Is there anything more disgusting than a rapidly-aging woman?

Is there anything more disgusting than a rapidly-aging woman?

Hillary was always disgusting


reminder that she poops and farts


she used to be a qt though

If you enjoy hidden dong


Hypothyroidsm will do that to you.

I don't give a shit what her age is or how disgusting she looks, I give a shit that she is a fucking corrupt piece of shit who isn't being prosecuted for her crimes

It's just sad to see desu

Not really.


you mean surgerying

key word "used to".

muh dick

A little Dindu.

When will immortality happen? I'm a cute boy who doesn't want to grow old.

I would be a fuckboy/toy for all of you bloated closet cases, it would be just like my yaoi doujinshis.

Milfs are hot desu


Who is this semen demon

i have no problem with non-loli lovers, i just hate pedos

the only thing i can give shillary props for is having a nice ass

and nice hips

Soon, user. Stay alive, and get money. Immortality is coming in our lifetime.

>high school



Rapidly aging women with troath cancer and hearth problems

honestly OP if youre gonna turn me onto Hillary you should use one of her younger pics

2 rapidly-aging women

Awkward boner.