You guys like statistics right? Its hard to go against facts, Id like to see how you can spin this hard data around.
You guys like statistics right? Its hard to go against facts, Id like to see how you can spin this hard data around
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what point are you trying to make?
What the fuck, I hate Americans now
The difference is that we let in more Muslims, that number sharply rises.
>snopes as a source
first footnote
since 9/11
Wouldn't want to make the Islamic terrorists look like a threat, would we?
They aren't counting San Bernadino or Orlando. Interesting seeing how they alter the stats. Those are the recent ones too.
9 plus 2,996
now subtract gang violence and we can have a conversation OP
Whats wrong with snopes? Please support your argument with evidence.
Doh meant to add the college campus attacks up in Oregon/Washington if I recall? There was also that nutjob at UCLA or something where they hid his name too but he used a machete or something.
Yeah if you include 9/11 the number rises about 250 deaths annually.
>They aren't counting San Bernadino or Orlando
They did count them user, listed as "shot by another american"
Phrasing in statistics like this is bullshit
Really makes me think
>since 9/11
wow that's quite problematic.
i'd like now to see the following statistics:
-how many of those americans were shot by blacks;
-how many europeans were killed by islams
Id like to see how you can spin THAT around.
>killed annually
In the last 20 years that's 150 only including 9/11. Which counts, yeah.
Wasn't that club shooting this year? That would make it about 50 this year alone.
All you're really proving by saying not much has happened since 9/11 is that watching muslims especially has been effective.
>being shot by another "American"
Nobody here really denies the nigger problem.
Those were not radical islamic terrorists.
>doesn't tell you how many are justified self defence kills
>doesn't tell you how many are niggers just being niggers
I assumed they were altering it like that by redefining what words mean similar to how Bill Clinton tried the whole what is IS or IF when he got impeached.
I'm not sure if you are shitting me but those attacks were carried out by Islamic jihadists. Also this is from 2011.
How so? Should they instead be characterized as radical leftist terrorism?
American are retarded what's new my dude
>be el peruANO
>Get mugged
Ban assault beds.
Most people understand that the likelihood of getting killed on American soil by an Islamic terrorist attack is very very small. But that's not why we don't want Muslim immigration. We don't want Muslim immigration because their core belief system runs completely counter to ours. Even "moderate" muslims hold beliefs that we in West consider extreme, backwards, savage, and uncivilized. Why would we want these people in our country?
Add to this the fact these migrants flooding Europe are completely unskilled and uneducated. Over 50% can't even read or write in their native language, let alone the native language of the European destination. They bring NOTHING to the table.
>American means nigger
Horseshit stats are horseshit
Kys faggot
really made me blink though
eat more cornuts incanigger
well fifty-something homos just got gunned down by an islamonigger a few months ago, and another islamonigger machine gunned down all his co workers at the company party with his sunni shitskin wife
are your statistics just referring to American nig converts who behead old ladies at work? or are they referring to the 2 terrorists that based barney fife shot down with nothing but a pistol when they tried to take their AKs into the "draw the pedo" party?
where are the 3000+ 9/11 victims on that? shouldn't that be at least 3000/15 = 200 sunni shitskin murders per year minimum + the subhumans that make it through immigration to carry out domestic attacks?
>Armed toddlers
>Muslim immigrants
>30 killed in Orlando shooting alone, but it's totally 2 you guys. Toddlers are more dangerous than butthurt, bitter Islamists
Imagine if they actually listed or characterized all the radical left wing terror attacks. Chicago alone is over 500 kills already that we know about. These are radical leftists killing anyone really.
>make rules that don't apply to them
>want to flood all nations with third worlders besides isreal
>over representation in media and government
>lie about facts to pass laws
There is no objective reason to not hate Jews
The majority of gun deaths in the US are suicides. Also, fun homicide has been dropping.
>Perpetrated by Muslim
>Phones the police to say it was for Islam and pledge allegiance to ISIS or some shit before hand
How the fuck are you not calling this Islamic terrorism? You call people out for not looking at the "hard evidence" and you've literally done the same thing by not calling Islamic terrorism and extremism as what it is
(using that term hard evidence loosely with your source due to how bias snopes is, especially since they say "since 9/11" why not include that? Why set up an arbitrary perimeter that fits your narrative?)
Far right wing terrorist? Who was that?
Anything higher than 0 for Islamic jihadi immigrants is a national failure
He was also a card carrying radical leftist as is his father that was pictured standing behind Hillary at a rally even.
Just kill yourself you fucking slave.
It has been getting pretty boring lately.
wtf i hate beds now
im now #ComfyInCoffin
that's given in the graph. It's 30K deaths per year, but the graph only lists 11,000
What it doesn't list is that 10,950 of those are drug-related
Here's another statistic:
47% of murders are done by blacks, despite them only making up 13% of the US population.
