Here's mine. What do you guys think?
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Trumps not made the news here in a while, he has already peaked and prob won't win because he is old news to the idiot public and they will be too scared to change
Americans are notoriously stubborn when it comes to change.. Still don't even try to use metric
Plausible OP. Smart that you didn't make PA or Virg (or Mich) blue because...that just doesn't seem likely right now.
What are the odds Michigan does go Red? At this point, I see it flipping more likely than PA.
I live in Virginia and I don't understand why people think Hillary has Virginia. Blacks don't give a shit about Hillary and won't force themselves to go out to vote for her.
This is a military state, I live in Newport News and I can assure you that this will be Trumps.
>NC voting Trump
I mean, wishful thinking I guess.
One state probably would be rigged if it was that close
Hawaii is turning Red. We've already decided it. Trump is winning by 3m votes as well.
That's where Trump wins. Saged your shitty thread.
Northern Virginia is a depressing land to travel through. Recently counted 13 Spanish speaking radio stations, 9 English speaking.
Mexicans wandering around everywhere.
Africans straight out of Africa wandering around.
All living among relatively nice and new apartments.
I have a feeling that they are importing voters and fast tracking citizenship. Using government funds to house them.
nice quads
Hi neighbor.
You need to look at the population of tidewater compared to northern VA. I don't think va will go trump.
NoVA is a cucked area. I want to kill myself, just living here. Please someone come here and please save us.
Holy quads, well that is disheartening to hear.
I believe this election will be rigged most likely then.
So North Va is the cancer but if you look at the 2012 election, Obama almost lost it.
>All these people forgetting about New Hampshire
>Trump literally has to rack up every true toss-up (Nevada, Iowa, North Carolina, Florida, and Ohio) AND at least one heavily Clinton-leaning state (either Pennsylvania, Colorado, New Hampshire, Wisconsin or Virginia) at the very least
Winning this is going to be a tall order
I think despite how depressing it seems, you're right that black voters will not turn out this year nearly as much as Obama.
He did close to 60% in Prince William and Fairfax. The isn't really almost losing.
He almost lost Virginia dude.
Take the large black turnout for Obama and do the math. Hillary won't have the black vote as Obama did in 2012.
Florida could go either way, I'd be willing to put money on the rest though (excl. the meme states with split votes, obviously)
Screen cap this 99% positive
nj will be red
He won by nearly 4%. That isn't almost losing.
I'm hoping black turnout might swing the state back to red, but what about the Mexican turnout?
Pretty good, but VA, PA, MI and WA will break for Trump in the final hours.
A lot more people are tired of Hillary's bullshit than you realize. Absolutely nobody wishes to submit to her because we all know most people who do so get fucked.
I don't care if a fucking potato becomes president as long as it isn't Hillary
>burgers notoriously stubborn to change
>burgers currently have a president whose slogan was "hope and change"
>a leaf
All honesty, he changed jack shit.