If you had the ability to change one historical event. What would it be and why?
If you had the ability to change one historical event. What would it be and why?
I would have told those ships coming into Savannah and Charleston to turn the fuck around, about 250 years ago.
Kill Mohammed before he founds Islam
Every human in Africa in 20,000 B.C goes extinct.
Stop the 4th crusade
kill jesus at birth
Prevent Napoleon to sell the Louisiana
Germany wins at the Marne in 1914. Removes most of the slaughter of WW1, prevents rise of Bolshevism and the subsequent spread of communism around the world. Most likely removes WW2 occurring as well.
You, fuck you
I would have gotten that Russian in the submarine to start Ww3. Would have been interesting.
Have my ancestors invest in companies that are successful today. mfw nigger rich
>If you had the ability to change one historical event. What would it be and why?
I'd have the good guys (the NSDAP) win World War 2.
For obvious reasons.
Shoot John Wilkes Booth
>Lincoln stays alive
>supports Back to Africa movement
>dindus get deported to Liberia
hehe sure showed him
yes, eugenic, super-humans and foxbimbos
check my dubels
Bucks beat Philly in the ECF finals and possibly win the championship.
i would change nothing. who might know how it would end ?
Abort Moot
You not existing would've made the holocaust (f it actually happened) worth it.
Kill Abraham.
>no Muslims
>no Jews
nice dubs, also holocaust was good - make us poor and under USSR occupation but stronger in the end.
I'd nuke Japan a third time, saves us from anime faggot culture, right on Kyoto.
>Kill king George 3rd.
>Yanks don't need to rebel
>Greater British empire
>Hitler doesn't dare do shit
>Anglosphere owns planet
>Go space, space niggers btfo
>British galactic empire
USA holds up their Germanic heritage, and joins Germany in WW2 to push Bolshevism and Stalin from the continent in a march to the sea.
New United Axis Powers proceed to colonize the world, moon, and Mars in pursuit of its vision of a better humanity for the solar system.
>also holocaust was good
Even though it didn't happen.
>make us poor and under USSR occupation but stronger in the end.
Like I said, you wouldn't exist to spread your stupidity and degeneracy.
Probaly nuke the shit out of japan so if would be a wasteland so no shit anime or pokemon go cancer.
Slaughter all the Hebrews wandering in the desert after leaving Egypt.
Warn Hitler about trying to invade stalingrad.
kill Marx and Engels
I'd try to stop Gavrilo Princep from killing Archduke Franz Ferdinand and ruining a perfectly good world order
Would have burnt up the Jews gyppos niggers and retards in the labor camps. I mean, if Hitler was gonna get the rep anyway, he might as well have earned it.
FInd a way to convince Europe that importing african slaves will lead to the entire collapse of their civilization and that they should pick their own cotton and sugarcane
Get Imperial Germany to end it's alliance with Austria-Hungary and let that country collapse as it naturally should have
Get Germany to renew it's alliance with Russia
Kill that first fish to make it out of the water
Your intentions are well meaning but you can take that a step farther and have the Arabs lose at Yarmouk.
A march to what sea? The Arctic? Pacific?
>not English heritage
listen up Hans, just because you exported your shitty german folk here to lead mules around a farm doesn't mean that you built the massive trading empire that sustained the growth of the country
If anything 'murica is rightful English clay and the anglosphere should have ruled supreme
now go back to importing more muslims to rape you out of existence
i would go back to 500,000 bc and show cavemen how to make tools and fire and teach them mathematics
Keep slave ships from coming to the US.
Deflect the KT Event asteroid and see how things end up.