerate cry baby children.

That would never happen, european countries are too different BUT JUST IF then people who were born before the EU would identify with their previous countries and the ones born after the creation of this giant EU country would probably identify as "european"

Yes I do.

Was test.

>100% anglo

same man, feels good. still american first and foremost though but glad im not potato nigger heritage.

they depress me and I can't figure out why
there is something so incredibly sad about them


Fuck this phone and fuck google for not have screencap of ScotlandsDNA study.

?? what?

those tests arent worth shit bro, im like 30% gypsy and on the test my sister did it showed 100% european

Because Americans "wuz" Irish/Italian/WASP/etc but they don't delude themselves as kings & emperors. My ancestors were poor peasants with a sheepfarm and now I'm an educated professional traveling the world, making them proud. While niggers kill each other in the ghetto being mad and inventing fairy tales to make their shit existence worth living.

I identify has Hollander.

I do consider Utrecht as part of my homeland as well, but not the rest of the Netherlands.

>When Americans are by far biggest WE WUZ
>there are no nigger americans

Yeah - it's nothing new. White America loves to grasp and it's pretty lame. What has it really contributed? Anything of cultural value in the USA is either Jewish, a stolen negro product , or tacky, European revivalist stuff. What is distinct about WASPs and their contributions? Absolutely nothing.

Utrechter here, fuck off Holland, we're fine being a city state without you.

Because we're ethnically Irish and German and whatever. If the niggers were taking about being bantu or igbo or whatever nobody would care. You can't be ethnically a Pharoah. Especially if you're a nigger.

>stolen negro product
Ye dey wuz flying n star shipz befo whitey came with doz butta fly netz

my parents are immigrants from england. im not going off a test. my family is wealthy and has a tracked history just for inheritance purposes.

i dont need a test kek.

It's so weird right? I can't seem to wrap my head around it. It is not jealousy (I certainly know how that feels), it's not desire and it's definitely not anger

Not a son of a cuck like you, cow fucker.

>denies that all blacks were pharaohs
nigga we wuz all pharaohs from space i will beat yo whiteyboi 1/64 german en 1/32 irish ass

Too bad, you're ours.

You only got a different name becasue the Church owned you.

maybe its disgust.

Then your mom is a whore.

There are more irish descendants in america than their are in ireland, it's not we wuzism if they really wuz irish

ah right, im just saying that those tests, i think it was 23andme are waste of money, they trace you maybe few centuries back and thats it

she had like 2 boyfriends before she met my dad so nah not quite

and which girls? all white girls? or white girls with other races?

If you and your sister took genetics tests and they don't come up the same, you have different parents.

>If you and your sister took genetics tests and they don't come up the same

and where did i say this?

Slavs truly are niggers god colored wrong.

nowhere in this thread have i implied that results were different, neither have i implied that i even took the test, seems like you two are the niggers here

Because, OP, nigs today sit and collect welfare and do nothing other than eat, sleep, shit, steal things and shoot each other, and it's extremely comical to see their revisionist nonsense they come up with to try and make themselves feel better for never having accomplished anything valid.

The issue being, you can't see what's wrong with your position.

Whats wrong in your position is not what you are stating.

You claim to be gypo, yet your sister tests differently.

Therefore your poo in the loo despora father got cucked.

possibly. I think the difference between their distant, perfected beauty and their "degenerate" behavior could be a part of it. maybe those sunni values left more of a mark on me than I thought.

But I found a few books (novels) that seem to describe this particular feeling. And they are all by western authors

>all white girls?
no only the beautiful ones user.

Rock N Roll, Jazz (pretty much the entire American music catalogue, actually) 'Good ol' southern cookin' like Fried Chicken and BBQ and doughnuts and whatever else, and probably a million other things. If you see someone as lesser to the extent whites saw black Americans, why would you credit them on the off chance they did show any skill or ingenuity? Any discerning white person can see the abundance of cultural products that white America has lifted from black America - it's so obvious as to not even be disputable.

No. The test is shit. I am gypsy indeed, so is my sister, but heavily mixed and my gypsy ancestors were in Europe for 600+ years. Yet the results showed 0% from northern india or anywhere outside of Europe. Only odd thing was like 0.5% Ashkenazi

this shit is so overdone. influence =/ creation

whites have influenced far more in american blacks that the other way around only recently is that changing thanks to white guilt.

Because we hear it daily from them.
Because we see it in propaganda news and art that is solely based in America.
Because its blatantly wrong in historic fact in every legitimate historic specialists in and outside of America, but still black americans refuse to correct their own misguided ignorance on the issue.
Because afocentricism only deserves to be made fun of if all other means of having a logical, source based, and calm discussion fails.
Because if we don't make a meme statement they will continue to live in prideful racist ignorance.

Its not racist.
Its satire on afrocentricism.

>Why do americans make fun of niggers for WE WUZING?
>When Americans are by far biggest WE WUZ IRISH/ITALIAN/NORWEGIAN faggots?
Because there might actually be americans who are descendant from Irishs/Italians/Norwegians...

But I assure you, there has never been a negro from a royal family that got sold as a slave. The kings of the few subsaaran kingdoms made their fortunes by conquering weaker tribes and selling the captives into slavery.

Egyptians used to slave subsaarans and threat them like dogs and slaves, and they were never black, they were saracens, therefore arab looking not full blown negroids like subsaarans.

Basically, any fucking nigger claiming to have royal blood is a liar and a dumbshit who doesn't understand anything about his own history.

>that midriff
I need to put a child in her now.

>they wuz kangz

>no kangz empire ever developed a well
>no kangz empire ever developed a sewer other than a hole to shit in

Being ruler of a pile of shit is hardly royal. There were no negro kings, only warlords or heads of tribes. They were on par with patriarch lions in a pride.

Southern culture is definitely black influenced. Go to New England and that nigger shit doesn't come close to influential and only cuck WASPs pity the niggers in their government subsidized hovels.

> all people in Africa were of royalty.

How? That doesn't make any sense. Also, look around the entire fucking world, everyone hated their Monarchy except maybe the United Kingdom. Why are black people so fixated on this one or many unnamed kings and queens?


Download DNA data, upload to gedmatch.

More calculators and better calculators.

All the wuzing in the world wont change the fact that they wuznt.

absolutely, Because of my Italian Parents i live in Beverly Hills, making my family back in the old country proud

Probably cuz Burgers actually have ancestry in those places. Just tell me how the West-African ancestors of the Amerinigger were the descendants of Egyptians, the Ancient Israelites, the Greeks, the medieval European nobility, the Vikings and the Celts and whatever they think wuz kangz as well.


Half German half Norwegian
I actually know my ancestry

Mfw most boring combo.

English & German are most common white ethnic groups in US.

You're not german or norwegian, you're American you faggot.


only Mexicans call whites Gringo, fuck off shit skin

you speak any of the langauges m8?

>They will likely call themselves Polish

In america they would call themself polish, norwegian and native.
Prove me wrong.

french, celt, spanish. got the shittiest traits from all 3

>says the wanabee German Norwegian cuck lmao

Most Americans are of Irish or German decent. We have only been here a couple hundred years if that. Our roots are thousand of years deep in Europe. We are not rootless people. We are the European Americans who will watch Europe turn Islamic in the next 15-30 years. I'm proud to be American...and I love my European heritage. If that upsets you then you are too brainwashed by the Jews.

Mein Mann ist Turke.

All the German you need to know.
