Posting the entire Rothschild QnA along with a TL;DR I wrote that sums up everything he explained. I was a part of the thread and it felt a mix between a role play and a truthful QnA. The guy seemed genuine and a lot of it made sense and was in the realm of possibility. Anyways here's the TL;DR and ill post the rest as well. Its quite an entertaining read so I thought y'all would enjoy it
Rothschild QnA
Other urls found in this thread:
Actual QnA (1/6)
thanks user have a bump
The thread was deleted as he explained he kept attempting to and he used two different IPs which means he was pretty committed to role playing "if it was". You'll see my name as my ID in the Thread.
>Any thoughts or opinions on the thread?
>What could be real and what couldn't be?
>What can we do about it if this is real?
only Califags use trips
Thanks OP
Just post a link to the fuckin' thread.
let's just wait and see if clinton actually gets elected.
The more of what he predicts comes true, the more I'm moving to switzerland
Its easier to save it and read later the way I posted it faggot
Thank you user
Honestly, I come from a rich American family that "rules" a big part of the country, and this is bullshit. We aren't Jews, rofl. Some of the globalism stuff is obvious true, but it's just conspiracy theory RPing mostly. And many powerful families aren't even globalists.
>claims to be as rich as the Rothschilds
>not jewish
But either you aren't rich enough or you are CTR, go read the TL;DR and try to compare yourself and deny there is no NWO again
Bump nigger
Thats not a fucking TL;DR mate
Thanks OP. I will read it when I'm risen from the dead again. Gotta go now. Taraa.
Its all the info that was important to the thread, and yeah it is when you take into consideration it makes it so you don't have to read an entire thread that hit limit
Just don't be lazy man
The only way for their plan to fail (assuming this is true) is to completely crash the economy. But how would that realisticly happen?
bumpino threaderini
hi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up spork* my name is katy but u can
call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! u can see im very random!!!!
thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me ^_^... im 13 years old
(im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind
(im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its
SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random
ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol...neways i hope 2 make
alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!
this is fake
it made sense until the satanist crap started
desu, it seems like the "Rothschild" was a schizo NEET who may have genuinely believed what he was saying based on his wealthy experience + being rich enough to not have to actually address his psychosis.
That's if he wasn't purely roleplaying.
>only 100k after Brexit
Confirmed for LARPing
you actually believe my cousins would post here? omfg roflcopter /thread
If world war 3 happened and the US/(Allied) powers were to lose yeah wed enter a huge economic failure. Along with that all the liberals in the world fell for globalist propaganda and don't want borders anymore. Liberals outnumber conservatives by a long haul so it is possible dude. Remember how George Soros alone ruined the bank of england and caused a recession? The housing.g bubble burst last time he was dealing with the banks of America and trading/investing and he just recently started to again as Hillary announced her campaign, exclude all the religious shit and the QnA is accurate to a degree
Mia khalifa
You can't /thread yourself CTR shill
Fuck off Leaf
Every LARPer says to invest in Calico. Maybe they're not LARPers?
if Trump was a plant he wouldnt be talking about corruption
Exactly how I feel, but what if that's just what the highborn believe as their religion? Its not as if they wouldn't be following a fake religion that had passed through thousands of mouths before it reached their ears as well
Ikr I've seen it before as well in another QnA about a Wall street FBI agent
It was described as in the election was rigged for him to win the primary, he's a plant to make all nationalists demoralized when he lost to Hillary as they would make sure he didn't win. I'm sure they don't really care whether he talks about it or not, but if that is the case it should lead to less resistance once they revealed themselves
Tbqh I'm not sure plant is the right word, a person setup to take the fall is what I mean
Self bump
This was pretty sweet 'til the end. He just pretended to be scared to get people circulating this shit. Why would he post his email right after saying he couldnt delete this thread after gettin paranoid?
No idea, I don't know if anyone tried to contact it either, but the name reveals he a weeb
Honestly I hope this this Q@A is true because it reveals the depths of their psychosis, arrogance, and stupidity.
consider the record corrected
Even if it was fake the main points are still true.
Something big is coming and none of us are nearly prepared enough to take them on.
Don't even know where these fuckers are to begin with
>cryptocurrencies will be deleted
this is why roleplayfags need to go away. they don't understand anything and aren't even cool
Bait by a LARPer
Seems vaguely true, tons of random shit I don't believe. But, I do know of several individuals who fit this criteria, spend an evening with one at a function attended by VERY well connected people that I only got into due to being well connected to the then current premier and a friend in a major banking position.
