Opération ronces.
Mot d'ordre: L'assimilation ou la mort.
Here is an excerpt with subtitles in english.
Fast-forward at 4:00
Opération ronces.
Mot d'ordre: L'assimilation ou la mort.
Here is an excerpt with subtitles in english.
Fast-forward at 4:00
La valise ou le cercueil...
my biggest question is: what side will other european countries take in a french civil war?
I'm a fat useless american NEET, but I will do whatever I can to help you out, France.
Even restrain myself from sharting in mart.
Sweden and London will take the Muslim side obviously.
Genuine question - does the average Frenchman know deep down that a civil war will eventually occur, or are they unconcerned about the problems concerning Islam's encroachment on French society.
>know deep down that a civil war will eventually occur
what makes you so sure it will happen? you live in burgerland and soak up 4chin posts and some media. that doesnt exactly give you the best perspective.
My question could have been worded better, but I have very few ways to learn the sentiments of the common Frenchman. I don't trust what I read in the media about the issue, especially European media
honestly i think Germany is in more of a position to have a civil war than France is.
It will. The muslim community is about to undergo extreme public pressure and scrutiny, they will either submit and accept assimilation or they will have to leave, or die.
French armed forces, police, and (really any moral figure incarnating authority and force) are revered at the moment.
Reforming efforts to create a "French Islam" are doomed to fail because it will literally take centuries to build-up an actually coherent and influential school of thoughts that gets all the shit out whereas all the islamic theological centers are in the middle east (Al-Azhar in Cairo, Ka'aba in Mecqa etc.) and of course because of the very nature of the "ummah" (the international, borderless nation of believers of Islam) and the high-intensity of the exchange between the French muslim community and the rest of their "ummah". It is like attempting to freeze only half of a bottle of water: you just can't, you have to ice the whole of it and wait.
And realistically, the french are going to get tired a lot before this process has fully achieved. Islam needs a hundred years when the French are willing to bear this situation for five years tops.
Islam is doomed in France. A lot of people might be hurt in the process but at the end of the day, that will be assimilation, death or deportation.
He specifically mentions Opération ronces at 6:00
based jewish man
muslims are mad as fuck as you can expect
Islam doesn't need any time. Fuck Islam and assimilation. France is for French
I still have hope for the French
ditto what this burger said
Dubs checked, KEK is with us
Germany will come and aid the muslims of course.
zero percent chance any cucked western european country does anything like this.
pretty sure his source is Devillier's brother
Deus Vult?
You burgers truly are idiots. Islam needs time to reform as in "if a reform were to occur it would be a process that would occur over timeframe X".
And ethno-nationalism is meaningless here, French are an admixture of celts, franks, etrusks and latins. The very concept of French nation is a trans-ethnical concept that first emerged with Jeanne d'Arc. Is French whoever is subject to the King of France.
In our Republican era, is French whoever speaks french, has a judeo-christian axiology and is of french culture.
But we will side with France, in honor of the notorious Finnish meme legion who fought in the French revolution.
Ta gueule la crouille.
remove that judeo meme that cucks created last century
He's full of shit.
No one see non white as french, you don't have french ancestors, you're not french but a mere paper-french, lower than a dead rat.
fuck off moron. we're saying france should stay the way it was in recent history. arab culture and arab people are not the same mix as some germans, italians and celts.
arabs dont suddenly become "french" the moment they cross into france.
sacre bleu....
>the only war they have a chance at winning
>The very concept of French nation is a trans-ethnical concept that first emerged with Jeanne d'Arc
Yes my (((French))) friend, concepts that are 600 years old and have been a staple of French identity are just social constructs :^)
>Maurice Papon : Participating in the deportation of over 1600 Jews during World War II, and ordering the 1961 and 1962 Paris massacres of demonstrators for Algeria's independence from colonial France.
