Paralympics are degenerate and a fucking joke that promotes acceptance of fucking illness.
Retards should be put down.
Just look at this
Paralympics are degenerate and a fucking joke that promotes acceptance of fucking illness.
Retards should be put down.
Just look at this
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So? Everyone deserves to feel special.
They are special already.
OP is butt mad. Let these people feel nice. Not everyone wants to feel like shit about their illness.
One day, you'll be old.
I agree with you, bro
what a weird thing to get upset about
Your country is a joke
The Olympics cost billions to hold, but with all the tourist dollars and athlete scholarships, it all works out.
So who's funding the Paralympics? Made me think.
>yfw the paralympic flame got down syndrom
>Retards should be put down.
So when will we be killing you OP?
Explain the non retarded spaniards who played in the games
Remember the time the 'mentally disabled' Spanish Paralympic basketball players pretended and won gold? Just salty because you can't cheat anymore
My fucking face when he looks like part of those shitty infomercials
>retards should be put down
let's start with that down syndrome country of yours
It is pretty sick to put them through such a pathetic display so that a crowd of people can pretend they are achieving some moral enlightenment through such a pointless formality. Maybe some have family members with a disability, but the car majority probably use it to virtue signal at any opportunity and that's about all there is to gain from it.
>A lesser abled person wants to be less useless.
>Can become paralympic fit.
>Joins paralympics
>Is doing something productive, inspiring other lesser able-bodied to do something similar.
How is this degenerate?
That's asinine. I can agree that some aspects are retarded such as wheelchair basket ball but swimming with missing limbs is a feat of strength and willpower.
cant even hold a fucking cone for a couple minutes. what a worthless bag of meat.
im ok with letting mildly retarded people do stuff like this but this waste of resources just desecrated the ceremony. hope that was intense laughter I was hearing when it fell down
>muh feels
You think it takes and elaborate farce of a competition to make a retard feel nice? Now who's the retard?
protecting the weak is what distinguish us from irrational animals, you dumbass.
Killing invalids on the spot is something I would expect from islam, not from a bastion of Christianity like Spain.
only decent posts in this thread
you should all kill yourselves to be honest familia
millions of tax payer money shouldn't be wasted on the feelies of a bunch of spastics and moral signalers
i always found the whole paralympics thing to be a jewish money scheme, kind of similar to the old freak shows. exploiting wierdoes basically
>sholom goy, look at these brave wonderful specials, so emotional, give money...what are you DISCRIMINATING against specials, hand them shekels over goy
I dare say most of these retards have achieved more than you cunt.
Its not. Op is just a newfag edge lord from Sup Forums desperately trying to fit in. He probably spends all day jerking it to trap porn anyway
Protecting the weak only brings everyone else down to their level. Also, their not protecting them, they are using them just to feel better about themselves
>Retards should be put down.
You would exterminate your entire country just for eugenics? Your dedication is truly inspiring.
>protecting the weak is what distinguish us from irrational animals,
When was the last time your average /po/ack did something inspiring ?
>This video contains content from Organizações Globo, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.
>Implying I will buy a tv ever.
smart words, shame on you spain son of your old homeland speak wiser then you
Sup Forums is fucking garbage
i've done better things than walk like a tard and drop a torch, austria cuck
Don't put in the telly!
Arguing coherently against shills, until the shills got BTFO so hard they stopped posting cuck/shillary threads as frequently.
>Spotted the edgy survival of the fittest edge lord
Let's drop you in a jungle fat boy.
Seems I touch some nerve
Look pals the whole western socirty is crumbling cause we have to support the oldies so don't give me that.
Cool m8, list your achievements and I'll show you a vegetable that has surpassed them.
I disagree, it's true that there are exploitation, but that can be said about almost anything else.
At least by doing that those people are finding purpose in this world, and it doesn't matter what the edgy lords think, or if the audience if feeling better by doing so.
It would be wrong to think that a paralympic athlete is the same as a normal one, like the libtards would love to, but to take the hope away from those people is just cruel.
The western world can be better than that, besides there are a lot of incapacitated people that contributed a lot to the progress of humanity, some that were born like that, other that got invalid thought their lives.
