Has CNN given up on trying to be unbiased. I quit watching cable news for a couple weeks and it seems like CNN in particular, which prizes itself for being the most "neutral", has gone off the rails in support for Hilldog.
Pic related, fuck him
Has CNN given up on trying to be unbiased. I quit watching cable news for a couple weeks and it seems like CNN in particular, which prizes itself for being the most "neutral", has gone off the rails in support for Hilldog.
Pic related, fuck him
Nothing is wrong with CNN. You men just can't handle the truth.
>watching news on TV
Actually asking hard hitting questions and challenging Trump's lies is not "bias".
thanks for corr... ok just get your shekels.
>0.25 shekels for the good goy
How many of you guys are here?
How many shekels do you guys earn?
All of the mainstream media news outlets are owned by like 6 corporations? Like 70-something CEOs. What do people expect to learn form them, I wonder? :^)
CNN is called the Clinton news network since the 90s and you expect it to be unbiased?
We all know why school shootings happen
Same goes for your trumpf supporters. You shill him. I just want the candidate with the most experience to win, and that is Mrs. Hillary Clinton
The Criminal News Network must be shut down and jailed.
all your news are controlled by your government goy, they do it to have some degree of control over the population, that's what stops a civil war. That "land of the free" talk is bullshit and you know that.
Most experience at gaming the political system and corruption you fool.
Spineless treasonous lapdogs of the globalist elites. The lugenpresse deserve to hang for deceiving their fellow citizens and selling out their country.
Candidates that call niggers leaches in E-mails don't earn the popular vote shill.
LIBERALS (begins foaming at the mouth) LIBERALS
I just want the candidate with the most experience to win, and that is Mrs. Hillary Clinton
Canadians fear the Trump.
Just reporting the facts doesn't mean it's biased
Facts make your guy look bad. Trump simply isn't qualified.
She's a criminal, retard. Her experience means nothing when it's all been failures too. Look at the ME today and tell me that's been a roaring success.
Fuck off
This. America is not electing an open racist, sexist, xenophobic candidate running on a platform of hate in 2016. We have sacrificed too much to regress to the past. It's time to build bridges to the rest of the world.
Also read through the next /cfg/ thread, you might learn a thing or two
wew lad they don't even train you guys how to blend in
>Decades of high level business experience
>Not qualified to be in the glorified corporate shill depository that is American politics
Pick one.
How do you do that?
Provide good examples of each
>It's time to build bridges to the rest of the world
Then why should we elect Hillary, who boasted about killing the leader who could have kept Libya from descending into the trash heap it is now. Also, Trump is reaching out to Putin, Hawkish Hillary wants to escalate confrontation with him. Trump is the candidate for peace, and your CTR nonsensical statement gives you away as a paid shill. Leave and do not come back.
News does not need to be unbiased, it needs to be objective. No, being biased does not mean it is not objective. Objective just means being willing to change your opinion in the face of evidence. It does not mean not having an opinion.
time to find another job, Hillary's bid will end at the end of the week. GTFO of Sup Forums leaches. Maybe the Saudi government will find a job for you guys.
repeated studies from multiple sources have proven that since the 70s over 80% of ALL journalists have a liberal bias. Journalists have been extremely liberal conpared to the general public for a long time. Journalists supported fag marriage, affirmative action, welfare, and mass immigration decades before the majority of Americans did.
If I had to chose who gets executed first in a revolution, it would be journalists
Calling Mexicans rapists
Calling women pigs, dogs, and making jokes about periods
Banning Arabs and Mexicans based on country of origin
Putin will only try to invade Ukraine and in turn the rest of Europe. He is an enemy of NATO and Trump is committing treason by openly supporting him.
Newfag get out
All news networks are biased against trump, albeit cnn is worse
At least it's know with them
Fox is literally controlled opposition. My in laws are always like oh man trump better get his act together fox said he is doing bad
As a black man let me tell you racism has NO future in this country and the average American does NOT approve. CNN is being 100% objective with their analysis and it reflects.
You're all getting cucked by rich boi cock. He doesn't care about you proles or nationalism or your race. He's using you retards and using minorities as a scapegoat. He just wants the fame and attention. Most of us are smart enough to see through him, but you're the few who fell for it. I pity you faggots. Even if he does win your racist dream policies will be crushed by Congress.
Not me senpai, I welcome the Trump
>Banning Arabs and Mexicans
Stupid nigger
>Calling Mexicans rapists
He never said that all Mexicans were rapists, only some Mexican illegal aliens. However, illegals do commit much more crime than the average population, and commit enormous numbers of child sex crimes.
>Calling women "pigs, dogs,"etc.
Again, he never referred to women as a whole, most of those instances were after he had been attacked by the women himself, and in his pre-election days where his account was nowhere near serious
>Banning Arabs and Mexicans based on their country of origin
You know who actually did this before Trump? Democrat Jimmy Carter, when he banned Iranians immigration in the late 1970s. Also where did he say he wanted to ban Arabs and Mexicans. I heard Muslims and illegals.(Indonesia, an Asian country, has the largest Muslim population on Earth
Also Putin is not the monster portrayed by our corrupt media. Plus, we should try to work things out diplomatically instead of Hillary's antagonistic approach.
Nice trips
Pretty much
Maybe he does want fame and attention, but at leats he's got the energy and is actually talking about our problems. Meanwhile Hillary naps 12 hours a day, calls Trump racist and laughs as she gets the black vote while democrat run coontowns get poorer.
He's an outsider and he gives us hope and we trust him. I'm sorry you smoked so much dope you don't have hope for the future.