well Sup Forums ?
Well Sup Forums ?
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Definitely fucking not.
California, Washington, Oregon, and Nevada should be their own country, obviously.
nobody should be allowed to vote
Of course not, teenagers are too immature and inexperienced in life! If anything, the voting age should be raised to 21 or 25 or whatever.
No. Communist shouldn't be allowed to vote.
>tfw live in nevada
at least our gun laws are super lenient.
we'd be a full on socialist state within a year. and bernie sanders would have won in a landslide.
Fuck no!
You made your choice in 2008
Only white land owning males should be able to vote
Baring that, only land owning people should vote. (and I mean own, not have a 100 year mortgage on a double wide)
They're just too impressionable and if they have an interest in politics it's going to be a very limited one.
There will be special cases where there are very smart and informed under 18's but its just too rare.
The danger is also that they're just so easy to appeal to. A political party could get so much leverage by saying some stupid shit like "Iphone apps and songs will be reduced by 50% and there will be homework on the weekends."
And whats more is that they're also so much more naive and unfamiliar with dirty political tactics than older people who've experienced being lied to and characteristics of slimebag politicians etc.
I've not had many meaningful political discussions with people my own age (19) let alone 3 years ago. I'm really interested in politics but back then I just wanted to get high and talk about stupid shit and so did pretty much everyone else.
Nowadays though a lot more people engage and learn about politics, I think 18 is a pretty good benchmark and the lowest it should be.
No. For many, many reasons. And I think you should pass am updated civics test before each election.
>be me 12. democrat. "hell yeah free stuff, buck the system, eddie vedder, rock the vote shit"
>be me 16. republican now. "who the fuck is fica, why do i have pay for uninsured motorists, desert storm, 'merica fuck yeah."
>be me 18. register lolbertarian. "muh freedoms, no taxes, leave me alone n shit"
>be me 25. still registered lolbertarian because it doesnt fucking matter, all one party anyway, rigged elections, da joos, war is a sport.
"It's a big fucking club, and you ain't in it."
Fuck no.
Who hosted this poll? I would think most people would be vehemently against some greasy teenager being able to vote.
I can see it already: Register Democrat and get a free $10 iTunes gift card.
Hell fucking no. I could even say that you should be 21.
Nick, the television station.
Universal suffrage was a huge mistake.
Letting people vote just because they managed to stay alive in today's world (full of cheap medicine, penicillin, safety regulations and police etc.) for X years is retarded.
The average citizen is really fucking dumb.
Now imagine half of the people in country are dumber than that average.
Voting should be privilege, not a right.
>Illinois voted No
Thank you, IL. You didn't fuck up for once. Now we need to fix our nigger problem in Chicongo.
Yes. They should also be able to have sex.
>conservatives are yes
>liberals are no
makes sense. conservatives usually win when they put shit up for a vote, but the courts always overturn it.
Oregon had okay gun laws up until a few years ago
People under 26 should not be able to vote.
>Using a poll hosted by a kids website and voted on by kids
Nate (((Silver's))) predictions suddenly make sense.
>Giving democrats another group that's more likely to vote for them and are easy to manipulate
"Should we have a 1-party system?" is the real question.
people under 28 shouldn't be allowed to vote
>among many other restrictions
Nice try but I know exactly where this came from you niggah.
This. Everyone my age is politically retarded. Haven't seen enough yet to form their own opinions
t. 22 year old
NO point blank underage faggots can't even sort out their emotions without making stupid decisions.
All literate, non-felon citizens should have equal rights, regardless of how long they or their family have been citizens.
Fuck yes! Let all kids vote! Can't you just see all those big conservative Mormon and Catholic families versus those liberal childless/gay couples?
Democracy is no longer a viable system if the west wants to survive
t. ex constitutionalist
Most 18 year olds do not exist in the real-world and will vote for whoever says free college.
>Raised to 40
Everybody who votes should have their shit together.
The voting age should be the same as the age of consent. If you want to fuck 12 year olds, you have to let them vote.
The brain isn't fully developed until around 27-29
There's literally a scientific reason why people shouldn't vote younger then this.
35. White. Married. Land owning. Male.
Oregonian here
They're still ok. :^)
Exactly, we'd see less liberal policies if only tax paying citizens between 30-70 were allowed to vote
>“We have to break through our private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families,”
>kids don't pay taxes
>they get everything for free from their parents
Should be moved to 21
Based California spics
>California No
Finally the state can get something right
i agree it should be 21
Only people who are over 21, male, and net taxpayers should be allowed to vote.
Illinois is fine the way it is, as long as you avoid the south side then the nigs just kill themselves without us even having to intervene
Thank God I live in PA
fuck no.
also no women or brown people.
Voting age should 21 minimum.
>people under the age of 18
>having a valid opinion on anything
No. I'm for raising the voting age to 25, with the exception of civil servants and military
It should be 25. Anything less is extremely irresponsible.
think about it my fellow Sup Forumss
Were you redpilled at age 9-17?
Many of you were not, many of us may have been dirt little bluepilled fucks and would think "gee trump is racist"
We wouldn't have had the time to think "hmm maybe trump is right"etc etc
It takes a redpill to get you into that train of personal belief questioning.
Basically, 18 under can fuck off
I say raise the voting age to 21. Most people my age (I'm 18) haven't a clue about politics.
>sample taken from 5000 high school students
I think it should be 20 or 21, so no.
Definitely no. And this """poll""" is bullshit anyway.
Yeah. 16 and up at the very least since you start working part-time then and pay into the system with taxes..
>The average citizen is really fucking dumb.
>Now imagine half of the people in country are dumber than that average.
Thanks for explaining how averages work
Fug i dont wanna be lumped in with them should be western washington.
Glad to be from one of the few not retarded States.
LOL jesus christ, have we not done enough damage by giving women the right to vote?
If anything the voting age should be 21 or 24, since people are living much longer and working much less early that would adjust for so much.