It's not so much about protecting them, it's more about enabling them to perform to their limits, without them being circus freaks.
The cucumbers probably shred your ass better than me
Don't you see the difference is being old and being a clown in front of milions?
polacks that know what's up
Caring and respecting elders is a sign of a civilised society and represents passing society from one generation to the next. A prequisite for maintaining a civilization.
The fact you can't understand something as basic as this makes me think you're probably the off spring of some Moor.
If anyone needs to be killed it's you, degenerate.
yeah well training a spastic to run a 30 second 100m isn't very fucking useful
throw that mongo on a factory production line
Jorge you are the lower level , and I am the lower level , even OP is lower level.
But go on and be the edgy Mexican if that makes you feel better.
So you'd rather disabled people be thrown in some asylum where they accomplish nothing and rot away? You might be disabled some day. I bet you'd want to be included and not forgotten in some dark room.
to be fair, poland bro, we are the rape babies of the portuguese...
Lol that was when people had 7 kids and oldies died at 60s
We have 5 milion teens having to support 20 milion oldies
This shit is what is destroying Europe
The pension scheme
You dare say? You dare say it? Oh fuck look out!! Someone dared to say something on an anonymous image board!!! Stop the fucking press!!!!!
People should kill themselves when they can't provide for them anymore.
People on wheelchairs should be thrown away from a cliff and old people in hospitals should be killed.
All the debt the west have is cause old people not wanting to die.
>athleticism in the current year
I understand you can't have them as functional as we'd like, but it's a sports-event for the lesser-abled, let them have it.
Soon enough with all the tests and scans and prenatal care, they will slowly fade away.
no shit sherlock, so what brilliant solution do you have in mind?
You'll get old some day as well, if you are really concerned about that, think about what you have to do so you won't be leeching off the system when the time comes.
Fuck off edgelord
Farce of a competition? They're over coming their disability and preforming on a level that isnt expected of them. There are double amputees preforming on levels that are pretty mind blowing. It takes a whole lot of willpower and overcoming these obstacles.
Thats something to be proud of.
As for this, I have 0 insight on the monetary situation of the Paralympics. But these people are nothing to shake your head at. They're war heroes, survivors of freak accidents, or just born fucked up. It's simply appreciation of their capabilities.
>something productive
No, it's the opposite of productive. There are a number of productive things that their handicap doesn't impede, instead they focus on doing poorly what their handicap impedes.
>All the debt the west have is cause old people not wanting to die.
You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
>everybody deserves
That's the fundamentals of communism, egoism, open borders, basically all bad things in this world.
It's a bunch of retards having fun, it's the same shit we're doing
the paralympics doesn't have retards, it has physically disabled people.
You're thinking of the special olympics.
I'm thinking of killing myself already.
No problem doing it when i'm 60
Once I've seen my grandsons i'll go away.
You won't see me dealing with cancer with 70 years or shiting in a bag.
Olympics are already useless and a huge waste of money. They had to make these just to mock us.
You are ignoring all the handicapped people who do that, and not this sport-event.
>Farce of a competition? They're over coming their disability and preforming on a level that isnt expected of them. There are double amputees preforming on levels that are pretty mind blowing.
oh come one, to what end? so that some tard can fly down a ski slope?
No this whole thing floats because we find it amusing to see a tard fly down a ski slope.
Amusement means shekels, i jew knows that better than anyone else
Look at the women, she had a seizure.
You're just sad. You need love
OP are you retarded? Honestly. You're trying to be so fucking edgy for no reason. Yes retards have no use in our society but you're being a preteen amd you need to study for your freshman english exam tomorrow.
Besides, if there's any talmudic black magic involved, it's in the equipment and treatment. A prostetic arm that's akin to a limp dildo costs half a fucking car, not even mentioning meds.
Paralympics are literally "Oy vey look at them poor sick people donate more money to """reasearch""" so everyone feels better"
Especially Schlomo Goldberg's accountants.
LOL you are the one that doesn't know it.
Well, you're less useful than a paraolympian right now, so how about you go stuff some tacos to justify your usefulness to society?
