If vaccines aren't responsible for the high rates of autism today, that keeps on rising, then what the hell is? The idea that we're simply better at diagnosing it is laughable. If that were true there would be lots of autistic adults today, but there aren't. It's a modern epidemic.
If vaccines aren't responsible for the high rates of autism today, that keeps on rising, then what the hell is...
It's because your parents don't beat you enough.
>lots of autistic adults today, but there aren't.
yes there are
Vaccines probably aren't responsible for autism in most cases.
There is also the possibility of misdiagnosing.
The conditions considered forms of autism have also been broadened.
gee idk you retarded fuck face whats a modern invention that literally makes the world go round today uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmm maybe its technology you fucking dip fuck vaccines have been around long before muh autism boogeyman.
>thinking injections of attenuated microorganisms cause people to become spergs
Women busy being in education or the workforce so they have children in their 30s, when their eggs are already rotten.
>high rates of autism
It's not because of vaccines, it's because gen-x are shit parents.
also this
Please tell me this is fake
Well maybe something is causing autism rates to raise but at this point no causal relationship whatsoever has been found between vaccines and autism. I mean, you can correlate all kinds of shit all day long but there not a single shred of evidence that vaccines are responsible for autism.
If every case of autism was caused by vaccines it's still better than substantially more people succumbing to the diseases vaccines help prevent.
What would civilization look like if everyone were autistic?
Albanians are the single worst thing to have ever existed.
Women are having children at a later age, which increases the chances of autism
Human evolution. Aspergers and HFAs have discarded the need for empathy. The rest are genetic mistakes.
what's the joke here?
And /thread. The last eggs are typically the worst - women are selfish.
Most recently a few statistical analysis studies have shown a very strong correlation between older fathers 40+ and increased autism.
Mothers ages varied from 25-40 while fathers over 40 appeared to be the primary suspect.
Also over diagnosis is an issue.
Any other questions?
Finns are extremely anticsocial.
What used to be considered "that weird kid" is now considered to be a kid with autism.
Basically, the definition of autism has widened. That's all.
Humans are social animals, we still need empathy you mongoloid. Lets just have a world where absolutely no-one has empathy and see how regressive we can go, huh? Durr
Larger population, for one. Having a wider range of things that can fall into the Autisum spectrum than we had in the past also adds to it, where even minor cases and misdiagnosis help increase the overall number.
We are devolving, and this is only the beginning.
Today's kids are insanely unhealthy compared to kids of 1-2 generations past. The rates of autism, ADD, general health problems has skyrocketed, we're surrounded by so much poison around us - vaccines, the food, the flouride, the hormones, the pesticides - do you really think kids bodies can handle that?
Admittely I feel kind of personal about this...My youngest brother was a totally normal kid until his vaccinations, then it was like he was just gone. Watching videos from his first year he was expressive, made eye contact, he had some words, and then after it was like nothing. It's bullshit.
At the very least they should be spaced out - the among of shots a kid gets by the time they're 3 is ridiculous.
>amount of child beating goes down
>autism rates go up
I'm not saying correlation is causation but it really makes you think
Okay, I didn't know that. Thanks. That picture is ridiculous kek
women are just getting pregnant later in life than they used to and that contributes to birth defects. watch out for the women who try to get pregnant in their late thirties or early forties.
Overdiagnosis, autism is a blanket term for poorly understood learning disorders. Probably a combination of massive populations being overcrowded as well as shitty education systems and shitty parents lieing to eachother and saying that they're kids inability to learn and socialize couldn't possibly be their fault so it must be some mental disorder.
autism rates aren't rising
diagnoses are rising
Pollution and overpopulation.
Its an ailment of industrialized society.
1. We don't drown the autistic babies anymore
2. People have babies at age 35 instead of age 15
High-sugar diets, food additives, pollution, particularly emissions from cars that contain hydrogen cyanide and other toxins, poor parenting, shitty "nanny state" school system, Democrats, Black Lives Matter, SJWs, Liberals, TV, HD-TV, Video games, poisonous school lunches, lack of social interaction, lack of social skills, toys, board games, Pokemon, Pokemon Go, Renamon being just too damn sexy, Computers, Iphones, Ipads, Republicans, Conservative Politics, Liberal Politics, Canadians, Lack of autism-inhibiting hormones in the blood, lack of proper discipline, unsupervised Internet use, porn, furry porn, trap porn, sissy porn, furry sissy trap porn, herms, r34 of kids shows, r34 of anything, coke, pepsi, dr pepper, fanta grape drank, Burger King food, McDonald's food, any and all fast food, lack of broccoli in the diet, too many of the wrong kinds of friends, not enough of the wrong kinds of friends, lack of friends of any kind, teachers, administrators, school counselors, CS:GO, WoW, Minecraft Lets Plays (yeah those are really cancerous) lack of artistic expression, over indulgence of artistic expression, imagination or lack of same, girls (because girls have cooties). boys (because boys have cooties, too. Equality, you know.) Just about anything else you can think of.
