>be trump
>do not know what Aleppo is at all
You are now live on MSNBC. And are asked what would you do about Aleppo.
How do you respond?
>be trump
>do not know what Aleppo is at all
You are now live on MSNBC. And are asked what would you do about Aleppo.
How do you respond?
Other urls found in this thread:
Easy. Respond with pic related.
>Bomb the shit out of them
>trump doesn't know what Aleppo is
>this is what johnsonfags actually believe
Take the oil.
What the fuck. How could anyone vote for that?
What are your candidates' plans for defeating ISIS?
Sounds much better than straight up lying while funding terror cells
Carpet bomb the city after dropping leaflets saying we are coming.
Then boots on the ground. Tens of thousands of them. There wont be a goat or a standing building left after we are done
*mic drop*
>It's a very tragic set of circumstances, horrible what's going on there. Not going to happen anymore folks.
Because anything is better than "we are going to do the exact same thing we have been doing for 6 years"
>be OP
>be a faggot
>now nobody wants to be OP
>create another Iraq
good job. You threw us into another 15 years into occupying the most worthless region on the planet.
Iraq failed because we left. Not because we went. Shove your anti imperialism up your ass. The US needs to colonize, through force, every "shithole" it can while the gettin is easy.
Nobody does Aleppo like I do. My plan for Aleppo is so great, when I'm in office you will see my plan for Aleppo. It's gonna be yuuuge.
absolutely TREMENDOUS place, i have the best people there and let me tell you, we're gonna make aleppo great again whether they like it or not
>colonize a useless region
Again, you're just showing how dumb you are.
>My policy is to restore the Christian Kingdom of Aleppo. Deus Vult!
Easy question desu senpai
And thinking 2 of the largest oil producers in the region, with the smallest militaries, and without global oil contracts, are "useless" means you shouldnt be armchair general'ing this debate
Dude it costs more securing that region than it does building business in a hundred other places. Fuck off with your reign the wastelands of Iraq bullshit.
>Be under pressure
>Be asked a 'gotcha' question by a hack reporter
He did a good job coming out with what he did, and its not hard to see what he means.
pretty good. you're assuming its a "there", but just what i would want to hear
>Carpet bombing
We aren't Russia. We have money for expensive precision guided shit.
Oh yeah. That's why it sounded so familiar. It was at the time of first crusades right? There was large siege and stuff
Bringing them into our country and being nice to them :)
Trump is a master of cantinfleando.
Money doesnt matter the way you think it does.
Case and point. 10 years of war in Iraq and Afghanistan cost the US less than 10 months what Social Security costs.
Syria holds around the same amount of oil that ND does. Iraq has roughly the same amount of oil Alaska and its barrier waters hold.
Fuck it, we dont need Alaska or North Dakota either.
You think far far too small my little friend
because they actually watched it and the text cut out the interrupting host and the part where he said he wants to isolate their oil supply?
I mean do people really think the pres candidates have designed military plans for attacking them?
This is our republican nominee... this thing
fuck this country
fuck all of you
Why would we? We've got a shit ton of old dumb bombs lying around anyway. Might as well clear up some magazine space and fight war the way that war should be fought, with ruthless determination.
You kill one of us, we level a city block. If we have to kill every god damned person in your country we will, now get your shit together or I will snuff out your pathetic excuse for an existence.
Basically take the "Talk shit: Get hit" tactic and make it theater wide.
It doesn't take social security to hold the middle eastern in our hands.
It does, however, take billions of dollars to hold the middle east in our hands, and even that doesn't work. You're thinking like an idiot, my dumb friend.
No one cares about that. They want a strong response and to feel sorry for the unwashed masses of disabled disfigured people later.
Your precision guided bomb levels a school with a munitions dump under it the same way thousands of 200Lbs bombs will, except the thousands of 200Lbs bombs catch the people running too
You should get off the computer, your tendies are getting cold in the kitchen.
All true Republicans love Trump.
Reading this and seeing the delivery are different things. The difference between okie doke and this is that these are mostly coherent thoughts with little stuttering in between where as okie doke was more stuttering than english. This was also a quick fired answer to what we all know was a bullshit question.
Nuke it
And if anything moves afterwards, nuke it again
check my policy on my campaign page, next question.
Sorry, I'm not seeing the issue here.
>It's likely that I'll win. I may compromise with professionals on the subject, the generals. I'm not going to broadcast anything on live television that could hinder our effort or put American lives at risk.
No, it takes bombs and bullets to hold the middle east. Money is the easy "civilized" way of holding territory. Ill also point out again, the amount of money the US spends subsidizing the dying elderly in the US could fund a multi theater war for thousands of years.
Manpower you bring up? The US has lost less soldiers in 10+ years of combat than it did in 24 hours, in a single battle, in WW2.
Put that in your peace pipe and smoke it
Nothing. Stop fucking with every other country.
He was asked what he would do with ISIS.
The other gotcha question was asking him what he was doing to prepare/reading for the role as commander in chief.
He gave a similar response.
thanks m8, got to them just in time
Not the user you're arguing with, but it's worth noting that the majority of social security gets directly injected back into the US economy as seniors buy housing, groceries, medical care, and tech support.
I completely agree on the fact that we should not have pulled out, though.
>what should we do about syria Trump?
We should immediately cease all action in the middle east, and tell them to fucking deal with it.
The only forces we should have in the region should be committed to protecting embassies and the occasional diplomat, which we won't be sending because fuck everyone.
