"Never Date A Feminist" is Trending on Twitter

twitter.com/search?q="Never Date A Feminist"&src=tren

lol, femishits on suicide watch

This is the guy who got it trending.

The picture is from the article, he is clearly no loss to women.

Looks like a case of fox mea and grapes.

>every single comment is making fun of his looks
same people say they aren't superficial

You don't understand, this is perfect. Not only do the feminists look "intolerant" and "mean" for making fun of his looks, but their tweets making fun of him keep it trending. If he looked good the trend wouldn't be as successful.

I'm sorry if you are writing an article about turning down hot (yet damaged and used) feminist pussy you better look like the type who can get it.


Damn the actual feminists posting with this tag are BRUTAL

>it's ok to criticize a man's look
>you are fucking evil for not wanting to fuck an obese black woman

ah feminism, you never fail to entertain me.

It's good that feminism entertains you, because it isn't useful for anything else.

Honestly, the guy looks like a complete loser. In saying that he made some pretty valid points that frankly those pouring shit on him have done nothing but prove him right.

>the feminists look "intolerant" and "mean" for making fun of his looks

Doesn't work like that.

It adds up after a while.

Only the "manosphere" will care.

Women can't be intolerant and mean. It's like how blacks can't be racist



What matters is this is an opportunity to throw their buzzwords back at them. Call them bigots, body shamers, sexists, intolerant, whatever you can think of. Logical arguments don't work, but irrational arguments do.

Cunt Destroyer

They're just practicing egalitarianism. Men try to discredit women based on they're looks constantly.

Fuck yeah

Sorry, but you don't understand that feminists are exploiting very old evolutionarily ingrained behaviours.

Feminism won't stop until women want it to stop.

Bumping to trigger sjws

Post best tweet here man I don't have twitter

implying women don't try to discredit other women based on their looks just as much or more

Sadly this is true.

In order to truly hurt them, you must first be a high value male, and then say this. I don't know how much money this dude makes or if hes successful or charismatic. But you need those things before you boycott.

>Women do it too! Checkmate, feminazis

You can't change feminist minds. Just try to convince the normies.

But women claim that they don't care about looks; only male shitlords do. His looks shouldn't factor into his success with them. This just exposes vaginal jews for the hypocrites they are.

And what better way to deter Normies from feminism than to let all the psycho feminist cunts come out of the woodwork and hard as this poor lad?

Teenage girls will think "God I hope I never grow up to be such a resentful woman, I'll avoid feminism now"

>Neckband virgins and feminists fight on twitter
Wake me up when something interesting happens

This is so cringey

The normies are the ones who enable feminism.

You can't convince the majority of the population out of a "protect the women" drive.

>oy vey give us your phone number, goy!

Can't see it OP. They've caught on to me. Any funny ones?

Its a "if he were handsome they would surely shut their stupid mouths" rerun

all the vain men are gonna use this as an opportunity to cam whore.


same thing happened to me user

Majority of the population only want to protect women who act like ladies. Not slags.

The feminists ive seen in videos etc are nasty af. So its funny how they make fun of him. a 10/10 should really take one for the team and blog about how shit feminists are. I mean they really are little pieces of trash that use feminism as a gambit to manipulate men to get what they want. Whilst not giving a shit about actual female oppression (see islam). There is no issues for these feminists in the west and hasnt been in a long time so they just make shit up or use it to manipulate their way through life. They are a bunch of morons without a cause. So they just get more and more vitriolic against men and less and less ladylike. Dye their armpits, get fat like whales, act disgusting and demand that people should find them appealing, and blames it on mysogeny if they cant get a relationship. Mysogeny just wtf. Actual mysogeny is virtually non existant in the west. (but not in muslim nations). Most men have no fucking clue what these feminists are even talking about with that. Really need some good looking male bloggers to talk honestly about how full of shit modern feminism is. Theyre sitting online fabricatong this alternate reality where what they say is true but it isnt. And if someone doesnt like their bullshit or dont agree with them. they hate all women. No not all women just you..

Oh boy, fat feminist hamcows truly are out of this guys league.

What a fucking retard you are, salty bitch.

>a 10/10 should really take one for the team and blog about how shit feminists are
you won't find any here

Go to /soc/ and propose this idea. Place is crawling with 10/10 narcissists who would love the attention.

Rather stupid assumption. I think you would be surprized who visits boards like these.

>Place is crawling with 10/10 narcissists who would love the attention.

Why hasn't moot deleted /soc/ yet? fucking camwhores should have never been given a board

All these advocates for body positivity and not judging someone based on their looks.....and they're making fun of someone for their looks.

It's almost as if the goals and tenets of feminism are self-serving and only apply when convenient for the women who made them......or something.

Moot? Where have you been?

We need to save this hastag. If you're /fit/ set up a twitter and send chest shots with the hashtag #neverdateafeminist
