Are you ready for the upcoming anal rape Trumpcucks?

Are you ready for the upcoming anal rape Trumpcucks?

Other urls found in this thread: debate dates

Will she has ever the ear piece in?

This is exactly what Dilbert Man has been talking about. It's going to take a miracle for Hillary to be perceived as the winner of the first debate in the eyes of the public


Sadly no matter how good trump does the media will REPORT clinton as the winner and will show phony polls of trump support crashing after "his one chance". sadly I bet most of the public won't be fucked to actually watch the debate and will just take the medias word for it


Trump will destroy Hillary in the debates.

>whoops we (((oversampled))) non-college-graduate whites! if we take them out then Hillary is winning!

A little late to the show? CTR fuck up the schedule?

You morons are still on damage control after the Forum clusterfuck.
Blow it out your ass.

What are you even talking about inbred amerifat?

Last time I checked you need a dick to rape some ass.

Assange is releasing damning material just before each debate. She will be in full damage control to even challenge Trump.

of course cnn would "think" that


legitimately funny

God's a comedian, and he controls the dark "powers that be" as instruments of karma.

The Republicans have tried over the past 30 years to rattle Hillary to no avail. They have tried everything. The most recent disgusting example was the 12+ hour marathon Benghazi hearings which ended up as a farce more than a fact finding session. If the words "tough cookie" had a human face, it would look like Hillary.

Mark my words: Donald J. Trump will be unable to rattle Hillary even an iota. But I suspect she will rattle the living daylights out of him.

My god, you guys are such bad shitposters.

“I was taking a law school admissions test in a big classroom at Harvard. My friend and I were some of the only women in the room. I was feeling nervous. I was a senior in college. I wasn’t sure how well I’d do. And while we’re waiting for the exam to start, a group of men began to yell things like: ‘You don’t need to be here.’ And ‘There’s plenty else you can do.’ It turned into a real ‘pile on.’ One of them even said: ‘If you take my spot, I’ll get drafted, and I’ll go to Vietnam, and I'll die.’ And they weren’t kidding around. It was intense. It got very personal. But I couldn’t respond. I couldn’t afford to get distracted because I didn’t want to mess up the test. So I just kept looking down, hoping that the proctor would walk in the room. I know that I can be perceived as aloof or cold or unemotional. But I had to learn as a young woman to control my emotions. And that’s a hard path to walk. Because you need to protect yourself, you need to keep steady, but at the same time you don’t want to seem ‘walled off.’ And sometimes I think I come across more in the ‘walled off’ arena. And if I create that perception, then I take responsibility. I don’t view myself as cold or unemotional. And neither do my friends. And neither does my family. But if that sometimes is the perception I create, then I can’t blame people for thinking that.”


>most Americans expect Clinton to outperform Trump

So, all this means is the disillusion will be that much stronger when Trump wins.


When is the first debate? I can't wait to watch hillary spaz out and look like a mentally ill bitch in front of all of America

The poor bitch is rattled going up some stairs.

Post dates OP

The only thing I imagine Hillary can rattle nowadays is a pill bottle.

Why is it always fucking leafs who are this retarded

We bombarded the online polls during the primary, you can be sure as shit we'll do it in the general



The damage control is furious

Google, learn to use it faggot.

I 99.999% guarantee you no Trumpster lets a nigger fuck their wives while they watch...that shit is for #Hilldos and other assorted degenerate faggots like CTR & company.

I've said it before and I'll say it again.

There will not be any debates and if there are there will only be ONE.

>‘If you take my spot, I’ll get drafted, and I’ll go to Vietnam, and I'll die.’

So she, once again, is indirectly responsible for American soldiers deaths

Donald unleash the Cleveland Steamer on Hillary and really give her something to cough about.

What's so bad about letting your wife fuck a black guy? She works hard, she deserves it. It's at least fun when she let's me watch.

>Americans say
Which ones?

Do you think she will get a word out inbetween all that coughing?

This plays in Trump's favor though. High expectations of Clinton which puts pressure on her to perform. Trump, on the other hand, has low expectations which means it will be easier for him to impress people.

I expect that Trump will eviscerate Clinton because she is used to her opponents playing nice.

Oh, so is that why you refuse to apologize to the victims and relatives of those that died due to your ineptitude in benghazi, because a test was hard in college?

She maybe has experience but she couldn't even beat a 74-year-old socialist without cheating.
She did very poorly yesterday, when she was asked about her support for the Iraq war.
She went full defensive. She is going to get "Jeb'ed" in the debates.

This is true, Trump was terrible

Child proof cap? She can't open that shit.


Trump is different, Hillary admitted to it in her Alt-right debate. Try harder please.

Her anus will bleed so hard after the debate that she will supply the whole country in blood donations.

This is fantastic. The more the media shills Hillary as the favorite, the more likely she under performs at the debate.
This already happened with this forum, while trump's weakest point is foreign policy, he came out just fine because he didn't say anything dumb.
On the other hand Hillary acted like a huge bit ch when confronted and did poorly for someone running on her experience.

This. The polls belong to us now.


wtf I hate trump now

I can't imagine Trump not raping Shillary at the debates. All he has to do is say "email."

True Americans, like all those freedom-seeking natural conservatives swarming across the border. Nothing at all like those treasonous welfare leeches in the deep south.

And we expected the immigrants to leave again.

>She works hard
>working hard

I'll take "shit that never happened" for 400, Alex.