Also we are done giving Israel billions of dollars in military aid every year.
If he had been that coherent, it would have been a plus.
Sure thing, it was Johnson who didn't know about Aleppo, dumb CTR shill.
who cares thats some nerd shit
all we need to know is we're gonna bomb the hell outta them
That's clearly what he's saying though.
I'm not sure how it could be interpreted any differently.
I guess not liking the way a candidate phrases his sentences is a valid reason to hate them nowadays.
See you're diverting what I'm saying, and turning it into something that has no point being in the conversation. I'm not talking about deaths, I'm talking about the amount of money it takes to operate in the middle east. It's something you're not understanding here. There are cheaper and better alternatives to sitting in the middle east.
Mr. Trump, what's your plan?
>[incoherent rambling]
Mrs. Clinton, what's your plan?
>[brain-damage induced seizure]
I love this election.
King David of Israel should make peace with the Arameans and work out some form of foreign diplomacy, perhaps actions are even in order, a military strike is not necessary but should things escalate, such as blaspheming each others Gods, then perhaps war will be an inevitable conclusion. The Assyrians and Babylonians have had their eye on the region for a while now, perhaps the two countries can work how a deal and form a non-aggression pact for the time being.
I'll tell you about Aleppo, the Chinese are all over it
>we will take the oil
>we do not sow
>we pay the Iron price
That money fuels the military industrial complex which employs almost 4% of America.
Beyond that, look into why the 1950s were so "great". Tens of thousands of young men returning home with large bank accounts tends to help the cash velocity.
Those old people are spending money on rent to landlords. On medicine to large multi national companies. And on minimal dog food tier food from Aldi. The old, retired, have served their purpose to society and have now become a drain on resources. Unless we are going to advocate totally borderless countries the pyramid scheme knowns as social security is doomed and has been for 30 years.
This is the exact answer I'd expect. I can even hear him say it right now. I'd bet $ that he knows what/where it is, but even if he didn't he knows how to bs better than "let me take this rip" Johnson.
Well luckily I visit the Syria general on Sup Forums so I know all about it.
First thing we do is stop funding 'moderates'. We fortify our alliance with the Kurds and allow other parties to take care of the siege. We can transition Assad out of power through electioneering, but only when the fighting ends
>We're gonna bomb the hell out of it, believe me. We're gonna bomb the hell out of it and take the oil.
Like handing money to dictators? Or giving them weapons?
Yea, your idea has been tried dozens of times, and it is a massive waste of money with less than happy results.
Economic dominance takes decades to hundreds of years. Bombs and bullets are overnight results.
Your idea that we can dominate an entire region of the world through economic means is Obama tier at best, and Marxist tier at worst. Money only makes so many friends. The barrel end of a rifle makes slaves much easier, faster, and more efficiently.
There's literally no problem with taking sandnigger resources and using them for Americans.
Where, WHERE the fuck did I ever say hand them money or weapons? Us being over there is the reason we give them weapons and money. Stop making random arguments that I haven't even said to validate your retarded ass argument.
Learn to argue, because you fucking suck at it.
Arm and support Assad. Purge all rebel and ISIS activity (they're the same thing)
Or we just leave them all to self destruct on their own?
He doesn't know, because in his world Aleppo would be A nuclear waste land the second he becomes President,fear fear my enemies.
Well let me tell you, Aleppo is full of wonderful people. Truly great. And they love me there. They call me up everyday and tell me--they say, "Mr. Trump, I can't take all this winning!" and I tell them to get used to it, because with Trump you are going to win and win and win.
giving them lots of money and military equipment
>business as usual
So your argument is we shouldnt be there in the first place? So sorry, I thought you were making an intelligent point as opposed to spouting off tried and true liberal meme statements
Yes, he was asked to answer a question to which the answer would require information he's not allowed to have until he wins the election.
>be CTR
>get my fucking asshole blown out AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN on pol every fucking day
>wake up in the morning
>get my asshole blow out AGAIN
>kill myself
Why would we even try to bomb Russia without taking out their air defenses? You know how good they are, right?
We're gonna bomb the shit out of them. We are gonna win so fast and all the refugees will be able to go back. All the generals agree with me
use context clues to figure out it is a place and then say we have to fix the situation of that place as soon as possible
>a 'gotcha' question
good one england
After we build the wall, and mexico pays for it, Aleppo will no longer be an issue for the United States.
Their assholes aren't being blown out, they don't actually give a shit. They're just fake support for Hillary, they're getting paid. If there's anything that they should be slandered for, it's the fact that they're morally corrupt and acting against the American democratic process via psyops just so that 0.2 cents is deposited into their accounts.
>gotcha question
wew lad
Just say that we shouldn't have been in Iraq in the first place and none of this would be happening had we not gone in and destabilized the entire region which allowed the True Muslims to take control, then mention that and that there are going to be more Aleppos under a Hillary presidency, then say directly that we should stop funding ISIS and stop Israel from funding them as well.
There. No need to go into specifics about what's happening there because it's all a moot point really.
I was just thinking about this involving johnson.
They asked him, not about Syria in general, not about conflict in the middle east.
>what would you do about Aleppo
A town, not the capital, in Syria, that come January may not even exist. Not what would you do about the problem/conflict in aleppo. Just what would you do about town x.
I've known about aleppo only because when I'm not working I do nothing but watch news,even then they don't mention it by name much.
TL;DR reporter should be shamed for shitty question.