Brit/pol/ - Nigel edition

>Today's Papers 9/9/16

>All schools to get a chance to become grammars under Theresa May's plans

>Nick Clegg attacks Leave Camp and blasts Nigel Farage for Brexit

>European bankers will be exempt from migration curbs after Brexit, Philip Hammond reveals

>Brexit talks role for Belgian EU veteran Guy Verhofstadt

>Jeremy Corbyn claims he can unite Labour to take on Tories

>Why all the signs point to work permit system and 'hard Brexit' as Theresa May negotiates the UK-EU divorce

>Donald Tusk tells Theresa May 'ball's in UK's court'

Other urls found in this thread:


The white race is doomed and English/British culture is already dead

As of the 2011 census, England was just 79.8% white British. That's down from 87% in 2001. A 7% drop in just 10 years. I imagine right now, in 2016, it's around the 72-75% mark and I dread to think what the figure will be in the 2021 census. It will certainly be a much greater drop than 7%. We'll have a white British minority probably before 2050.



Is it /comfy/ hours yet? Have the normalfags gone to bed?

Who /depression/ here?

>All schools to get a chance to become grammars under Theresa May's plans
I approve of this message.

Based May is Based.

I know what you mean, it would seal the deal that Manchester is the second city though.

Can't believe Birmingham can ever think it has that status the deluded cunts.

There are more muslims in Britain than there are people in Wales

Just made chicken & bacon pasta bake.

Why don't we all flee to that chunk of Antarctica Britain has.

>Being depressed when you were born English

>only for asian girls

>grammar school ban lifted
>harshest immigration laws in history
>telling the Europoors to fuck off
>building a wall in Calais

There are more muslims in Britain than there are people in Northern Ireland

Fuck sake lad, real NEET hours are in a couple hours.

I'm not English. I'd still be depressed if I was.


S-sorry user

I'll sleep now

Anglo-Japanese Alliance Mk2 Imperial Boogaloo when?

We must force everyone under the age of 30 to copulate

>New faith schools will be given permission to select pupils purely on the basis of their religious background

Holy fuck this all the way. I went to a C of E primary that was roughly half muslim.

UKIP should rename themselves The Anti-Paki Party.

>population of NI
>1.811 million
>Muslims in the UK


Northumbria is a pretty good place desu

Started watching hello kiniro mosaic to distract myself from feels desu. It is truly the end of days


Someone explain this.

We will survive.

Is that the show with Karen? Any good? Never watched any anime

Drudge report just put up its dead man's switch.

Happening inbound.

I didn't even see a black kid until I was 13


2011 figure It's over 3 million now




5 year old me freak out massively when I first saw a Burka.

>tfw we could have ruled the world together

I didn`t even see a black person until I was well into secondary.

go away takeshi

Alright lads?

Should I fuck my sister's mate or not? She's 21 and I'm 27.. She's beautiful, based and good fun but I know my sister would be an emotional twat about it...

Picture unrelated



Are you intending to be in a relationship with her? If so, yes. If not, no.

The Antarctic Treaty means no nation may own any Antarctic land or exploit it. This means nobody can set up a national territory on it, because there simply cannot be any borders in Antarctica. Beyond this, the land that we "claimed" is also partly claimed by Argentina. If we attempted to set up shop there it would mean that we are not only breaking the Antarctic Treaty but it may also lead to war with Argentina over the land dispute. Plus, it's fucking freezing.

Just do it user.

Your age difference means nothing and your sister will forget about it in a matter of days.

Pictures first then we give advice thats how it works here.

Saw my first moslem in my town last week.


Top left, the apostrophe. Something big is coming, last time this happened was Fukushima. This is DR's insurance against the story being suppressed.


Rather ally with the Muslims Jeremy?

>implying nothing is going to change between now and 2021

defeatists out

The dindus will still follow us there.

The Antarctic treaty will expire within our lifetimes lad. You can bet the petrochemical engineers that work at """penguin counting bases""" in the antarctic are gonna find something that makes it worth us claiming the territory properly.

Also who gives a fuck about Argentina. Seriously.

Same. I can understand a head scarf but that's just still baffling to me.

Yeah. It's alright desu. Just about squeaky anime slags

She Christian lad?

>The UK is the biggest per capita contributor to global temperature change

We're 44th in the list of per capita carbon emissions and we're ranked 2nd in the world for tackling emissions and climate change. What a load of nigger talk.

If you love each other

>born just in time to claim Antarctica for the Second British Empire

The whole "reduction to meaningless" thing has really turned every thing to shit

People are demoralised and have no deeper meaning in life other than to drink alcohol and then eventually have kids, but even then who would want to have kids suffer being minorities in their own country

I really wish we had some sort of spiritual nationalism to give the people meaning again

Depends. if your sister is gonna be that much of a cunt about it then probably not worth it if you're just looking for a cheeky one nighter desu
More than that could be worth it depending on the attractiveness of the friend vs the twattiness of the sister

>but it may also lead to war with Argentina over the land dispute
you say that like it's a bad thing

>Antarctican penal colony

I have never seen a black.

