Trump thread: let's get meme daddy trump another Vote

Trump thread: let's get meme daddy trump another Vote.

This girl on tinder his hellbent on talking politics and more importantly shitting on trump. So let's redpill her and get me laid.

/pol WAT DO?

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm hawt


Girl legit thinks Hillary is a better option

She's clearly Beyoncé

Pics inc


How do I court this mongoloid princess


She is replying right now
What say

2/10, I've banged hotter women black out drunk.

A fucking leaf I think not

Her thoughts on Trump are like this video

I think she's too far gone to save

Says the sperg, you thinks a trap is a "mongoloid princess" My worst fuck is hotter than your ladyboy.

Wat about sex without racemixing?

This. She's definitely a chunky monkey unfit for large moose cock and superior maple genes. GTFO out of here mane

What is in your profile that "implies" you're a trump supporter? Just curious what it is that's subtle enough to just imply


I have "MAGA" with the flag next to it at the end of my bio

She already told you she won't do much with a Trump supporter. But fuck chicks say one thing then change their minds all the time. -- Just don't breed with her user, better yet find some a clean pure girl.

I'd say move on and find a pure gir

Help me explain why trump is the money out of politics candidate.

Be casually dismissive of her point. "He thinks my people are vermin." Response: "nah he only rails on illegal immigration and unfair trade. I assume you're here legally so you're fine."

>the military doesn't support him

Also, 88 generals just came out in support of him, maybe mention the 16,500 border patrol agents

"What's wrong with using your own money? He doesn't have real corporate donors like Hillary so he's not bought."

Why the fuck would you want to put your dick in a nigger? Just unmatch her dude.

side note: interesting that the normie cites the military as a reason why she's against Trump, this poll telling people that the military supports him definitely helps Trump in the minds of normie voters, especially coming from a shithole like NBC news

She looks like a white girl with a bad spray tan job.

Just send her statistics

Women can't into politics though I doubt you'll be able to redpill her

>I don't feel like your people are vermin. I know they are.

my dick is hard from canada



Goddamnit, I am on /pol too much.

You are full of it, this thread was posted yesterday.

Yeah and I'm the same op

She's not as hot as my current girlfriend

so what's her reply?

'88' generals ;)

>Debating a woman

Nigger why even bother?

>i'm a single issue voter and that issue is getting money out of politics

And that gives Trump your vote how...? That makes you put MAGA on your profile?
You're either lying or a dumbfuck.

>And that gives Trump your vote how...?
Trump is calling out the establishment on corruption.

Hillary is the corrupt establishment.

If you want to stop corruption, trump is your only bet.

Getting this defensive of a standard leaf comment

But Trump likely doesn't know the first thing about how money really works in politics either way. Nor would he likely consider it an issue even if he did.
At least Clinton will have progressives in her ear and a few on her platform.
If your single issue is money out of politics then neither major candidate is great but just objectively speaking Clinton would be your best chance. (iirc her platform now includes reversing citz united)

He doesn't owe favors to anyone, in fact they owe him.
Many in the Republican machine choose not to support him like the Koch's. Goldman Sachs sent a memo to its partners not to support him.
That should be a massive signal that he is the anti establishment leader we need.

There's something seriously fucking wrong with her hair. Or she's just ugly.

Also, woman who use gifs or even jpgs in text conversations trigger me.

why are you reposting this?

Please take your cell phone bullshit back to Sup Forums

>But Trump likely doesn't know the first thing about how money really works in politics either way. Nor would he likely consider it an issue even if he did.

He would know because he's had to grease the hands of politicians all his life. He's saying it's an issue. He's calling it out. It's part of his platform. It's certainly not part of hillary's.

You can say he's lying, but even lip service is still better than nothing.

More correspondence has happened between nigger spic chink and myself

>Implying it's good that Clinton has regressives on her side

Oh me oh my. It seems that we have a shill here

How can you say this when she is receiving boatloads of money from corporations and heavy hitters to keep the status quo going.

We also don't need any more progressivism, it's destroying our cities. And causing entitlement dependency.

This thread was made yesterday faggot. Either you're the same op just looking to reuse these pics and attention whore again. Or you stole these pics from the orginal op and are looking to attention whore. Either way kys.

you've posted this shit 3 days in a row now.

some of you niggers need to get a life

You dumb fucking nigger there are brand new pics from the same fucking Slut in this thread. You kill yourself

it's the first. types exactly like the other op and also whines about no replies like him too.

First thread was last night you fucking liar

You already lost any chance when you conceded to her and said you would have voted for fucking Bernie, how do you go from being a Bernie cuck to a Trump voter? You find a link to Sup Forums on reddit last week or some shit?

kek, just fuck off attention whore.

It's not true that Trump hasn't been taking money either but... I think you guys have a misunderstanding of how exactly money in politics works.
These are direct bribes that we're talking about. Companies pay big money to lobby the politicians, effectively forming their worldview when it comes to policy and making the politicians their friends.
Whether or not Trump is bought by the established powers in the country, he's already a part of this in-group establishment anyway.

I was just trying to ease in before the hitler memes and sayings I want to shoot anything darker than she is

These AREN'T***


better post her tits you get them faggot

Yeah I thought that too, still a berniebro voting for Trump is better than a vote for hillary

>Whether or not Trump is bought by the established powers in the country, he's already a part of this in-group establishment anyway.

What does that mean?

Are you saying he's a drone? He doesn't have his own opinions?

Sure why not but the cunt ain't reply yet. Maybe looking up articles on the Internet to feel better about what she just read.

>daddy trump
Get the fuck off this board and don't come back milo

Now iregret imitating a Bernie bro

I don't care if he's "part of a clique". I care that he's able to form a course of action based on what he thinks is best for the country, and not what he thinks is best for goldman sachs.

your pasta is stale, fuck off

>black, Hispanic, and Chinese

shit, how many parents does she have?

I like how American niggers always refer to themselves as 'black' as opposed to Eritrean, Somalian, Haitian, whatever the fuck. it's as retarded as saying "I'm white, Irish, Scottish, and Portuguese" or "I'm tan, Mexican, Korean, and Chinese"

though in her defense, all nigger countries are pretty much equally shitty, so aligning yourself with a specific nation wouldn't really change anything

I'm saying he has no reason to care about money in politics, if anything it's probably benefited him in the past.

Honestly I do not believe him to have the interest or capacity to know how to do anything for the country.

American blacks are mixed as shit. they don't look anything like Africans. never seen an African that looks like will Smith kek. most carry European DNA no matter how much they hate Europe and whites.

>I'm saying he has no reason to care about money in politics
Because he can only care about things that benefit him personally?

This argument applies to every politician ever. Of course they all benefit from money in politics. They're getting the money.

It applies least to trump because his living doesn't ride on money being in politics.

>Honestly I do not believe him to have the interest or capacity to know how to do anything for the country.

That's not surprising considering the worldwide propaganda against him.

I understand why you did it and I figure she won't even pick up on it.

Still there's better women out there who support Trump, I wouldn't worry or waste too much time on trash like her.


im a .png man myself

it's because we're descended from slaves and our heritage/history before slavery is unknown to the majority of us. We obviously know we're some kind of african, but there's no way for us to know what specifically. Especially most of us are mixed anyway.

>I'm black, Hispanic
What the fuck kind of degenerate are you? Why did you swipe right?

Saggy tits. Don't do it

Talk about the saudi donations to hillary and her calling blacks "Super predators".

America has been brought to their knees by the same kind of backroom-fuck-the-taxpayer-deals that hillary is always in favour of (tpp, nafta, etc).