I work closely with Hillary and her Campaign. It's a disaster. When cameras are away...

I work closely with Hillary and her Campaign. It's a disaster. When cameras are away, she goes crazy and has child like tantrums until her doctor gives her a shot of Propofol. It knocks her out and sleeps for hours. She sleeps about 18 hours a day. Protofol also leads to memory loss which explains a lot of the gaffs like last night saying no one died in Libya while everyone knows what happened in Bengazi.

The whole campaign is on edge because of wikiLeaks email leak incoming in the next week or month. This will destroy her. We are working overtime to crest several responses to these leaks which may include recordings of Huma working very closely with the Saudi royals, pay to play, and referring to blacks as leaches.

When Hillary is not campaigning or sleeping, she is being tutored hours a day on memorizing speeches. This is why she sounds so robotic compared to 2008. Her ear piece is legitimate. She wears it all the time in public. She has a team feeding her sound bites constantly.

The Campaign is on the brink of destruction. We had some higher levels resign just today.

Propofol doesn't last for hours.

But her nap does.

Inb4 op gets suicided

Pics or it didn't happen

I believe it, why not?

Yeah right. Leak footage of her tantrums or gtfo.

Proof or you're just a shill.

Who resigned?

It's dose-dependant, but yeah... you give enough propofol to knock somebody down for 8 hours and they will almost assuredly be dead. But most people don't know this and will spread the propofol rumor, which will be soundly debunked and make them look like shit in public.

This is an example of democrat disinfo in play. OP is a CTR shill.

No I know its a bullshit shipost/CTR shill, but people need to at least try to say something remotely believable.

we know op, we have always known. it's not our fault the leftists, and
america haters, cop killers, rioters, and ivory tower types chose this
train wreck. it is our pleasure to watch the train wreck.

You are stating the obvious and the voters really don't care desu, and if you did work with her you would know that.

>1 post by this id

>I work closely with Hillary and her Campaign
no you dont

How do rumors like this work in Hillary's favor at all tho? What makes you think this isn't just your average LARPer?


>memory loss = gaffes
>earpiece = constant sound bites and handling

Can anyone else smell bullshit?

>I work closely with Hillary and her Campaign.

I believe you OP. How can I get a job?

>1 post by this ID

waiter, my pasta is cold



Prove your membership as her personal staff.

I've saw this shit atleast three times






I think it's cause people who claim to be "alt-right" spread shit like this and it can discredit actual concerns/questions about her health. But with posts like this, it's hard to tell if it's a larper or ctr shill.

>wikiLeaks email leak incoming in the next week or month. This will destroy her.

heard this spiel a thousand times before. I'm not holding my breath anymore

thanks OP, i forgot to save the pasta the last time i saw it