(((Facebook))) shut down my favorite conservative Facebook groups.
(((Facebook))) shut down my favorite conservative Facebook groups
No way, D4P wasn't even incendiary content.
You mad racist?
How about he makes his own website where he can post whatever he wants instead of whining about not having reign on someone else's?
What kind of shit did they post? Do you have any of their photos?
hahah good riddance to that kike
Kikebook attention whores from Sup Forums in a nutshell
Sick of this shit honestly, Facebook gets to decide what you think. It's social engineering. We are fucked if Hillary is elected. Let the hate speech laws commence.
nvm I'm retarded, they can't post anymore but they still have their old shit
Facebook can do whatever the fuck they want on their website.
>destain for plebs
>on the most pleb site there is
That doesn't make it right.
The free market will fix it.
dubs of truth
>can't use your property how you want
kay Comrade
Distain for personal blogs.
The guy's a over opinionated whinging Jew anyway.
Doesn't mean we're barred from discussing it in negative tone, corpcuck. They can do whatever they want, but if they piss off a bunch of potential customers while doing it, they're going to get backlash.
this, no one said that we need to stop facebook from doing this, we're just complaining like anyone being censored should
Nobody here said they were against the cake shop.
Alt right memes and assorted clickbait
But he's a pretty good artist
you're not even strawmaning the right kind person
The articles are good he reposts, nothing that deserves to be banned or censored though. They are shutting us down one by one.
Facebook is evil
Just have to look and see who's in charge: a jew and the US millitary
Try minds.com instead. Open sourced, free, encrypted messaging and an awards system (also free).
No censorship either.
cuck. corporate boot licker
fuck facebook
That kike deserved it desu. That page was basically just a Sup Forums recap.
>free market
>in current year
Does Sup Forums deserve it?
How about minorities return to their homelands where they can do whatever they want instead of whining about not having reign over white people's countries?
we've all got it coming, kid
Obama can do whatever he wants in his own country.
Hello Ayn Rand
Might as well re establish monarchy
It was doing a better job then this pagan greek shit
Looks like they unpublished "Stop Being a Pleb", too. Sad! Less of a reason to use facebook, I guess.
>hating on pagans
go suck a cock, cuck
Support local shitposters.
Seems like a private business can do whatever they want until they don't bake a cake for a couple of fags.
Fuck that cuck. He is a cancer.
>liking pagans
Go back to the forrest dirty iroquois
It was 9gag for alt-right wannabe normies
Lol gotta love how perfect this is
Ugh.. textbook leaf posting.