If a black man is as - or more - intelligent than the average local and REALLY LOVE the Western country he's in, should he have the right to stay ? Or would it be better to send him back to his country as he would be more efficient there ?
If a black man is as - or more - intelligent than the average local and REALLY LOVE the Western country he's in...
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>should he have the right to stay
based on what? being like a totally chill dude?
that's not how rights work
I have nothing against "good blacks", but I'm against race-mixing. I think we should live separately.
"His country."
If the man was born there and espouses the values of the country and follows the laws, that is his country.
Do what George Lincoln Rockwell said. Ship them back to Africa, but if some of them want to stay, let them live on reservations like the Injuns
>If a black man is as - or more - intelligent than the average local
And, if he's contributing to his country of course.
Ideally he'd go back and work towards making his country great. But as the world currently is, it's almost impossible to even get the niggest of niggers out, and he'd be branded an evil extremist if he really did start to bring progress to his home country. So yeah, whatever. He can stay.
Heckler and Koch Edgerton is based.
He can stay.
You do realize most blacks are native to America right? Their home country is here. They don't know anywhere else
blacks should live around 50km from the sun, they have high melanin in the skin for a reason, after all.
i actually vomited a little after reading this post
Anyone who's a productive member of society has a right to stay in that society. Race is only relevant insofar as some races are more likely to produce productive members of society than others.
If someone wants to assimilate fully I have no problem with them. I'd rather throw out degenerate white people than a black who adopts my ideals.
No, they revert to the mean.
Nope. They always, ALWAYS go straight for White Women.
It would be better to send him back and he would agree with it if he TRULY LOVED the western country.
finally a burger who understands, why is your kind so rare in burgerclapistan?
is it years of jewish indoctrination or is it the shitty food?
or both?
Sorry but most black Americans have been here longer than most white Americans
I don't think you know what that means
America gave them a country, it's called Liberia. They have to go back.
anyone got the picture of the civil war soldiers looking into the future then shaking hands and agreeing the south is right>
But a overwhelming amount seem to claim allegiance to the the people of a continent they never were in contact with. This is why multiculturalism doesn't work. Those good Negroes staying would have to engage in race-mixing or the result would be more blacks which over enough time would mean the creation of new ethnicity inside a nation.
Multiculturalism and diversity are similar to the body of a nation as cancer.
Only for those who wanted to voluntarily go. Most didn't. They decided to live here
No, the straight white woman IS the one coming for us. Your women are degenerate whores, trust me.
They do not.
>white's metal detecting
lol you stupid nig, whites conquered the fucking continent, it belongs to them by virtue of victory, nigs are just parasites that need to be preferably eliminated from the face of earth or confned to deep africa where is their shitty place
Wasn't the first black delegation to the White House asked to encourage fellow blacks to leave the United States? A clear sign by the host that they were not welcome as free men either.
The whites that conquered the continent are a minority today. Most whites are Germans, Irish and others
The push for former slaves was on a purely voluntary basis. Most blacks didn't go. Abraham Lincoln was never in favor of forcibly removing them and before his death accepted that they weren't going anywhere
and those came legally, integrated and helped with building the nation.
nigs on the other hand did nothing but suckle on countrys tit and beign general annoyance of an obsolete ape farmtool
>kfc in the background
I'm sorry you feel that way but most Americans are fine with it.
So long as they conform to American culture I don't have a problem with immigrants of any color. I'd be okay with Arabs if they came over here and became red-blooded apple pie and baseball Americans. I don't even care if they still carry a torch for their homelands or celebrate the holidays of their old culture, so long as they acknowledge that they're Americans now and nothing else. America was built by English, Scottish, Dutch, German, Spanish, Irish and French immigrants. We are a country of immigrants, but the kicker is that they all -stopped- being immigrants and became Americans.
Any newcomers are welcome in my mind if they assimilate, but they have to prove it. We stuck our nips in camps during World War Two, and we still had a bunch of them volunteer for military service even while they were being ostracized. They fought with courage on behalf of their new home. They proved their loyalty. So long as an immigrant is like that, I'll drink a beer with them. So long as they're adding to America and not trying to replace it.
>Abraham Lincoln was never in favor of forcibly removing them and before his death accepted that they weren't going anywhere
After his party realized they had just secured themselves four million votes for years to come...
The more nigs there are, the worse place it is to live.
Ok bro
Nah he had genuine grievances about co existing with blacks. He didn't believe in equal rights.
What? There's nothing African about them. This is the only home they know.
I usually say I just hate the thugs and retarded ones.
