Poo in loos are literally everywhere these days
>system admins
>customer support
>shop clerks
>finance clerks

Before it was just the low level working class jobs they usurped. But now poos permeate literally every line of work. Its literally impossible not to come across one even if you live in a 100% white area because when give a call to customer support (for whatever reason), 9/10 times its guaranteed to be Pajeet on the other line.

Like holy shit how did Sup Forums fall asleep on this one?

The Jews are not the enemy anymore.

With poos you lose.

Other urls found in this thread:


They're pretty good people in my experience. Non violent and mind their business. I live right by NASA and a lot of engineers for them or Boeing are Indian immigrants.

People with fecal complexions on company boards spell disaster.

they're autism personafied

I'd be more worried about a woman

They are autistic and they're pussies but if rather a guy with a masters in aerospace engineering over some Mexican or rapefugee

The Indian education system is a piece of shit but it churns out people with degrees who work for lower wages. It doesn't matter how much less competent a lot of these people are and that they have no problem solving skills, they get hired because they're cheap.

All the noise about qualifications made by employers is just a smokescreen, if they can pay half the wages, they'll hire an unskilled or semi-skilled halfwit.

Roughly 1 in 6 people are Indians, so not too surprising given globalization

>The Jews are not the enemy anymore.
Not surprised to see the jews try to vilify Indians, a culture that does not appear to give a fuck about jews . Nice try SchlomoNigel

I keep laughing that this Indian I work with came over here and got a masters in some computer shit and he makes apps while stacking shelves in a supermarket and I make more money than him because I'm the manger

Did he agree to make 1/10th the income of the previous CEO?

I never have any problems with them besides shitty customer service and killing jobs over here

Read this keepamericaatwork.com/companies-ruined-or-almost-ruined-by-imported-indian-labor/

They're rapists with toilet issues

Workwise: lazy and shit




I heard that he had the executive bathroom torn out, and replaced with a replica of a street in Mumbai.

With poos you never lose.

>Chinese people exercise caution when travelling to rape-central
>Rape-central gets assmad
>demands an apology
>nevermind that it's true; it's also hurtful!

The chinks got it right this time.

Indian males are like Chinese males but won't shut up. If you know what j mean.

We take the top 0.01% of India and they can barely outcompete our rural white farm niggers that haven't ever studied or done homework in their entire life.

How can Sup Forums be so naive? Of course Indians are an issue. They have completely taken over the entire tech industry, what was once the only reliably upper middle class industry left for Americans. They only promote themselves to higher positions in the workforce, they refuse to assimilate, and they're the only group making more than Jews.

Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ethnic_groups_in_the_United_States_by_household_income

pic related

The only group of people with a median (MEDIAN) income of more than $100,000

But yeah, keep defending them as you struggle to make ends meet and pay the bills. I'm sure they'll thank you as they take their fifth transcontinental vacation this year.

The lower class ones are. But typically those aren't the ones who immigrate to the West. It's the upper class ones who want to get out of the shithole that is India.

not really

sikhs are based

the few hindis i met were more pleb-tier but pretty laid back as well

i heard stem degrees in india are pretty worthless, almost everyone has them besides the dirt poor

Is the poo the reason behind the new google censorship and hillary skewing? That how they do it in the land of poo?

You can't blame em. Whitey is into abstract modern art. STEM scares the living Jesus out of them.

>i heard stem degrees in india are pretty worthless, almost everyone has them besides the dirt poor


Isn't it strange how, despite there being no universities in India that grace the top 500 universities in the world and the fact that their STEM programs are only three years long, we apparently need their expertise more than any other nation on the planet?

No, nothing at all to do with depressing the wages. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

I'm not a racist, but that looks like Osama bin Ladin for real.

In my job a lot of passports and H1B1 visas come across my desk, the amount of poos that companies like Amazon, Microsoft and Google are importing into the US is pretty insane.
Google sort of slowed down a bit with poos recently but they are importing more chinks now.

These anons are correct. My company has a fair amount of them and while a few are ok, most are extremely annoying and talk down to you even if they don't have a fucking clue what they are talking about.

