ITT Redpill on Amanda Knox

I know the bare details- she had some kind of liason with a white guy, a pakistani from britain, and a rapefugee, and the pakistani ended up dead.

Is Knox innocent? Is she some kind of feminist icon? What is it about this story that means it won't go away? Why do (((they))) keep raking this up?

According to Italian police, she is a Satan worshiping witch that sacrificed her room mate to the Prince of Darkness in a ritual.

coal burner.

Pretty sure she's a whore

I can't remember the details but I remember thinking she's guilty as fuck after watching a C4 documentary on the whole thing. Really shoddy job by the Italian police though.

She got off because her parents are rich and waged a mass pr campaign in America showing her crying while saying it was because Italy hates their freedoms.

Immature twat who's roommate was killed.

Didn't immediately call police.

Fucked around with the crime scene.

Lied about it afterwards and acted weird.

Black guy did the crime and his defence spun all the inconsistencies to try to get him off.

Media circus ensues.

The actual murder is nicely tied up, it is just all the bullshit and the fact it sells books, newspapers and films is why it comes back.

Madeline McCann 2.0

Well, essentialy she's a sociopath.
She murdered her english roomate (almost every proof collected screamed that she was the main perpetrator of the murder before getting invalidated by details and enormous procedural mistakes by our forensics) then she gained a lot of attention from the media (gruesome murder, lust involving the act, having a pretty face, italian police the casually fuck-up stuff like they're back in the medieval times and of course the morbid idea of a young couple slaughtering a friend for fun).

As soon as she had a chance to escape from italy and fly to the US she became a personality, cashed out a lot of money with books talk shows etc and now I suppose it's a minor celebrity for the burgers.

If you have doubt about her "profile" look at her interviews (not the american ones, the italian ones from when the carousel started)
Absolute control over her emotions, incredible ability to fake joy, religious fervor, sadness, desperation and hope.
And most of all the ability to lie consistently, something really unusual for such a young aged girl, specially with all the pressure from the medias.

Ameriburgers essentialy are giving their bucks to a sociopath that will live off a murder all her life.
The only fucked up in her probably long life is the man that will marry her. Living with a sociopatch must be living hell

Don't forget that Knox framed her boss.

>She murdered her english roomate (almost every proof collected screamed that she was the main perpetrator of the murder before getting invalidated by details and enormous procedural mistakes by our forensics)

so she actually took part in the murder, wasn't just 'at the scene', wasn't just some kind of sex game gone wrong?

>Italian obsession with an American whore spanning decades
Dude let it go

she looks a bit crazy

Nah m8, italians are just buthurt about it. It was the black guy.

Italians have a fucked justice system (I know, pot calling the kettle black). She can't go back b/c no double jeopardy there.

The nigger did it. She helped.

The real crime in all of this is that there is only a single piece of R34 of her, but thankfully it in her young and attractive stage, not the 50 year old bull dyke stage she currently has.

The real crime is there's no nudes

The American government used political weight to let a murderer go free, why would anyone let that go? Do you care about justice?


Her roommate obviously burned the coal and paid the toll.

Amanda dindu nuffin.

I showed the world how moronic and laughable the Italian legal system is.

It was basically just them trying and retrying until they got what they wanted. She may have done it...probably was involved but for shits sake...get it together Italy

Any proof for those claims or just speculation because her roommate was one or something?

This. She was British after all.

>The burgers without fail defend her to the death

This has happened without fail everywhere this story has come up over the years. It really shows just how useful a good pr campaign is and just how easy it is to manipulate Americans.

Nigger burglar murders roommate.

Retarded corrupt wops concoct insane accusation that Amanda and her BF murdered Roommate in a Satanic Ritual.

She definitely did it. Italian cops fucked it up because they are pretty much a third world country. Pretty much it.

i love how butthurt you spaghettiniggers are about this

i remember about a year or two back when the spaghetti government was trying to extradite her and pastafags on Sup Forums were soooo fucking rustled by the fact that the US wasn't going to let them do it

your legal system is a joke and your country is a shithole

You dago scum should all be gassed.

It was the Nigger, not some Satanic fucking Ritual.

Jesus Christ. How can you not figure that out?

Yes, all of the evidence that shedid it is just insane. They are only doing it because they are jealous of her freedoms.

>she dindu nuffin she good grill
typical butthurt aperican monegrels

how does it feel knowing that no matter how hard you scream and cry your corrupt third world judges will never EVER have the chance to put amanda knox on trial again? you lost, get over it.

you can keep the albino nigress m8 who cares, calm your dad's chimp genes down

She will kill again, sociopaths always do and it will be American blood that is spilt. The only thing that lost is justice.

You can tell just by looking at her she's a psychopath

Something about that dry ass look in her eyes

What evidence? The DNA and everything else point to the nigger. The wog's whole case was "she acted weird."

So what, you think a nigger breaks into her apartment, and Suddenly Amanda and her BF join in with this random fucking African in a Satanic Ritual Murder of her Roommate?

she fucked the nigger.

she's scum and should be executed.


Also what is with this weird hyperbole Satanic defence all Americans spout when called out on this case? It's a tumblr tier fallacy.

Why is it so hard for Sup Forums to believe that the nigger nigged the British chick?

Not butthurt at all, being incarcerated in italy costs only public money. Being free in her country is fine for me. Plus she didn't kill Federico II , she killed an ugly british girl.

The "problem" with the italian legal system is that with all the judjment degree and appeals it can delay the conclusive sentence in years and years.

Plus ameriburgers don't be angry and actually read what i wrote. nothing "satanic". she just enjoyed stabbing her ugly britbong friend .

Why is it so hard for Americans to accept that an American is guilty?

So should every French woman then.

Kercher burned coal but she was part poo in loo (I think) anyway.

She was poo in loo on her mothers side I believe.


I followed this case at the time. There wasnt pure evidence presented that substantiated Knox as the murderer. If you have proof,post it and change my mind.

>If you have proof,post it and change my mind.

>His justice system needs proof to put people in prison

I want to be a corrupt judge when I grow up, I'm glad I was born in Italy.

poo in the vagoo