What about the boring homicide?
What about nidal hassan? And the guy who attack the navy recruiting center? And the orlando attack? And the california attack? And the guy who was beheading people at work in oklahoma?
Where the fuck are they getting these numbers?
Any idea how many of those 11,737 were killed in an act of self defense?
Seems like a pretty important factor...
holy shit did you find that on the internet?
It's hard to say if it's going down really because they keep obfuscating real statistics. Chicago for example started to leave out reporting deaths by race due to all the gang violence by the radical leftist blacks.
Putting it under Americans killing Americans.
Also suspect Orlando got put under far right as it was 'homophobia' that motivated him.
Better source because yours is shit:
those statistics were made before the islamic flood so are irelevant now
drink more pissco, eat more cuy, andesnigger
Actually it was your typo I was referring to.
The shooter at Orlando was a registered Democrat same as his father.
>suicide counts as being shot by another american
try a little bit harder
he registered and voted once against gwb second term
Yeah it'd be retarded to do that but totally in line with snopes.
Besides the owners being an old couple that admitting to just google searching the answers?
Like the PANTS ON FIRE comment about Trump posting the black statistics and the comment footnote was basically "they were slightly off".
> far right as it was 'homophobia'
You, he was...... a Muslim extremist or something?
Really made me think.
Ya, I wonder how they classified those 2 chechnen retards that blew up the middle aged housewives and their children at the Boston marathon
Probably mental illness or something. Who knows
What's wrong with my source?
I looked at 2013's as well though and both of them worked out as 47%, which is crazy. 47.22% in 2014 and 47.14% in 2013.
Crazy how little it deviates. I guess niggers are very proficient at murdering.
whitch proves he was sain at the time , unlike 1/2 of the us
>Armed toddlers
Fucking babies killing everyone these days. #adultlivesmatter
This dog seems nice. Do you mind if I save this picture?
op? ven te aqui
Probably as one of the few Islamic terrorist attacks, low death toll and all.
>since 9/11
good thing they took that out
that was close
Guns have zero correlation to crime and murder
Well first of all most of those Americans killed by other Americans are niggers killing each other so that really shouldn't count
Pretty much.
I would argue that niggers shooting each other classifies as radical left-wing terrorism. Because it's those kind of SJW "progress"ive ideas that often drive their actions.
All these evil Christian right-wingers who love guns aren't the ones shooting people, it's the stupid communists, it's the socialists, it's the welfare rats, it's the people who think the world owes them something.
30 in orlando, more than a thousand in 9/11.
think about how many would be dead if we weren't armed and if they were more than .5% of the population.
It wouldn't surprise me if Snopes has a leftist bent. They attack everyone and most don't want to deal with the bullshit.
>falling out of bed
How fucking fat do you have to be so you die from falling out of bed?
>as long as you don't count the largest attack, Islamic Jihadists only killed two people!
>not counting Ft. Hood
>mfw neo-nazis are the among the least violent groups in the world, second only to fucking Greenpeace
>literally less dangerous than jews
>I'm not sure if you are shitting me
This form of statistical noise started in Germany
They declared every Muslimwho's been in the country for like a year a "German resident" then followed it up by "look how many rapes are committed by Germans" and "Germans commit more rape than refugees"
It's the special kind of utter bullshit used to distract the normal person who only reads a headline
I'd have to agree with you there on those points. BLM/Democrats they work the communities up just like any radical ideology. It's like a pastor coming out on stage saying to kill all the gays. Same thing.
>number of americans killed by jihadists on 9/11: over 3000
>10 year average
Wew lads. Way to skew numbers.
Plus 14 dead just from San Bernardino just last year. So if youre counting from 2005 thats over 1 a year just right there
And that doesn't consider all the pipe bombs and extra rounds they had. It would've been way higher than 2 based on just that one attack alone if islamonigs weren't so incompetent
Take away niggers killing niggers from the equation, and compensate for the recent terrorist attacks in Europe that could then more easily occur in the US.
Oh, and
>since 9/11
>being shot by another American is half as likely as shooting yourself
>guns deaths in general can't make it into the top 10 causes of death
>heart disease kills 20 times more people
Really makes me go hmmm.
>deadly attacks since 9/11
Nice cherrypicking, faggot
I wonder how many of those 40k unknowns are "the attacker shouted allahu ackbar, his motives remain unknown"
Yes, I remember that time Omar Mateen (Born New Hyde Park, New York) immigrated to the United States.
Why didn't they put Mateen, who was born in New Hyde Park, New York, under the category of "Islamic jihadist immigrant"?
I think you guys are spinning that data harder than OP could ever imagine.
Related: Were any of the 9/11 terrorists immigrants? I think they were all here on tourist visas.
>you need to be an immigrant to be an Islamist jihadist
You're a literal retard, what does it matter if he was born in New York?