Would you play with his Spiderpucci?
Would you play with his Spiderpucci?
but grimsby, eight legs
I wish ASM2 wasn't complete shit because that costume was pretty much perfect and everything else is just going to feel like a step back.
Maybe I'm just upset that the new suit continues the trend of BLACK LINES FUCKING EVERYWHERE in superhero costumes.
and nobody should let Manletman design their costume
I don't want to get in his boyfriends way.
>I wish ASM2 wasn't complete shit because that costume was pretty much perfect
Except for that it was pretty much a remake of the Raimi film's suit. Only with a different eye shape. MCU went the right way with the new one though. They did it different, but in a way that's faithful and doesn't deviate from the basic design of the classic suit.
The webs were darker than the weird silver webs the Raimi suit had, and the red/blue was more vivid. Plus Spidey's overall body shape was better in ASM2
Speaking of Pucci, I've felt like I was under the effects of Made in Heaven for the last couple of days, it's all gone by way too fast
>The webs were darker than the weird silver webs the Raimi suit had
>the red/blue was more vivid.
Different shades, perhaps. But I wouldn't say more vivid.
>Plus Spidey's overall body shape was better in ASM2
I personally disagree. But I respect your opinion.
Still though, it's only slight differences/modifications. On the whole, the ASM2 suit was pretty much the same suit.
you think if he's gay marvel or disney would ask him to keep it in the downlow for publicity's sake?
now that i think about about it, are any of the superhero actors in the MCU gay?
>are any of the superhero actors in the MCU gay?
As far as I know; RDJ, Evans, Hemsworth, Pratt, Cumberpatch, Johannson, Renner and Olsen aren't. Can't say about the rest of them though.
I've heard rumors about Renner. But that could just be internet bull shit.
Just bros being bros man
Same here. Even before he got really big, I've always heard that he had a boyfriend.
This costume had the best design, why won't any of the movies fucking use it?
Nope. Dude ties with Benzonatate Croquembouche for ugliest Marvel man.
cause that design is way too busy and sucks ass
that's fucking disturbing
Way too busy, what the fuck?
It's not as good as the original, but it's less busy than it.
His ass is flat as hell, but I still would.
Horrible nose, he looks like he's got FAS too.