Parents who don't have time for their kids
Special snowflakeness being encouraged instead of stomped to the ground
Kids not going outdoors like they used to
30 years ago, most present day autists would have just been considered wierd, now they get diagnosis and wellfare instead of being forced to be productive members of society
To clarify: "that weird kid" or "Weird Billy" let's call him now has a definition and a disease to go with it.
Now, instead of picking on and beating the crap out of the weird (and often creepy) little fucker we're forced to pity him and, in a lot of cases, are forced to play (shudder) with him!
Honestly though, there aren't any more "weird" (autistic) kids than there's ever been, they all just have a label, now.
I want to be her pet dragon
Everyone would act like the creepy geek freaks on Big Bang Theory
So... How old was your mother when she had you? 80?
Did you guys know we have 100000% more autism than before we discovered it existed? Isnt that quacking crazy?
The smallpox vaccine is over 200 years old. Back then they'd just smear you with sick cow juice. This was a pretty horrible disease, and thanks to vaccination efforts in the 70s completely wiped it out.
Most of those efforts were focused in 3rd world developing countries. It would stand to reason, then, that those countries would have extraordinarily high autism rates if indeed "All vaccines cause autism" like the Anti-Vaxxer crowd likes to claim.
This is clearly not the case.
Measles, Polio, Chickenpox, Tetanus. All of these are rare today, thanks to vaccines. Untold millions have been saved from diseases which could cause severe lifelong impairments, even with 20th century medical technology.
Autism rate projections are currently on this ridiculous exponential curve, which makes fuck all sense. While it's likely some chemical or otherwise unknown civilization factor is causing the issue (Isolated social development thanks to the rise of computing, commonly used chemical with as yet unknown psychological effects, who knows).
Anti-Vaxxers are driven by the same impulses as much of the anti-gun crowd, they're simply people angry about something they had no control over; and looking for a person, place or thing to build a shrine of blame upon, filling the emptiness of harsh reality with ideology instead. Just human nature, really.
>there are lots of autists
>this must be vaccines for some reason
pls present proof
>You having mentioned that has just increased the autism rate to over 9000!
It's just a way of classifying logical thinkers who won't take the conditioning. This makes "autistic" people impossible to indoctrinate. The more intelligent and logical you are the more control you have over your emotions and the less susceptible you are to indoctrination. Spergs don't always have the best social skills because social skills are another example of indoctrination. If you observe autists you will note they are immune to all forms of social or authoritarian control.
See: ADD/ADHD in the 90s.
Looking for it now, but I want to say they were Danish, group did a study and found that autism is greatly linked to the "cleanliness" of your early childhood. Basically, if you lived in a sheltered room/house and never got exposed to dirt, disease, etc, you had an exponentially greater risk of autism. Autism rates drop off to almost nothing once you make it to rural and farm towns.
Imagine if the third reich won. Germany is autism the country.
>they are immune to all forms of social or authoritarian control.
They are also immune to friends. But honestly...you dont actually believe what you just posted do you?
Yay I can tie my shoe the best in the world... but I run in terror from the sight of green apples and hide in fear at the sound of birds chirping
It became normal for women to put off child rearing until their 40's.
The reich did not tolerate mental defectives. If Germany won WW2, right after the jews and gypsies were exterminated Hitler would have started cleansing German occupied lands of the mentally ill and infirm
It's the low fat meme. Brain needs fat to be healthy.
Well, that explains why I'm a fucking genius. I used to play in the dirt all the time when I was a kid!
>Cleanliness = morons.
>Playing in the dirt = Geniuses.
>Quick! Get your babies out to the swamp before it's too late!
>Wait... How does this explain Hillbillies?
the rise of low functioning autism is definitely not due to "overdiagnosis".
Retardation has nothing to do with intelligence. It is a byproduct. Retardation is a defect in the persons mind.