Me and him were the odd men out along with some random banana Chinese guy. Spent the night talking about the oil collapse and how Alberta was going to slow down the coming wave of layoffs.
Imagine the horribly lonely -legitimately mildly autistic- son of a investment banker. Spoke vaguely about things like this and also had an American Express black card.
This guy never said of being invited anywhere and that he was lower on the foodchain so to speak, but its possible. Also he's 21 now so that might give you a better perspective
>muh Rothschild derp
Yeah guys this is major LARPing. I went to school with some Rothschilds and can confirm their lives are not like user described. Also many other discrepancies.
Definately not the same guy, but I've met the type. This particular guy was 21 or 22 back in 2014.
I agreed with him globalism is the way forward but not in the way it is currently being done. He basically answered "its not the best way but its the fastest".
For what its worth he said his family was "low enough" he could marry outsiders "with *random word I have never heard before*'s approval", and mentioned his brother was engaged to some wealthy Chinese woman.
Apparently he was just a savant for managing shipping logistics so his family is setting him up with something regarding that.
Mind giving some details? Always wondered what the lives of dynasty level families are like.
They were two sisters from French branch. Their relatives run the E d R bank here. Pretty 'normal' as far people in our positions go. Nice girls. Partied, went out. Never did any drugs tho.
Seems sort of like the rest of the early 20's crowd at the event I was at. Granted I really don't think anyone too high up is going to come out to Alberta, not even to the nicest hotel in the province.
My family is very new and very poor as far as movers and shakers go, so I've had very little experience with the 0.001%.
Are most of the people in your circles intensely private but friendly? That was the vibe I sort of got
Yeah some people are pretty reserved to outsiders. Some are very outgoing. But obviously you have filter.
Thanks medpack, any advice for conversation topics or general social pointers when meeting the elite?
I'm a med student and pretty well read but I still feel like I come off as a bit of a hick. Or, as my grandfather was literally a farmer is that just part of the territory?
Wow this is such DON'T buy this shit Sup Forums
you lost my attention "hurr durr Clinton and NATO will start WW3 in 2020"
come on Sup Forums come oooon!
Fake and gay.
Why is she threatening war with Russia and china then? Why does the EU push for it? CTR leave
the only way we will know if this is true is if calico has an ipo or northrop merge till then sage
Travel. Everyone likes talking about the places they've been. Best restaurants and clubs in so and so, new things to try and places to go, best islands, coolest adventure. Economics, politics. No matter what dont reveal your 'power level' lol. Everyone knows that to succeed in networking you have to be smart and accommodating.
>does it come with the territory
Depends. People that went to international schools are pretty accepting of new money. Just be cultured and educated. Nobody with a head on their shoulders would be snobby to you just because you or your grandfather became rich of their own accord.
Everyone has different interests. Try to feel the crowd.
Why would you sage? Wow Greece really is a piece of shit nation. I wouldn't care if your entire country were to be conquered and your women raped by a pack of wild niggers
Calico is owned by Alphabet so I'm not sure if they'll spin it off. Its stated goal is literal biological immortality and it poached some of the best minds in the business. Also, a quick look at the main people reveals its core researchers are all Jews for what its worth
>I don't know what sage does
Read the FAQ.
Went full retard by the fucking end of it
ayy lmaos
On the other hand you have to be part of the 'club' to become close. If you do business together you could be. But otherwise you have to go to an elite school or university or something of the like for people to recognise you as their own right away. If you're very charismatic it helps too (obviously).
Nigger I ain't reading shit, I give you the gift of information and you spit in my face. No wonder your country is a lost cause
Sage isn't a downvote
Just dont be too eager or sleazy. Nobody likes a blatant social climber, we can smell it from miles away.
He's not genuine. He is just a troll who did his homework. It is true that super wealthy dynastic families comprise much of the global elite and that the Rothschilds and Rockefellers intermarried in the 20th century. But these are known facts. It's also a fact that they strive for globalism and that the Western elites are opposed to those in the East.
This troll seems to be familiar with Peter Beter's old audio letters. They also seem to have read Gods of Eden.