A new hire who's older than me tried to tell me how to set up some projects in our SAP system while ignoring me several times when I told him that the projects need to be set up differently because of financial purposes.

Within about 2 weeks of working, all of his project team hates him and I suspect the customer will tell him to fuck off too.

How is education payed for in India? Is it backed like the government like in 'merica or are corporations footing some of the bill? I've never got a straight answer on this before.

My ex was Indian. She's working in the research wing of a major tech corporation now that she got her PhD. I miss her accent and the non-normie conversations we always had, plus the sex was awesome.

Her having to leave will probably hit me the hardest when I vote for Trump, assuming he addresses the work visa system.

Indos have intelligence, the right temperament and they don't want to rule the world
>wtf is wrong with that... Stoopud beady

There's so many Indians how can you compete?

And generally only the most wealthy can even make it over here.

Not only that but they get money as international students

Why do you think Bill Gates vaccinated Africa? It was one step to increase their population and then Zuckerberg can out a satellite over it so now we're competing with billions of more shitskins for jobs.

I feel sorry for anyone with a computer related career. You have maybe 5-10 years left.

If you're in the software industry, the best thing you can do for yourself is begin to pivot your career toward the finance industry. Write software for financial companies, even if it's a startup, start making connections with people in that domain, and slowly work your career over the years toward something that won't be outsourced. They're cutthroat people, but they won't sell you out and you still get paid good money.

Source: me after seeing others successfully doing it

So Sup Forums is ok with Pajeet replacing Tyrone for cucking your wife?

Christ he looks like the bomb clock kid

I've come to conclusion that the only way to ensure job stability in the future market is to provide a service needed at the local level. If you are doing anything with computers, location is entirely irrelevant.

I'm going to try and get into medicine for this reason, I'll be disconnected from a computer and I'm needed at the local level. Even shit like chemical and electrical engineering can be outsourced.

>The one who asked who pays for the schools?

Most schools are private and people pay for it themselves.

There are government schools too, which are funded by the gov, but middle class families don't go there.

came here to post this

>Cone shaped tits


I want the jew meme to end.

They have the worst ethics amongst all the "clever peoples", I literally have no time for them anymore.

They don't belong working side by side with European people, they should work within their own systems, basically multiculturalism is shit, no problem with them on their own, but they don't belong ethically within a European culture.

there's literally billions of them of course they're everywhere

they're doing horrible per capita though

now i know you're not sticking up for things. these guys are complete betas. Just tell them to their face to fuck off or tell them they're doing a terrible job, and they'll never look at you again and go home and cry. Their culture is built on nepotism and subtle communication. you have to figure who's from your state, what's the their religion, do they eat meat, etc. Give a healthy dose of american "fuck you, prove yourself, by yourself stinky foreigner" and they'll pop in line real quick.

What caste is he? That's the important question.

>there's literally billions of them of course they're everywhere
Literally no, also, they are like Europe, a coalition of different peoples into one Empire. Indians are just like Europeans, only they are perceived as a Country.

Without the British Empire, there would not be a superstate called India, it would be a bunch of separate states.

I'd take a poo any day over women or blacks.

Fuck women and blacks, they are terrible at any level in a company.

i work in software. I'll take an american finance major, physics major, or frat brogrammer for a programming job over a master degree indian.

the orientals have a culture of learning, wont matter, Jews can stack up all the odds against us and as a spite against them we shall still win ;) They will still be our slaves eating shit shoots.


You anons have never worked alongside Pajeets in software. They write atrocious code, and lack the essential communication skills necessary when discussing requirements with non-technical people.

I have and I agree. The issue is that corporations only pay attention to their bottom line and, if the quality goes down in their product, they assume it's because the market is changing and they need to pivot to some other bullshit niche. I've seen it happen too many times. It's never the fault of low-cost good boy Pajeet, as far as the CEOs are concerned

I start a software architect/managing developer position in a couple of weeks at a very large and known corporate company......and it will be the first place I've worked in 10 years with no fucking Pajeets or Rasheeds; I'm so fucking excited

honestly i'm getting out. the well is poisoned and i feel bad for cs guys that are just getting in the game. you'll make good wages for about another 8-10 years but IT & dev in the US are way (((overpaid))). We make more than people in nordic countries, the UK, and Germany adjusted for cost of living. It aint gonna last lads.

checked. Give poos a chance Sup Forums.