But chill as fuck black dudes like OP's pic related and that black guy on filthy frank are 100% a-okay in my books.
As long as they don't take the country they live in for granted.
All I have to do is fuck the brown/asian girls at my school and all the jealous White girls want a piece too.
Meanwhile blacks are weebs who know their place.
Maybe in Paris you get a bunch of North African(Arab) bitches and think they're White, but in reality they are sandniggers going for bbc because they are exposed to the degeneracy of the West and it's such a shock they end up having suicidal tendencies(dating nignogs, fraternizing with nignogs, etc.)
>There's nothing African about them.
I take it you've never lived in a majority negro town user.
Your blood doesn't change based on geography.
and thats why america will fall, good job nigs and jews, really.
lol, because nigs arent human, people KNEW that but jews had to fuck it all up
But your culture does. And African vs African American cultures are different from each other. Have you watched the movie Zamunda starring Eddie Murphy?
Most Americans (besides maybe Chinese) are pretty dumb on average. I'm fine with blacks if they behave the problem is you never can tell which are the violent/crazy ones and which are just normal people
Can I seek refuge there if I learn Polish? I am Aryan, plus we're nearly the same. Also you guys have a surprising amount of Mountains.
Lmao. Now you're just trolling. Here's a (you)
Culture is decided by race though. There may be some differences, but the negatives of both are fairly similar. Higher murder rates, higher crime rates, lower levels of social trust, I can go on and on.
African-American culture isn't much better than African culture. In some ways it is worse but we prevent the worst from coming out.
Tell that to lazy white ancestors. Should have work their lands themselves! lelelel
blacks have a right to live in the US due to living there for hundreds of years and being forcefully settled there as slaves
if yanks didnt want to deal with them they should have kicked them the fuck out why they still could, simple
im completely serious, im disgusted by nigs and the treatment of nigs in human world
if god helps us you will all be purged
1) learn polish
2) RESPECT our culture and customs
3) be european with nig ancestry
One fundamental difference is that the African traditional family unit is intact. There's a lot of emphasizing on higher education, good grades etc in African families.
Ouch. That edge.
*thumbs up emoji*
Yeah, maybe in the top 5%. Most negroes aren't intelligent enough to be educated. That 70 IQ average will hold them back in most areas of life.
I'm tired of people using exceptional individual cases to excuse the vast majority of negro misbehavior.
So? I still agree with everything you said. I told you women ARE degenerate whores. I'm not against race mixing, but this bbc degeneracy have to end. Jesus fuck I had to stop couchsurfing because my first hosts wanted to use me as bull.
Nobody has a right to anything you moron.
Rights are a man-made concept. Just as they are given, they can be taken away.
I'm talking about obtaining good grades and eventually a higher education. There's a lower desire for them among African Americas, significantly.
I don't know about your country, Jacques but in America almost all of our blacks don't know what part of Africa they're from and you'd have a hell of a time figuring it out.
But in answer to your question, I'd say keep them unless you're really anal about race mixing and whatnot.
The UK is making some of your countrymen homeless because they complain too much:
No, he should be Making Africa Great Again.
you can't biologically (((integrate))) them.
they are a different race with different traits.
they are good at digging for diamonds and running from lions.
dumb negros.
This isn't just about race mixing you moron, although that is a problem. It's about intelligence and creativity as well.
No other race could build America the way it was. If they could, why haven't they done it already in their countries?
Why should I have some kind of special allegiance to my country. I see it as a business transaction. I pay taxes, that's like rent for me to even be here at all, taxes keep the services I like running, and that's about the extent of my patriotism.
All this romantic "muh country" shit is gay and outdated. I guess I'm pretty much a globalist.
Rhodesia and South Africa used to be kind of okay.
Then he'll undermine society just like kikes. Pic related.
>Nah he had genuine grievances about co existing with blacks.
But not enough to forcefully remove them? We know his party certainly didn't refrain from reminding the Freeman that they were the ones that granted them their freedom.
Why would he forcibly remove them? Was he going to remove civil war vets? He fought a war for them to keep the union.
>we're worse than Swedes
It's bad but it's mostly just a cult chant here.
Nobody actually understands why they praise diversity, we just do it because it's been repeated that it's good.
He fought a War to unite the South and North so more territories can be conquered by the US and exploited.
All in all, Lincoln was just another Zionist puppet.
Think of the Jewish bloodline like Dio and the RightWing Bloodline like the Joestars.
So you are not contesting that his party profited by choice from the Freeman as I posted before []?
sure, as long as he's a nationalist.