Fuck you you think anyone wants to be born fucked up? Hate liberals who choose to be mentally handicapped, not these poor souls who have to suffer without any choice
If all it is, is a feelgood group hug pat on the back, why ban Russia? Don't Russian retards deserve a pat on the back too?
A great example of Sup Forums being satire.
The hypocrisy of the paralympics is astounding though.
The people who cheer don't really give a fuck.
Look forward to the eventual official LGBT olympics, bound to happen at some point.
>Well, you're less useful than a paraolympian right now,
8 ids already said that.
None of you really believe it.
You know I'm right but can't cope with it.
Easier said than done, but I get your point, it would be better if we could simply chose when the time is right.
As in the silmarillion, like the old kings of numenor did, embracing death when you had enough of the world and the world had enough of you.
He's not wrong though.
There was a south park episode about this. You're a fat fuck that couldn't win any medals in the para olympics.
>oh come one, to what end? so that some tard can fly down a ski slope?
Even though we're talking about the Paralympics and not the Special Olympics, yes. That tard who goes skiing despite being a tard deserves to be recognized. I think it's because most people only expect mentally handicapped people to be burdens and freaks. When they start doing shit that isnt expected of them, and at a relatively impressive level, of course people will show support. People want to find amusement in their success. Just because we grew up as teenagers laughing at tards do ridiculous shit, and found it amusing, doesn't mean that a grown up cant appreciate their ability to rise above whats expected.
These are people that nature decided they weren't fit.
And we shouldn't help them just as we shouldn't help a tribe that can't feed themselves.
We are creating a society that puts resources on curing deadly illnesses like cancer that shouldn't be cured on the first place.
Same thing with aids and so on.
We are paying for old, ill, sick people and opening the borders to foreigners to pay for it.
I thought you people were really red pilled
But you are just muh feels.
You fail to see the point.
Winning a paralymic medal doesn't mean shit.
What I mean is that we are promoting retards, we are paying retards.
And all of this replacement is to pay for oldies and to pay for this retards that should be put down.
Exactly, that's what we should promote instead of all this suicide is devil.
We should know when our time has come.
When we are on a weelchair, when the state has to spend milions on cancer machines, when we have to put a cateter and shit on a bag.
It's time for someone to tell us.
Look you've lived enough, stop draining resources and let the next generation live.
That was hilarious. Do people watch this shit? It reminded me of the snail race episode in Spongebob.
I cant speak for the decisions for the head of Paralympics make. I dont know why they did it. I just think concept of having the paralympics is a good idea. The political bullshit just muddles it up.
As for this. ok.
I do fail to see your point. If the para olympics was cancelled forever you'd still be an asshole and nothing at all would change.
So you should kill yourself and we'll keep the harmless para olympics because maybe disabled people want to compete in sports too.
i watch wheelchair basketball cause that shit is insane
>being old is degenerate now
Get back on your meds European Mexican
Just as we abort the retards, we should be able to kill them when they are old.
It's the fucking same.
We abort healthy babies but we support people with cancer, people on wheelchairs, people that can even go shit for themselves.
And this shows like paralympics are fueling this.
They show them as little pets so we feel bad about it.
I don't.
They've lived enough already and we shouldn't support them.
A society that ethnically substitutes itself so that 80 old people can live 15 years more it is degenerate, yes.
My daughter is missing her lower arm. She is white and worth 10 able body Spaniards. Fucking mud bloods
>tfw im in a wheelchair
but please don't group me with those down syndrome retards
If they're in para olympics they probably are self-sufficient actually.
This shit had me dead
You're retarded, should we put you down?
Don't be retarded, we are talking about people that can't even feed themselves, not just someone that had some accident and lacks on arm.
We are talking about mentally handicaped, about 90 year old people, about cancer victims that have been 8 years on goberment payed treatment.
Don't bring your fucking daughter in it.
The paralympics are used to promote paying for the non selfsufficents.
You should if you could, I'd do the same to you but you'd be shot this month I'm affraid.
>The paralympics are used to promote paying for the non selfsufficents.
Then why do you give a shit? You don't have any money. It's not your money they are spending. Jealous?