>top 0.01%
>not top 0.000001%

And that's probably generous.

>>Cone shaped tits

Cone shaped tits are GOAT desu senpai

That's why India is such a nice place.

(((Shut it down)))

There's tons of talk about mexicans stealing low-level jobs from kids and niggers, but not enough is said about the pooinloos.

Yeah, the ones that come here are generally high caste and relatively smart and all that. But that's not the goddamn point.

It's hard as fuck for students to get into med school these days. Motherfuckers can have a perfect college GPA and some job experience and still not get into a good school. Meanwhile, half the fucking doctors you encounter in the hospital are pooinloos who barely speak a fucking word of english. Luckily it's not as bad in pharmacy (my profession) but there's still a decent chunk too many of them here too.

I hear there are similar issues in tech and engineering fields. It's fucking bullshit. Our own fucking people go out and go to school for 4-8 years and then get their jobs stolen or their wages forced down because of these fucking street shitters

>British American
>European American

So pretty much 99% of white Americans?

Please remember that India has over 1 trillion population and only the top 0.1% get smart/wealthy enough to make it to America.

If my wife looked like that I wouldn't want to be alive.

Over the past decade or so I've worked as a physicist, a chemist, and various Software/Hardware dev places......fucking poo in loo's every fucking where

their fucking labs or code end up working, but no one can follow the god damn random road they took.....they are the masters of hodgepodging shit to work

and the fucking ruskies killing it. not many in the US at all. probably less than just one indian state. gotta have guts to flee the soviets and go to the enemy.

I'm currently working at Pfizer

It's literally >50% pooinloo. And then there's a decent portion of chingchongs. And of remaining "whites" a shitload of them are fucking yids anyway.

Every time I walk down the halls, there's just these hordes of street shitters shattering away in their punjab tongues or whatever. It's fucking ridiculous. I'm in an area of PA that's like ~90% white. What the fuck is this bullshit?

I'm just saying "British American Decent" is pretty ambiguous.

Ruskies are high cause only the wealthy ones made it out, your typical Ivan squatter would never afford to just up and move to America even after the fall of the wall.

The average IQ is in India is next to zero but if you have billions of people it's easy to scrape a few million smart people and export them.

Oy vey, look at that schnoz. Surely that man is half poo, half joo?

underrated post

Poos are chill, I don't give a fuck if they live next door.

I am aware that you're a fucking bag of shitty lipton tea but you're also wrong.

> Before it was just the low level working class jobs they usurped.


1. Indian American : $101,591[2]

dot people are number 1 in USA. get used to it.

>rather a guy with a masters in aerospace engineering over some Mexican or rapefugee

You know what?

They ALL have to go back!

Which would be good for America and India since all those Indian engineers would be available to engineer some plumbing in a county with 600m street shitters.

But Sup Forums is full of autists. Why should we want fewer like-minded people in our countries?

There are a billion indians. West brain drains them.

They could be making India great again but instead they're worker bees for the west and investors.

Sundar works at the leisure of the board, as well.

If he fucks up, he's gonna get canned.

Awww you mad, fuck boi? Keep crying bitch. We're here to stay.

>poo in loos get brought into the country for lower pay than domestic workers
>meanwhile I can't even find a goddamn job better than flipping burgers with a BA


>a new generation of uneducated, lazy white cucks
>they spend their whole life bragging about muh racial superiority
>literally every big company is hiring Asians, Indians and Arabs in high positions because those people work hard and do their best
>whites filling the low wage labour among the black fellas
>m-muh conspiracy it's da jooooos!
>Whites still too stupid to realize they are being considered the same level as blacks

Sooner or later you will realize that, whiteys ;)

The gorra know...

This looks like clockboy with a beard.

>Not white, but caucasoid so genetically superior to all negroids
>Hypercompetitive immigration requirements due to high population density of home country

No shit they do the best. They have the most competition.


>When people from group X dominate a society demographically, is that society a desirable place to live?