To answer your joke though, the rates of Autism in the rural south are pretty much non existant
It's one of the factors, if you are wierd and say wierd shit to the psychologist you get a diagnosis
Try lookin up the birth control drugs that girls piss out, and it stays in the water and can't be removed.
Rising age of new parents
I think one of the large issues is our "modern thinking"
200 years ago almost no one would have kept a child who could not function. They would have died in their sleep, in an accident, wondered off and been eaten by bears/wolves/gators, etc
A big part of the rise is over the last 50-75 years retardation has become more of a "illness" than a familial burden to be solved. Up until the 1970's there were entire state run land plots for people to send their retarded children, just to get rid of them.
There is most certainly a rise in retardation rates, and they coincide with not simply ending that persons life early in their childhood.
Puts infant mortality rates in the pre industrial revolution into perspective huh?
It's a combo of better diagnosis and the fact that a huge portions of the population survive on food and drink loaded with chemicals and it's fucking with our brain chemistry
Haha. This guy who thinks mob justice of the unwashed masses is preferable to objective justice dictated by hyper-intelligent biodroids.
>If that were true there would be lots of autistic adults today, but there aren't.
But there are...
>it's fucking with our brain chemistry
Get a load of this goy
>lots of autistic adults today, but they're not
Not many people test themselves for autism, user, but almost everyone tests their kids. It's not that had. Another thing is that autism really isn't that bad. You can adjust for it by yourself in most cases.
liberals are having children?
? He is right though, plastic is really bad 4 u buddeh
I can go into more detail here.
Autism is a product of gestative errors, that is, something going wrong during fetal development. These errors are becoming more common today for several reasons, and all of them have to do with dysgenics
Rising age of new parents. Married couples and women in general are delaying parenthood until their thirties and forties. Any physician will tell you that as a person ages, their reproductive material deteriorates. Females, because their ova degrade and the lining of the uterus thins out. Males, because replication errors are introduced into their sperm. Older women tend to have older husbands/partners. Put the two together and you're practically doubling the odds of a congenital defect.
Secondly, we have the phenomena of pro-fertility treatments and various alternative methods for producing a child. This branch of medicine has enabled women and men who would otherwise not be able to reproduce (either because of innate infertility/sterility, or because of age/illness) to have children. Naturally, such children are at higher risk for developmental disorders, of which autism is one possible outcome. Apart from this, you have in vitro fertilization and surrogate motherhood, two further methods for allowing otherwise barren couples/individuals to reproduce. This technology is relatively new, and only available in the first world. Autism rates have remained relatively stagnant in the third world for decades, outside of Islamic countries (where there is a great deal of consanguineous breeding).
Autism is, as aforesaid, the outcome of a gestative defect. Unfortunately, the symptoms do not manifest (or manifest in any observable way) usually until after a year or two of life. We vaccinate newborns starting around 6 months after birth because until then they are protected by the residuum of their mother's immunity. Vaccines causing autism is a classic case of the post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy (after this, therefore because of this)
Autism was originally supposed to be a co-morbidity with severe mental retardation characterized by anti-social behaviour (avoiding other people, unwillingness to speak even if they have the capability etc.) . DSM III was the first to have it, I believe. The kid from Die Hard was the "average" autist.
The only similarity between the old definition and today's is that indicators include problems with social indications
Apparently they're putting minuscule amounts of mercury in vaccines for whatever reason. When babies are born they're immediately stuck by a fuckton of vaccines, and it's theorized that the mercury is messing them up.
Or maybe they're intentionally trying to get as much autism as possible so they can weaponize it. Second-grade misdiagnosed autism is still autism.
Just, wow.
So what happens when the bus actually arrives?
Does it just slow down and pick them up as it goes? Or does that guy all the way on the left walk the distance?
The reason is because we used to lock spastics away in a box where they could gurgle and dribble on themselves all day. But now with this new age of "everyone is special, especially if you're 'neuroatypical'" it's become a full on spastic breeding ground. Spastics churning out gen 2 spastics and that's why it's on the rise.
Study by John Hopkins said women taking SSRI's while pregnant....seems to be plausible, explains the increasing rates, SSRI's do target neurons....
"Better at diagnosing it" is a gentle way of putting it.
We live in an era where it's hip to be disabled, where society is so overly maternalistic that it insists on slapping a label on everyone. Notice how everybody has a fucking "disease" now.
People aren't just assholes, now they have bipolar disorder.
People aren't just socially awkward, now they're high-functioning autistics.