>yfw ex-colonial powers are being colonized
jacque, you had it coming but i didn't think i'd live to see it
This is why I like you French I understand that your obeying orders of your European Union overlords
But deep down you're just as nationalistic as us
You have to stop this wave of Islam now if your demographic gets replaced that is the only thing a country cannot recover from
So is this just something every army in the world prepares for are there irregular paramilitary forces about to take over government functions in parts of France?
god, i hope your right, friend.
You didn't understand. They're preparing a reverse 1962.
Remove algerians
Traitors like you will be killed during the civil war
Assist Algeria in making France an Algerian colony?
People really don't realize that army is the one dealing with mudslimes and they are heavily right in politics. In Slovenian army Soldiers are really unheapy that they have to be housemaids of mudslimes, but luckily our goverment has turned anti-immigrants so the things settled down a bit.
Holy fucking shit, why has this man not become Sup Forums approved
>he claims the existence of the "devirilization" of society during the 20th century and asserts that women and homosexuals have been used as a reserve army to satisfy modern capitalism's need for consumers.[66] He accuses feminists of being demagogues and verging into political correctness in denying or rejecting the history of French society and psychological work of Freud: "I note only that Freud is vehemently rejected today by all the bien-pensants, feminists, and other activists for same-sex parents, etc."[67] He believes that man is by nature a sexual predator who uses violence.[68] In a parallel to this definition of virility as sexual predation, he believes that certain eras defined the role of women better than others.
>French people with an immigrant background were profiled because most traffickers are blacks and Arabs... it's a fact.
>Zemmour strongly opposes immigration and the current model of integrating immigrants
>inb4 french army sides with the shitskins.
are you retarded or just swedish ?
Back to Algeria with you, Achmed.
butthurt Ahmed, we will eat your children.
First thing is to get yourself in order, take in fewer calories than you burn, exercise, work towards making money, drop your expenses as much as possible, look to ever increase the money you make, keep yourself, finances, possessions, paperwork in order, be presentable. This leaves you open for opportunities and options to do whatever, like help the French out is some yet undiscovered way.
Him and aldo sterone should, really.
I really can't see this going any other way.
French are such commie fags
I really want to love the French for all they've done but every single one I speak with is an insufferably arrogant commie snob who doesn't care about his ethnicity one bit. Fucking hate the French, I can't help it, I tried.
who are the army fighting? The people who want islam out or the people willing to fuck their own country?
Army vet here. Granddad fought to liberate france in 44. Would gladly come over and do the same.
I can see Russia making mad dosh in the near future.
I'm sorry but I don't rally dive that deep into an insignificant country's modern history that is most famous for surrendering. When you said a reverse 1962 I assumed it had something to do with the decolonisation/freedom war of Algeria. An event worth of international knowledge.
I'm just asking if you have actual threat vectors that would put the country in civil war.
>the swedish war expert
your country never fought a single war even belgium has more experience
People like you are the reason its this bad already, say hello to the rope Pierre.
He is a jew and this board is filled with unemployed retards who have yet to understand that honor and devotion to one's nation transcend the ethno-racial categories set-up by the US census bureau.
Aldo is a Kabyle, that's more than what the average Sup Forumsack can understand. And let's face it, most users of this board are pretty self-righteous and convinced of their own special snowflake-ness, Sup Forums is a banter platform. Zemmour is too dry for most faggots here.
It has to shine and be a YUGGE HABBENING LMAO for the average Sup Forumsack's ADD riddled mind to care.
Whose side will the military be on?
t. James Pajeet
Kindly fuck-off.
Then being French is meaningless because anyone from a Muslim nigger to an atheist tranny Maori can call himself French
Kill yourself you traitor fuck
What civil war? It will be a bunch of army men vs some suicide squad faggots. You need to stop immigration then repopulate your country with catholics (Spain, Italy could help)
Marie antoinette dindu nuffin. Neither did muh tea subsidies. I laugh at all the ziocucked countries talking about brown people. 80% white here
It's called dysgenics you retarded French sheep
Notice your national IQ has dropped? Hmm really makes one wonder...