Doesn't matter, I take this as a declaration of war on our country. Greece will side against us in the upcoming war as well I bet
u need any more proof that this is slide thread
thanks for shitting the record
Thanks man, I feel a bit better now. Most of the crowd was "stayed in Canadian rich" if you get what I mean. I was also one of the few people there with nothing to offer business wise. I'm connected but really all I have to my name is that my father gets business deals done and my MD in a couple months.
Made the mistake of mentioning I'm not wealthy when the topic of "how did you come into money" came up and literally got asked by a drunk Toronto banker if I grew up in a trailer (I did).
Most others seemed nice though
I don't know. And you don't know either. There's so many little bits of information which are vital for understanding how a war starts that it's never really
X declares war on Y. And whenever it is the case, there's usually a whole bunch of other factors that you explain before the buildup towards the war.
saying "Mericuh will declare war on the Russia in year 20xy is literally just what every woo-hat conspiracy theorist says, such base and foundationless information offering no insights, the guy is a fucking shill, he just blagged pure heads and is now probably laughing his ass off about it to his buddies
You are full of useful advice bud. I really appreciate it :)
>never ask what's under the left foot of the sphinx in public
Tbqh I'm just shitposting to bump the thread so that more people can participate and see the thread, but in all seriousness Greece needs to be glassed. Y'all haven't contributed to society since the Romans kicked your bitch asses and enslaved your people
We have to wait to see who wins the election. If it's Hillary it's going to send a pretty big message that free western society is going down the drain fast.
If it's trump we'll know that there are more red-pilled people than is let on by the media.
I actually casually knew a legit billionaire at one time. I was young and didn't talk to him as much as I should have. He was super cool, but defined blue blood if it means having ice in your veins. That guy was *not* like us. Super confident and composed and friendly, but I got the feeling he'd seen some shit and nothing would phase him. You could instantly tell on meeting him he was elite, simply based on how he presented himself.
That may have convayed sarcasm, I'm actually legitimately thankful for the advice.
This may indeed be a psyop, preferably do it loudly in public to a Jew. Come off as crazy enough to freak everybody out.
I can't believe anyone would eat that bullshit. Since the stormfags immigration to Sup Forums, this board has successfully attracted the worst kind of both baiters and credulous imbeciles buying into shit that is completely unfalsifiable and plain boring.
Seriously. You don't find it oddly convenient that a shitpost written in poor prose would validate each and every one of the beliefs stormfags hold. No? Not at all?
What a fucking waste of a board. Kys
it never made sense, the guy never even read the Rothschild authorized biography, total role play nonsense
>thinking this might be real
wew lad
He's saying sage so the fucking thread takes longer to reach the bump limit you fucking peasant
I heard a story about some wealthy Jews who were at a restaurant and heard about a horrible car accident involving their relatives. They very calmly sorted out legal and logistical planning as though they were at work and being watched by the board. Then when everything was set they wept.
My plan worked didn't it, stupid nig
Never said I believed it just said it was an interesting read and discussion topic, chill fags
Glad to help I actually went to uni in Canada for a while. You guys were pretty nice. Good times.
>mentioned im not wealthy
Oh god no. If you dont have money dont talk about money. Just be fun and friendly. But if asked about it dont shy away. Be proud of your origins and dont try to be someone you're not. It will make for a good origin story someday when you're successful.
Also dress the part. Subtle but classy.
And NEVER ever wear a golden rolex. They are so cringey. As a matter of fact probably best not to wear a Rolex at all if it isnt an actual vintage. Get a nice Patek if you can or something of the caliber like A longe& Söhne if you can.
I was in that thread, made me break my "no posting" rule. Whether or not it was real or just roleplaying, I've always wondered why Sup Forums never made a group dedicated to taking "conspiracies/leaks" and investigating them to see whether they were valid or not.
>>never ask what's under the left foot of the sphinx in public
everyone knows Thoth's throne is in there fuck sakes
Yeah. I could easily see that in this guy. He *had* emotions and could joke and whatnot, but .... there was no mistaking that you were in the presence of the elite.
He was cool, but not like us.
Notice how , dubs don't lie?
That one wasnt real.
medkit has good taste in watches
funny shit is a lot of the stuff there is real like black cards, I haxxored into black cards way back in the day but a lot of the shit was just inaccurate so it's probably larp shit or nigro is blissfully unaware of his own family nonsense
Duh, Im Swiss
thanks for the books, kid could have read the council of 300 and the Ferguson book and really had us going,
but how did he know about black cards or was that a guess? thats some elite hacker shit that gets the secret service on top of you in a hurry