No? Okay, then don't import group X.

By the way, the ONLY groups of people that actually pass this standard are western europeans and east asians. Those are the only first world countries. Everywhere else is a shithole. Don't import people from shitholes lest you want to live in a shithole yourself. Pretty fucking obvious.

Ye but we got bigger dicks than you so fuck off chink.

A lot of them are arrogant and will treat you like shit when you're trying to make a deal.

so poos come in, work hard, and make lots of money?

muh muhfuggin dicc boi, muh dicc!

I know what you mean. There are a lot of cocky pakis in the UK, they're all talk.

The west gets the top 1% of poos.
It's a good thing for our countries overall tbqh. I've met some pretty based poos that are way better than half of my hometown that I come from of drunk fuck sticks.

Three of my doctors I see are poos, they're all good people. No problem with the poos lad. Now, their retarded families that they bring over may be worse overall and have serious sexual repression because no one wants to fuck them, but a good poo is a good poo.

Every Indian I've ever met has been highly integrative and generally genial. Immigration is fine with me as long as they value American culture and make efforts to assimilate. Having a cultural heritage is fine and is ultimately good to remember and take pride in. People educating and bettering themselves then going through legal channels to come here is not our real problem.

>be a field technician
>working with a retail tech support
>their higher level people call me
>its Pajeet
>immediately know why the retailer's software is shit.


yeah no
these betas aren't charismatic enough

>b-but I have 28" dikkk

Told you, you and blacks are the same ;^)

While whites were making the very technology you're reading this post on, your people were picking rice in a field. You would be nothing without us and this is how you treat us when you get a taste of the pie?

Don't make us mad, you can't beat the superior human.

This is a huge problem with Canada. With the high number of connected English descent here, there is a the whole colonial history for those bunches to leverage. They both get to wallow in "commonwealth pride" over this, about somehow being the rightful heirs of the roman order, and the Englos enjoy coaching Pajeets on how to screw people ... no, I don't mean just telling them about stuff around them leading to Pajeets using it in screwy ways, I mean actually giving guides on how to be crooked, of course not just around Pajeets, it can be centred around widely pro-immigrant stuff, but even there they specifically praise India for being ahead of 'murica and the Chinese already find themselves demoralized if immersed in the general population anyway.

Had a couple of Indian programmers on my team. Both of them were completely shit. It's not that they had no idea whatsoever, just that they were super lazy / half-a-job in their coding.

I've seen bad English programmers before, but these were something else, they did literally EVERYTHING wrong. If it wasn't broke at the start, it ended up breaking later, always with us having to pick up the pieces after they'd left.

I swear Indians have no morals or integrity. They are just as bad as Jews. I work as a caregiver Monday-Friday for elderly people with Dementia, and everyday FUCKING day I answer phone calls from scammers from India. Sometimes it's the IRS and sometimes its Microsoft tech support. I fucking hate INDIANS

Problem is, the majority of those degrees aren't earned.

They're notorious for CHEATING, seriously they say they have a "right to cheat". There's an entire industry that helps them cheat through their exams.

An Indian web dev at my place said her "friend" (probably her, lol) was literally GIVEN her final project assignment to hand in, and had to do literally no work on her degree course. Like I said, it's an industry there.

Great for our tech companies that can outsource all the efficient, western devs, for "qualified" pajeets on a third of the pay.

This. They cheat. A lot.
Took a grad level class my senior year of electrical engineering and all the Indian grad students cheated. They would only share the homework answers with each other. The TA was Indian and we suspected he was giving them the answers.
We called those cheaters the Mumbai Mafia

I fucking hate seeing so many indian fucks everywhere.

I might as well have moved to india, that is how bad it is in my area.

That is HOUSEHOLD income, the vast majority of those shit indian faggots are married.

It does not really indicate shit except that whites are not getting married as much.

You've been blessed.


Please god and baby jesus let india and pakistan exchange a few nukes.

If poos are so smart and hardworking then why their homeland is a shithole (literally)?

Great question.

Austrians confirmed for nigger tier

>Poo in loos are literally everywhere these days
Everywhere except in the bathroom.