That's not to say that these conditions don't exist -- they do -- but we have an increasing tendency to systemize and categorize normal human flaws.
Parents aren't raising kids at ages that biologically make sense. Like.... 13-25 years of age. Anything after is waiting for problems.
>If vaccines aren't responsible for the high rates of autism today, that keeps on rising, then what the hell is?
Stupid women riding the cock carrossel during their 20ths and 30ths and deciding they want to have fucking children at the age of 45, which increases the chances for autism and downs syndrome greatly.
As always, it is woman's fault.
there are loads of autistic adults. the thing is with the advent of better technology we can be more specific with shit like this, so people nowadays are diagnosed with "autism" or "OCD" instead of just being "fucking weird," or "BPD" or "sociopathy" instead of just being "a fucking asshole," etc
>The idea that we're simply better at diagnosing it is laughable.
No, it isn't.
That's exactly the case.
It surely isn't my fault Timmy watches 8 hours of TV a day and can't write his own name, he must be autistic!
I've tried everything! I've put spongebob on repeat, left him alone infront of the TV for hours at a time, ignored him, yelled at him when he asks questions and yelled some more at him when he doesn't magically learn everything himself.
It must be the vaccines!
>there aren't a lot of autistic adults
>on pol
Latest research that I have read is that NSIADS aka pain killers are suppressing neural development thus causing connections to not form correctly
It probably has something to do with more and more women having children at the age of 35+. Proven fact the older the mother the more risk of your child getting downs syndrome.
there aren't a lot of autistic ADULTS on pol...
something common in life now that was not common 30-40 years ago, or something that has changed in the same timespan
like maybe the current costcutting recipe for a big mac is toxic, maybe it's cause plastics aren't heat treated properly anymore and they outgas constantly and it affects babies brains more than adults
other possible candidates
GM foods
long term consumption of pesticide sprayed foods
microwaved food
environmental toxins
certain pharmaceuticals
it could be more than one cause, it might be a combination of things
a lot of things are not tested for long term side effects
while it's also true that more kids are being diagnosed as autistic when they'd just be considered 'weird' in the past, there is definitely a rising trend in actual mental retardation (go talk to any old child care worker and they will tell you there's more "special" kids now), maybe it's a generational buildup, like bioaccumulation and this current generation has more amplified effects than previous generations
one thing is clear though
someone has fucked up badly
I'm becoming more and more convinced that it's children being left alone for so long that their social skills stagnate to social retardation. Parents leave their babies to watch TV (no direct interaction), their toddlers with nannies (who are often cleaning staff and don't interact with children), their children with TV to entertain themselves, and teens with the internet. Some kids fall through the cracks, never make decent friends, their parents nor strangers never truly interact with them, and at the end of it all are so socially awkward that they don't have the opportunity to develop social skills, possibly ever.
There may be certain genetic issues (slightly retarded brain development), and things like over diagnosing, but those can't truly explain the rapid increase of autism since the advent of modern media devices.
downs=/= autism
To every conspiracy theory, there is a foundation of truth
Back in my high school libcuck years I believe it was all a hoax, but now I see the increasing autism as a manmade thing. Anyone care to give a succinct redbull on vaccination and autism link?
Autism is probably caused by glyphosate, a chemical found in pesticides.
this plays a part, I always thought that parents who let their kids watch teletubbies were just asking for their kids to turn into retards
but it's not just that
autistic kids aren't just socially awkward, they also tend to be just plain dumb and have poor taste in things
It's caused by the mercury contamination that is left behind in HFCS during it's production. HFCS has since the 80's steadily become used in absolutely everything in the place of sugar and viola since the 80's autism rates and diagnoses have skyrocketed as well.
Industrial pollutants in our air. Homes, and food, combined with the fact that people are having children at older ages when birth defects are more likely. This is no mystery.
Because the "Autism Spectrum" keeps getting bigger, so that anything can be considered "Autism" and the (((psychiatrists))) can keep giving mind-numbing meds to everyone
Chemicals in the water, shitty parenting and too much screen time
also add retarded parents who are ignorant about nutrition and give their kids candy and junk food, then wonder why their kids brains never developed properly
Im sure someone on this planet is giving their baby coca cola right now
every village had their hometown idiot
it's probably the overdiagnosing. Nowadays everything is so extremely cozy that every minor sand in the gearbox will be identified and made a theme.
Its literally because mommy and millions of other degenerate women cant lay off the bottle while she theyre pregnant, thats why youre autistic op, go talk to her about it