Let's fuck with Hillary's campaign

>volunteer for the Hillary campaign

>supposed to make get out the vote phone calls

>redpill normies instead

Why haven't you signed up yet?


I'm pretty sure that it's illegal to do that.

What if you just """really suck at shilling for Hillary"""?

It would be easier to just go full Bernie-tier phone banking and turn people away from Hillary just by making them annoyed of her.

CTR at it again

That's wrong and I believe also illegal. Op you faggot I'd unplug your router

Can a lawyer-user comment on this?

>most of pol is 3rd world shit skin

Some Venezuelan poster is gonna end I'm up extradited to the US for shitposting

In what way could such behavior possibly be deemed illegal?

Freedom of speech exists in the USA.

For now.

It's slander.

Spot the CTR shill shitting his pants running through proxies replying to this thread

this worked so well for Bernie.....

It's legal. You aren't getting paid for this and there is no contract that you won't tell the people you're phone banking that Hillary will ensure veterans will die for her Arab masters as Syrian refugees rape their children to death for being white. Open fire.

you want hillary to drop a barbell on your neck?


That implies we'd be making things up. Nonono, we're just using her own public record
>.05 shekels have been deposited in your account

>Implying we haven't been doing this all along

Just make her sound super shitty but don't be too obvious. Ctr knows it works but it's not illegal so don't listen to the shills.

Not it's not you retard, slander requires defamation and lying. It isn't slander if it's true.

I spend my free time calling random numbers and pretending to shill for Hillary, making sexist and racist claims. I recommend it. It's fun.

Do you call from Skype or something?

It's not criminally illegal but if the person running your peticular area finds out you could possibly be sued by her campaign office

>Free speech is illegal

>Hi, I'm calling on behalf of the Hillary Campaign. Can I have a moment of your time?

>Great. I'm calling today today to tell people that the lies spread about her ill health are unfounded and that top medical advisors ha e assured her that she has at least 3 years of good health left. What's more, her running partner would automatically tale over in the event of her rapid loss of cognitive function or death and while he does not have much relevant political experience, he is prepared to learn and is full of enthusiasm.

No Skype. Regular phone. I try to guess their age/race and then make outrageous claims about taxes, prisons, gun laws.


We need to hook up with the bros at /cfg/ and get them in on this. This'll be spectacular.

I personally don't want to kill myself with 2 bullets to the head.

Grrreat idear

Hillary Clinton believes that we are stronger together. She studied the works of Karl Marx extensively in college, and believes that America succeeds when we work together to solve our problems and build an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top. She believes that we’re stronger and safer when we accept globalism, and multiculturalism, unlike Donald Trump who has demonstrated that he will seriously harm our security and economy by bullying and demeaning anyone who disagrees with him, even picking fights with Muslims around the world. He will apply the wrong business lessons—make people work in factories, make himself richer at the expense of the proletariat, immigrants, refugees, default on your loans—to the economy. There is too much at stake in this election and Hillary needs your support. I hope that we can earn your vote for Hillary Clinton in November.

>subtly modified callspeak nonsense to dissuade people from voting Hillary, possibly.


Put a line about transgender toddler rights somewhere and you're golden.

Or mention how she's a champion for women

>That's why she takes donations from Saudi Arabia!

>Also, c'mon, don't you want to be on the right side of history?