A-user, why would you not vote for me?
A-user, why would you not vote for me?
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Fuck you, that's not how you look now. Today you look like the goddamn Crypt Keeper.
*unzip pants*
Because you funded CTR and they're shitting up the Internet.
Nice try CTR btw
The only good commie is a dead commie
She doesn't even look that good on this pic.
Because you grew into an old lady that shits herself and has spaz attacks.
It's *unzips penis* you shill
Kill yourself you cunt bitch
Because, Hillary... many decades ago you made the decision to live a life of crime.
You thought you could get away with it forever if you played it smart... and you did.
But everyone knows you're a crook, and people don't want a crook for a president.
Because you're a woman.
>Belgium leader of the alt right admits Clinton should not be president because of her gender.
Hillary a cute
Daily reminder Hillary is satanic.
They say never to put your dick in a crazy chick, let alone a sociopath...
but I would've done it to Hillary in her prime.
holy shit. how do i meet a girl like her? you can see the intelligence and ambition in these pictures. I don't go to an elite college, is this a problem? Can a woman like this be found at my state school? Please respond, please help
OP if you need more hillary pics head to this thread i hijacked :
Well, intelligence and ambition like that usually comes with a personality disorder. Shes got antisocial personality disorder, which makes her a sociopath.
Is that something you'd be willing to deal with?
person with antisocial personality disorder may:
> Be able to act witty and charming
> Be good at flattery and manipulating other people's emotions
> Break the law repeatedly
> Disregard the safety of self and others
> Have problems with substance abuse
> Lie, steal, and fight often
> Not show guilt or remorse
> Often be angry or arrogant
yes i am okay with all that. now where can i meet women like this?
im getting fucking tired of these threads
I would pull her teeth out one at a time with a pair of pliers, and then cut off her face and mail it to her father.
careful, you can go to jail for such words
Over my dead body
Why? Killing animals isn't a crime.
Donald take another shit on her floor. Yes Sir fellow American Donald says as the brown creature leaves his anus.