Fuck off righty. Don't try and use big words or new buzzwords. You brought the refugees with your war on Assad tge protector of Christians and you false flag fucken daily
There is no saving French communist faggots who don't care about their ethnic people. Just look at this queer, he doesn't even realize hes the one ruining the country bringing it to the point of civil war
What is your major malfunction? Is it so fucking hard to answer a fucking question? Just like you give zero fucks about Sweden the rest of the world gives zero fucks about France unless there was a terror attack.
So can you please answer these questions or are you too fucking French to understand?
>will France declare a state of civil war in 2016?
>if not will France declare a state of civil war before 2020?
>if yes to any of above what is the reason? The usual "an armed group tries with force to overthrow the government"?
I'm glad your people will cease to exist by blood. Only by nationality and some words on a passport will the French identity continue. Natural selection at its finest. Good riddance.
People like you are creating a world war for rich bankers all in the name of righteous genocide. All the while calling everyone else mean.
Rape, acid thrown in peoples' faces, pedophilia, culture war... Liberals sure do have it figured out.
>trying to argue with brainless post-common-core burgers
>honor and devotion to one's nation transcend the ethno-racial categories set-up by the US censu
Let's not be blind there. People like zemmour are rarer than unicorns, the guy's so nationalist, I'm a marxist compared to him. This is not what the common french jew is like, you want the average french jews? Look at Sarkozy, Bernard Henri Levy and Attali, the co-creator of the lybian (war for Israel).
are there any known right-wing paramilitaric groups in france?
who exactly would fire the first shot?
See here and fuck off, thanks
He is right. It common sense that when the limit of a category is null, then nothing actually belong to that category.
You can only be french by the father's blood.
Otherwise, you are at best an ally or a non threat.
Not saying the contrary, but read the american posters here. They are so convinced that being white is enough to be worth something that they fail to see that they get triggered if you suggest there are statistical outliers or even that trends only account for a part of a total population.
I got called a liberal (kek) because I suggested that if Islam wanted to reform itself, it would undergo a process that would last hundreds of years which French people aren't going to wait for if that means chronic insecurity, terrorism and oikophobia.
Mais pas d'amalgames, tous les américains ne sont pas des idiots.
No, what you miss is that behavior is completely genetic.
The muslims cannot do that, an half european can't do that anymore, mongrels that they are.
Outliers should never be considered for anything, or you do not know what outlier means. They are exceptions with conditions you cannot reproduce or expect.
> when the limit of a category is null
Being of French culture is actually pretty consequential, it is more that mere assimilation, it is also acculturation. And I find it interesting how the stormfags conveniently left out the part where I said that it wasn't a problem as long as the historical composition wasn't too much changed.
A person of french culture, speaking french, appropriating french history, sharing our judeo-christian framework of values and loving and serving the Nation is french. No one fucking cares about their ethnicity. The ethno-nationalist are marginals among marginals, they represent shit in the composition of the far-right. Burgers here would get fucking triggered if only they knew how much their pseudo-scientific garbage is laughed at here.
They can as long as their bitches can sip wine and eat my baguette.
The Crusades began with France you know.
Nothing is going to happen, you are going to sit there like the cucks you are and watch your country get destroyed day by day.
kid, that's some advanced name faggotry right there!
And only a slim chance at that.
>Genuine question - does the average Frenchman know deep down that a civil war will eventually occur,
Yes. Frankly even the most PC and hypocrite french person knows that it's not a question of "if" but "when" and in what condition. As a matter of fact , french people are known to be the least happy , the most pessimistic country in western europe. (according to many pols)...The French media never tells the reason behind this pessimism. They generally claim it's just about bad economy. And that's it.
But mentalities have changed...And even people who pretend to worship "diversity" (call it virtue signaling or whatever)...Know that we have an enemy from the inside....Potential sleeper cells. (i.e. 3rd worlders in general and muslims in particular , even though all non-europeans are generally a problem with the exception of East-asians such as the Japanese , Chinese , Koreans for ex...)
