ITT: We trigger americans

> ITT: We trigger americans

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If teasing Americans help you feel better about your shitty continent then I'm willing to help a friend.




>Not including Mexico




>Not caring about your own people more than some gooks that died over a half century go

Fucking cuck



Ameriguh iz bad cause dey iz fat and dey lik to shit n walmart lmao n they eat bergers

fair enough t b h

There is nothing you can say that will trigger them. I think the worst thing was that website of dead american soldiers in iraq and afganistan that made fun of them for dying in stupid ways. That's the maddest I've seen amerifats.

Second best would be to question the 2nd amendment.

>Second best would be to question the 2nd amendment.





Plz just nuke us


Based nip bants on burger sex

>Have every college campus in your country basically a Communist propaganda factory AND a Communist militia recruitment ground
>Yfw the USSR beat the living shit out of the USA in the cold war from its fucking grave

Hah. Good luck toothpaste. As fucked as we are we console ourselves daily in the knowledge we are not Europe.

Don't you have a subway to catch? Should you really be texting while riding your bike though the city?

Carless faggot.

And now race relations are the worst they've been since the fucking 60's.


It's working guys. Keep 'em comin

>Be Egypt
> Lose four wars to Israel
> Have a half breed a president that cucks the country to Israel.


Typical burger street scene

First Black Muslim President in the Western World


I'm all for natural selection, but why would you give your children food with something inedible inside?

I'd understand if it was large enough to not fit comfortably in one's mouth, but wasn't the main issue the small bitesize ones with plastic inside?

Typical burger dignity

No need, living here is the biggest trigger of all

>tfw all of your roommates for the past 2 years have been non-white

Mmmmm... typical burger """"""""food""""""""

>be american
>use proxy to make it seem like you are from a different country on an english speaking website

back when i was a kid i used to put ketchup on those and eat them, was pretty good desu

That's cute, but I'd rather shit myself regularly in WalMart than be foreced to pay your tax rates for even a day.


A true patriot and hero

> gun control works
> capitalism is unsutainable

Deep-fried butter!
On a stick!
Coated in Sugar!
>deep fried butter
>fried butter
Yes it's real. American """"cuisine""""


Yeah. I put them in bacon n cheese toasties. Shameful secret...

I'm american.


I have never spoken to a black person. I own guns and am pro gun control. I think trump is a dangerous retard:


We were supplied shit weapons from the USSR,some even from fucking WWII,and we couldn't use them the way Vietnamese used those weapons because guerilla warfare in an open desert is semi-impossible.
Our morale was low as fuck as none of our people wanted to go to war because if they died,their families won't be compensated for shit by the government.

Most,if not all,of our generals and officer were inexperienced dipshit playboys who spend most of their time going on leisure and sex tours outside the country because of their enormous paychecks ; they viewed the position as some sort of way to get free money and not to ensure that our nation doesn't get fully occupied in 10 days.

Our dipshit leaders and populace went into the war for the sake of 'patriotism' and 'nationalism' , favoring these 2 over our Prophet's way which is Jihad in the name of Allah ; so it serves them right for what happened during these wars

Burger education

>lel shart in Mart



Damn looks like Egypt got triggered instead


>not triggered

I like 'Murican cheese, cause I'm a fuckin red blooded 'Murican.

Hahahahaha why are black people so based??

Flab chariots. Dat ass...


I can't even be mad, that's just medically fascinating. How the fuck can a human body come to be that shape?

Their ketchup contains twice the sugar for the same brand as in Canada and its just one example...

No wonder why they are so fat




>tfw you know people that drive $90,000+ trucks

Trucks really are the luxury cars of Texas.

An F250/350 Platinum is over $60,000, and I see those everywhere.

Government. Cheese.

Trump is a retard and won't win.


Cowboys of the old west

Still waiting to be triggered. Nothing I've seen so far has made me feel even the least bit triggered.

only in mississippi

American qt3.14 she's got those 'come to bed knuckles'

>Hey user, you want a good time sugar?

Lord have mercy

HAH! Gay!

a nigger is our preznident

They look like fags, but there is a female in the middle.

>Deep-fried butter!
>On a stick!

I won't lie that sounds pretty yummy right about now.

nauseating, but not triggering.

Reminds me of the time I bet a kid he couldn't eat 8 sticks of butter in a row and set up a betting pool with my classmates. I made a cool 50 bucks when he ate it all.

His farts were so bad the next day that on the way to school they had to evacuate his school bus and call in a spare bus to go the rest of the way. They called his mom out of work to drive him herself.

Yeah, she's a dyke. There's no end to the deviancy.


I'm a little triggered I guess, but that's a bit like an Indian making the SHART IN MART meme.

You'll be hearing from uncle Sam about your unreported earning. Enjoy your c&

Alright, NOW I'm triggered.


>muh guns keep us safe xDD, that's why our murder rate is the highest out of every single civilised country xDDD

>why use lengths with practical real world applications when you can just multiply arbitrary amounts by 10?


You mean the six million?

The value of an American life. Don't forget it.


>question the 2nd amendment.
I will hunt you down, skin you , and turn you into the worlds ugliest throw rug, you bucktooth, tea swilling, limey cockfag.