>Any thing the MSM says

They are pushing this Hillary will beat trump narrative because there won't be any debates. When the debates don't happen for whatever reason the media will run with the talking point that "Hillary was certainly going to win had there been a debate." They will then spin this fantasy perception to be equal with "Hillary actually won the debates."

You could tell she was getting super pissed off when being pressed about the e-mails last night

Then she proceeded to talk down to the people asking the questions.

I like how she rambled on and on and on about nothing so she would have less questions to answer.

She's going to get blown the fuck out. She can't even read from a teleprompter without stuttering. Trump might say brash and odd things, but he's charismatic without a script.

Assuming she gets the opening round of questions, which she will, she will answer and obviously get an astonishing round of applause from the specially chosen (((audience))).

When Trump returns at her, I'm certain he will just completely ignore the hardball questions and attack her directly with the whole e-mail scandal and Benghazi.

The entire thing will be rigged for her, from softball questions, knowledge of questions before the debate, the audience, the speaker and the reporters on the news feed. Trump knows this and will divert away from it being stacked against him and try his best to show the people at home who Hillary is. Sure, he will get booed by the audience, the mediator will come down on him, and the reporters will use smear tactics against him again but he will ultimately win the votes.

Hillary and her entire team of spinsters don't stand a chance against this madman. He's gonna actually do it.

are you the cypriot edgefag from last night

thanks shill, but no.....

I was laffin my ass off as military people who feel the full weight of their obligations to law and order grill her on the email problem she has.....

how can she spin it? how do you defend your lies when you painted yourself as incompetent....

so the public image she has made is the people have to choose: is she stupid? or stupid & a habitual liar? because thats the image we all have....

even the liberals have to massively lie to themselves and ignore a lot to feel good about their poor choices.....

I don't even give a fuck she is an illuminati puppet and the media have already sold whatever was left of their dark hearts to the devil to push their agendas....

I give a fuck this president has gutted our country and this incompetent fool fucks up EVERY single thing she has ever been involved in....if she gets it we are fucked......

is that we failed the first time?

>Hillary has experience
With what? Getting Americans killed? Enriching herself at the expense of the country? Lying through her teeth?

Yes. Yesterday, she even said how "no Americans died in Libya".

nice proxy

I don't think trump is destroying Hillary, she's destroying herself ironically. His strategy is just to not appear crazy. And hope people change their minds on Hillary. That's not a strategy. It's kind of desperate.

>If the words "tough cookie" had a human face, it would look like Hillary.

You're not even trying any more.

Dont be dumb, she's been in politics for a long time, longer than you are old probably. If anyone knows how washington works between the two, its her.

Nice proxy shill, go suck a nigger dick.

Whoever photoshopped that ass isn't getting paid enough

She was rattled last night faggot leaf nigger

Keep grasping at those straws, user

>The desperation looks good on you!

Actually, thats the smartest move to play. There's no reason to put yourself out there at all with unlikeability numbers the way they are.

You'll notice that Obama's numbers are going up, right now. Why? No one is talking about him. Out of sight, out of mind. People naturally gravitate toward neutrality over time. Absence really does make the heart grow fonder; the less people see a politician, the less strong their negative opinions of them tend to be.

What, you thought Hillary was avoiding the public eye all this time because she's shy?

She did not. There is simply no way she said those words.


>Clinton News Network

Why? There's no way for him to lose. He just has to show up and be coherent and he'll defy expectations.

The first debate is lose-lose for Hillary. If she wins, it's expected and nobody will care. If she loses, it'll be an enormous upset, and Trump's support will skyrocket.

You guys really need to stop correcting the record and start lowering expectations. God help you if she has another coughing fit on stage.




>He just has to show up and be coherent
So he's gonna lose. Hold up, he's gonna lose bad, i mean a lot of people tell me, lots of people, you know, normal people all over, they say its gonna be a big loss, i mean we always talk about losses but this, i tell you im great at seeing how these things turn out, its gonna be bad.

Wow, she literally said that's one black man and he doesn't count so we chose to cut his mic

ohh the old name calling lefties.
So clever ... but no shekles for u!

Nice journalism degree dude 2 shekels have been deposited yadda yadda

erin burnett is hot though


>Hillary and women in general are the main victims of war yet again
it can't keep happening

The majority of Anericans also never expected Trump to win the Republican Party nomination. Oops...

>she's been in politics a long time
>she has lots of experience fucking over the American people
Do you see the issue here?


Got a legit source?

>"tough cookie" had a human face, it would look like Hillary

I 100% agree, her face looks like a tough cookie

So he lies low? This election is bizarre reality TV show. Whatever it is he needs to make a good lasting impression before vote. If he can achieve another Mexico moment before the last debate, he could just win. For Hillary, it's all up to Assange, all this American history is now in the hands of one guy trapped on a foreign embassy.

The joke though is that no one watches CNN on purpose anymore senpai.

Their viewer numbers are inflated because they get played in McDonalds and shit on mute.


She is going to have a seizure with vomit, shit, blood and mucus flying all over the place after she coughs, after being late on stage because of the 'bathroom' brake.
CTR will cease to exist and RT will be the first to leak footage of Hillary on aparats
CTR na aparatima

Shill while you can, HERE have the fucking penny that this fucking reply amounts to.
Its among the last ones

But Trump won.

Look at the media response. They were going on about how shit was unfair to Hillary, and how people weren't hard enough on Trump.

That means he stomped her.

Apparently she lay low at the wrong time. She shouldve addressed all that baggage early on, not after labor day. Trump was smart to get piled on right away and only now pivots to coherent candidate, and nothing she will say will affect the new Trump. He got resurrected. She has yet to obtain redemption.