We know that things are not going to end well...It won't be the end of the world. But the worst has yet to come.
People who genuinely aren't aware of any of this simply end up dead. (or raped)...Some women live on a different planet. And were sheltered all their lives....But don't believe in the naiveté of liberals and traitors...For they always live in 95% white neighborhoods.
Behind closed doors , even our fucking maxist journalists and corrupt politicians know that there's no going back. And they're fucked up big time and that one day, the shit will hit the fan. (my guess , it'll happen when the government won't be able to distribute gibsmedat from white pockets to dindus..When it won't be possible to tax people to death)
That never was a thing, that was added in post ww2 history books like "laicité" was recently changed in the history books to be more muslim friendly.>ethno-nationalist are marginals among marginals
You'd be surprised, most under 30 are ethno nationalists as soon as no one else is around.
As in germano celtic and slavic europeans against the world.
You're muh nigger can be a true french is a facade.
>No, what you miss is that behavior is completely genetic.
Now you just sound retarded, socio-cultural behaviour aren't fully genetically determined. By definition they are shaped by the environment in which you surround the individuals. And right now, since Mitterand, it is: "look at what whitey did to you, this country hates you, poor little brown person, vote socialist now, gud".
If you actually knew jack-shit about the army, even the forces spéciales, you would know that there are plenty of arabs who went to military academy from a young age, who weren't subject to popular propaganda and who are now more die-hard nationalists than you could find in pure-aryan or whatever is your latests parangon of genetic perfection at the moment.
They wouldn't have time to take care of France. The war would spread through the whole continent.
And with the french army on our side, there is no chance mudshits would win.
It would just be like the end of the war of Algeria, but in reverse. There might not be enough boats this time tho.
Coffin or coffin, no choice, I don't give choice to non humans.
You'd figure the subtitles would be enough for you idiots to comprehend...
He's saying 'a guy told me the French military has a plan in case they start refusing the rule of law'. It's all hypothetical and nothing is actually happening.
The profitable one
>That never was a thing
Stop crying, it is more a reference to the new testament overruling the mosaic laws than a saying to say that X is jewish. Take your pills faggot.
>You'd be surprised, most under 30 are ethno nationalists as soon as no one else is around.
Yeah that's funny, I am among these demographics and surrounded with a folklore of different people for about 8 years now and skinheads or ethnats are considered lower than big-city arab scum pretty much universally.
Now I can understand why you would try to convince yourself otherwise and I hate to break it for you.
Liberating France from the Nazi's was our first mistake. So therefore please shut the fuck up. By the way kill yourself welfare queen.
Checked. Kek save us.
The flaw is your premise is that it is hypothetically possible to "reform" Islam into something French. It is not. Islam is Satanic in origin (a demon spoke to a pedophile in a cave) and purpose.
Either France succumbs to Satan, or it drives Satan out.
>The flaw is your premise is that it is hypothetically possible to "reform" Islam
Islam is not realistically reformable in a ten years timeframe, regardless of whether or not it can be reformed at all. Which is the point that matters here.
>socio-cultural behaviour aren't fully genetically determined.
The social envirronment is a result of your extended family's genes. It is 100% genetic in the same way that all matters is made of atoms.
>And right now, since Mitterand, it is: "look at what whitey did to you, this country hates you, poor little brown person, vote socialist now, gud".
Culture of excuses, marxist.
They are not manipulated, they willingly vote for more leeching froom whites because that's their nature. They will follow us to the end of the planet to leech our work.
Your super arab are not worth keeping around either you send them back or remove everyone.
You can't keep on group and remove the others. And I promise you they will side with their blood, arabs are liars.
I wish you success with operation Ronce
Man, and multiculturalism was supposed to be where your old way of life goes to die. Where you can re-examine your traditions, not try to force them on the native population.