Spider-Man: Homecoming Trailer Today?

Heaps of people think the trailer is dropping today because of those leaked pics and some Brazilian comic con happening today. I doubt it will, but hope it does.

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Brazil has a comic-con?

Brazil has buildings large enough to house a comic-con?

They're using one of their now mostly useless stadiums.

They'll get the trailer.
We won't.

I saw some guy on twitter saying it'll be released in about 2 hours.

That logo is fucking horrible.

>>White splatter on the word "Coming"

Are people actually excited for "diverse" and "progressive" Spider-Man?

B-b-but user! It takes place in HIGH SCHOOL!

I'm Brazilian and I second this .

Nothing happens in that fake comic-con.

Okay, those are pretty sweet photo ops.

Leaked pics?

Nothing yet. The Sony panel began at 10:30am EST, but they opened with Resident Evil. Right now it's Passengers. Spidey's most likely gonna be the closer, so I'm gonna say around 12 EST?

But why would Marvel have Sony show footage of the film? Arent they the ones making it? Why wouldnt they reveal it at the Marvel Studios panel?

Trailer happening apparently from tweets.

Marvel is creative lead, but financially it's still Sony's.

Web wings confirmed

Based Feige.


Jon Favreau shows up as Happy Hogan, delivers a suitcase to Peter with a note saying "New upgrades. T.S".

Then it cuts to Spider-Man "flying".

I bet you it releases at noon aka 12 minutes.

That's the scene, I believe.