The Democrats are going to flood a nuclear reactor because Hillary coughed up a greenie? Spell it out for fuck sake lad I have paid no attention whatsoever to the Yank elections thus far.

My area is full of Jews and Protestants. Muslims don't dare come here, and the one family that is here are literally scared to talk to people around them. It's great.

There was a lad the other day who worked in the oil industry who said that and also about the Rockall Field which are being explored now.

That's cause it was dark and you don't have any electricity during the winter


It's his way of signalling that a huge, world-altering story is incoming. The last time the apostrophe appeared was just before the Fukushima meltdown story broke.

>britain agrees to house millions of 'syrian' refugees
>sends them all to british antarctican territory with only tents and bacon


>women my age are getting fucked by older posters from this Uzbek marble collection forum

Its not the 1990s anymore.

Yeah it comes to an end in 2048, but I imagine it will be reinstated after that. As you say, the penguin counters may find something rather valuable up there that'll give us reason to move in. I guess we'll just have to wait and see, though I personally don't think that'll happen.

Sure. The USSR let many Africans study in Moscow.

>when the EU asks where all the "refugees" went

Would happily be. Just getting to that point would be hard

Cheers lad. I agree.

Nope. But she's a solid 8

She is pretty atheist but her parents are devout and she follows the rules and morals of Christianity. Same as me really.

Not sure about that yet. I could end up loving her though I think She's the best girl I've got close to in a long, long time. Most are wankers

My sister is fantastic. Properly based and takes no shit from anybody. That's why it could be hard desu. She will just tell me I'm being degenerate and should get a girl my own age and not in 'the circle'.

Cheers though chaps. Nice to have some input and some (you)s

Picture unrelated

>Moscow is all of Russia
Also I was not even born in the USSR. It was gone by the time I was born.


Please tell me you're not that fake Russian that comes here to shitpost. He was definitely not a Russian.

Ah right, could have just said that in the first place desu. I hope something does happen over there, would be top japes

You can flee to some frozen lump of soil like the anime posting bitch that you are. Some of us have the balls to fight for our country.

>Coming automation stopping need for work, people have been saying that for centuries and it never comes.
but it is coming and its here already

we literally have self driving cars that are made almost entirely by robots

I have only been posting here for this night, also I said in the last thread about this when someone asked me if I had posted here before.

>but it is coming and its here already

>we literally have self driving cars that are made almost entirely by robots
We literally had a machine that wove the linen so people did not have to and then everyone thought it would mean there would be no more jobs.

>Cheers lad. I agree.
I've done it mate . . .that's how I know.
I met my sisters friend one evening at a pub, had a few drinks, went back to my place and did the biz.

My sister never actually said anything to me (but she obviously knew) . . .It was a one-off thing and again it was never agreed but we kind of knew in our own minds.

A few times of awkwardness when we met again but it soon went away and she was 'my sisters friend' again . . .no harm done!

>king and queens

ok stop roleplaying you fucking dumbos ahahahahah

k a r e n

guaranteed white head of state forever



>electing your kings is better

This is your head of state.

Sounds good to me. I could deal with that. Well played too...

I'm sort of living in the past where I think that it's best for local people to get with local people. 200 years ago, the majority of people would barely ever travel outside of their own village and would end up with family friends. It worked for the country for thousands of years, why not now? Why do I have to go half way across the country to find some slag?


Currently watching Nick Griffin on QT on Youtube. It's making me rage but I like to watch it every few months just to remind myself of the hilarity of the BBC and the general public.

Talking to more and more people about the future of automation and how even our roads could change and have drone/monorail logistics essentially cutting out the need for so many lorries transporting shit. especially as we are seriously running out of room on the roads/commutes

I personally can't wait for the day Automation comes and Socialists/Marxists will be eternally BTFO and left in history. may find new groups of Neo-Luddite groups appearing,

Why can't we build stuff like we used to lads?

>your current choices are between a Reality TV Star and a soon to be corpse

You don't see fellas named Isambard anymore

HAHA The fucking STATE of the USA. What a joke.

Liz vs Obongo... Pretty fucking simple.

I remember I got with my sisters friend and she was a bit fucked off but I remember on this party we had at home for my parents 25th wedding aniversary and my cousin creampied my sisters best friend on her bed, she was quite pissed off.

It was a bit of a frosty Boxing Day when we all went shooting together.

>It worked for the country for thousands of years, why not now?

Tinder and the like empower roastie cunts

Iceland, Denmark, and Ireland all all trying to claim Rockall. Looking at pic related, it seems pretty clear it's our, no?

We should send a warship out to plant a British flag there, put it under control of Norn Iron, and then use it to extend our EEZ.

Decline of liberty and freedom.

Morning, lads.


I think we should try and bring back old fashioned names. I'm going to name my first born son Edward after one of our greatest kings.

Morning neetanon

You lads working on new Karens?