I have received a lot of harassment on facebook from strangers around the country. I've gotten some support from locals who grew up with me and know that their story doesn't add up.
I have received a lot of harassment on facebook from strangers around the country. I've gotten some support from locals who grew up with me and know that their story doesn't add up.
Me and my gf had sex with her bestfriend. And their other friend has gone crazy with the bestfriend and now they are calling it rape...
Are they going to the police if not dw about it. Is your gf a rapiat too?
No ofcourse not, I'm the only one with a dick.
And they tried to but they said they have no evidence and that screenshots dont count. Which they are editing, and making fit their narrative when the contexts of the conversations have nothing to do with what actually happened.
Dont worry about it then. Years ago a girl i fooled around with got so mad i started dating another girl she screamed you raped me on the middle of a pub.
Never went to cops and her friends believed her for a while but less and less as it went on.
Might be different in this day and age but it'll calm down sooner or later
I was just curious how youre a rapist and she isn't if it was an unconsensual three way.
I've been noticing a lot of rape accusations lately (mostly in SJW circles). It's super trendy and all sorts of white knights are giving these sloots the attention they're craving. It's despicable because it takes attention away from girls that actually got abused. If you decide to have sex with someone willingly and regret it, that isn't rape. If someone tries to coerce you to have sex and you give in, it's not rape if you are allowed to stop and leave at any point.
That's what annoyed me so much. My reputation survived and I didn't get in trouble for the false accusation but it forever diminished my faith in rape accusations. There'd be atleast one case of totally legitamate rape that I'd of doubted due to previous false accusations. They're hurting their own gender more than I ever could.
>It's despicable because it takes attention away from girls that actually got abused.
People need to stop taking this angle. It's despicable because it's an easy way to ruin a man's life with no repercussions, but nobody except places like Sup Forums ever mention that.
You're right and that should be the major narrative, but it's true that it takes away from real victims. It's the better argument when talking to SJWs because they're more likely to emphasize it if you frame it that way. I guess I just jumped there because I know girls who were actually raped and I tend to think of them first when these liars surface.
You know, if we got a big enough group together, it would easy to shame the people who are fueling this type of behavior. Round up all the liars and virtue signalers.
Your biggest mistake was trying to talk to a woman, you deserve everything you get.
Wasnt rape since my gf told her a week before hand that we wanted a 3way. She came over, drank with us, was kissing me within the first hour, later she took the gf to the bathroom (Because there was another girl there, the one making the allegations... NOT the girl actually involved in the 3way) so i go in put it in her for a few thrusts but the gf started crying so i stopped and sent the girl outside. Tended to my bae. And a few months later she came back for 3 more.
>>using bae non ironically
yeah you deserve to rot in jail
you're a degenerate slut OP. You deserve everything that happens to you. This is what happens when you act irresponsible and fuck any stupid whore you can.
Come on, Canada, I know you can bait better than this; way too obvious. I'm not mad, just disappointed.
I was threatened with a fake rape accusation by my own blood a while back. Fun times.
I wish I could trust my siblings.
No, he doesn't deserve this shit. People shouldn't have to operate like they're across enemy lines at wartime to avoid false rape accusations.
Any bitch can flip a switch and decide to wreck your shit, and it's not cool.
you sound like a spaz
holy shit. Elaborate.
>Facing the consequences
Of what? He didn't rape her you stupid fuck. Try to be less of a fucking /r9k/ loser.
>Of what? He didn't rape her you stupid fuck.
being a degenerate slut
He fucked a random whore without knowing anything about her, now he's whining because it all blew up in his face. If he wasn't a degenerate, this never would have happened. He'll never admit that he did anything wrong though "oh woe is me, why can't I fuck around indiscriminately without consequences".
Next you'll tell me that its not his fault when he starts spreading AIDS around.
7 years ago I broke up with a girl. Accused me of rape. I got arrested, charged, the whole nine yards. Was put on misdemeanor probation. Too risky to fight, she had "goodbye sex" with me and was a little rough.
If I had taken it to trial, I might have gotten 20 years.
I have to agree, be a slut and pay the price.