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With an aleppo?
I mean, have you ever been to Aleppo? Can you even prove that it exists from firsthand experience?
A leppo?
The NYtimes doesn't even know what Aleppo is either fucking KEK
Correction: September 8, 2016
An earlier version of this article misidentified the de facto capital of the Islamic State. It is Raqqa, in northern Syria, not Aleppo.
Correction: September 8, 2016
An earlier version of the above correction misidentified the Syrian capital as Aleppo. It is Damascus.
If this were Clinton or Trump it would've been scripted and everyone sitting at that table would've already known what questions were going to be asked. Funny how it didn't work that way for this guy.
To see if I still feel.
Dah fuck kinda silly ass missile is that?
I'd hate to get rekt by such a goofy little bastard.
wow he used to have eyebrows
Little babby trumpkins nervous as fuck.
...Anonymous (ID: M9Ku0+xB)
09/08/16(Thu)21:39:23 No.88138303
This will play in his favor.
Nobody knew who he
was, now he will get the exposure they've held back.
I guarantee a jump in poll numbers.
Kek wills it !
You guys know why they are doing this right? He was taking more votes from Hillary than Trump and they decided to pull the plug on him. It's an obvious coordinated hit from all the Jew media. I can't believe you guys are participating in this with such glee.
>mfw all this aleppo posting made me forget damascus existed
Who did this!?!?
What's it called again?
>Little babby trumpkins nervous as fuck
Of what? He's so liberal he mostly takes votes from Shitlary.
thought this immediately, expected Sup Forums to see right through it
Halperin buried him but then had Bill Weld on his show this evening to correct the record. Halperin is not our guy.
Libertarians steal more votes from republicans than dems, historically. That's why he was given the platform even though he has less than ten percent support. He just fucking blew it. If anything this helps Trump. Jill Stein getting arrested is a leftist conspiracy, though.
I honestly think Gary Johnson is a good person but I seriously believe he is a dumb fuck with respect to holding the office of the presidency. I remember he was on Bill Maher and they asked him what his plan for climate change and the environment is and he said he has none. Now, Jill Stein is someone who I also believe is a dumb fuck but her problem is that she isn't a good person, so lose lose.
Honestly though, Gary. If you have ever taken a class in Middle Eastern history or even read a history book on such matters then not even knowing what Aleppo is or its current relevancy in the Middle Eastern conflict is inexcusable.
I don't understand, how is this shit fucking possible? Millions of NEETs have a far more developed comprehension of world politics than the fucking candidate with 7% of the vote
It's literally physically impossible (unless you're deaf) to not learn about fucking Aleppo if you have the SLIGHTEST interest in politics
>how is this shit fucking possible?
it's called the United States of America
I focus on the pain.
Arrested for what even?
Srs though, between Stein getting charged with vandalism and this guy not knowing what's going on in Syria, it seems the 3rd parties are RIP.
thats a weakass looking missle
Vandalism, she spray painted shit on construction stuff.
you're gonna have tp throw out pretty much everything you knew about historical politics. things have changed big time. this election is better studied through voting blocs now. women, blacks, white working class, white middle class, etc. a LOT more people are voting and most americans don't consider themselves a part of either party.
She spray-painted a bulldozer at that pipeline the prairie niggers are all protesting in North Dakota.
How have you've never seen an ATGM video on Sup Forums?
What you say is true but Johnson went full retard open borders, climate change SJW. He was going for Hillary voters because they are not loyal like Trump voters. He needs to get fifteen percent to get into the debates and to set themselves up for the next election. The kikes in the media saw what he was doing and decided to destroy him.
Why doesn't he have fucking eyebrows?
You're right. I saw a stat today that seventy percent of single women support Hillary (her biggest block) and only forty percent of married women do. It blew my mind they could even come up with such a statistic.
So how many of you anons knew what Aleppo was?
I vaguely recognized it but if I'd been put on the spot I would have had the same reaction he did. His answer was quite good once he figured out what the filthy kike was getting at. I feel bad for the guy because he probably isn't redpilled on the JQ so he never saw it coming.
filename says "TowMissle"....I believe those are guided by wires
I just think it's funny because, if this had been trump, it would be 17/3D Chinese backgammon because now everyone is hearing about Aleppo and Aleppo is all over the news and Aleppo is in the spotlight and people are asking about Aleppo and that would've been his plan all along.
But nah, Johnson is just dumb.
I believe it's a tow missile which is guided by wires
I only knew about what's going on there because I saw it compared to the rape of Nanking in a historical atrocities thread. I'm not running for president, though. It's a huge humanitarian issue that candidates should know about, even if it doesn't get covered because Obama dropped the ball on sending aid.
Serious question though....
Why the fuck are they asking him about Aleppo?
>What would you do about Aleppo?
Nothing? I'm not running for President of Syria.
>It's the epicenter of the refugee crisis!
...it's not?
I think he was thrown by the complete lack of relevancy. He claimed he thought they were talking about an acronym. Which is fair enough as asking a U.S. presidential candidate about Aleppo makes about as much sense as asking him how he would administer Adelaide.
I knew because one of my courses at college was on the modern Middle East with respect to its past and emergence.
>"but guys, it was a gotcha question:
>Asking a Presidential candidate what he would do about a country embroiled in a five year civil war that has caused the greatest migration crisis since WW2 is now considered a gotcha question
Fuck off back to r/garyjohnson and say there.
Anti-tank missile, probably Kornet, some /k/boy could tell you for sure.
Aleppo? I love Aleppo. And Aleppo loves me. I love Aleppo, and Harpo, and Groucho, and all the Marx Brothers.
Saw that in the news waiting for my dental appointment. What a fucking joke. I regret voting for him in 2012.
Maybe he should have been paying attention to politics the last few years instead of pandering to left-libertarians.
Trump would have just said he had plans about Aleppo, but he couldn't share them, but he's heard things...bad things, and he's going to get the very best, the very best guys, working on it.
Hillary would have said "I will continue to fund radical Jihadist militias in the city an- wait. I mean, Assad is the worst and I hope to redeploy the population of Aleppo to a town near you and solve this DARK problem by increasing domestic spying pr- wait. I mean 'What Is Aleppo, lol'?"
best kek
I wonder how furious the Shillary team (aka the entire MSM) was when they realized they could have done this to Trump but wasted it on DUDE OPEN BORDERS LMAO instead
its not even the capital of Syria
such a lame question; why wouldn't you just ask about Syria general? No way that guy wanted an answer just about a single city.
In the end it helps Johnson though as everyone is talking about it now.
We Americans are generally not very good at geography anyway so people probably look at it and say "shit i dunno what Aleppo is either"
Again, to be fair it's a "gotcha" question or the person asking it is a halfwit.
I could be persuaded that either option was correct.
Explain how it's a gotcha question.
They wanted to pull Gary's pants down on television because everyone knows he's a fucking retard meme candidate.
You are a very stupid person. Why even talk politics if you're going to follow the MSM narrative? Don't you have some Don Lemon to go watch or something?
It's just redundant.
>Be 1990's
>Hey Clinton, what are you going to do about Pristina?!
It's an almost ridiculous level of minute policy that wouldn't even be dwelled on until you are entrenched in the job.
Plus he's (supposedly) a libertarian, so the response as to what you would do about a regional conflict within a regional conflict utterly removed from your own nation would naturally be;
>Fukken nuffin m8
Y-you dun good Gary...
At least I know what Aleppo is, faggot.
>Johnson can't into world geography
>it's da joooooooooz
Poor Gary got hit with all that pentup rage on Morning Joe they have for the Trumpenfuhrer. They've been trying to do this to Trump for six months and he beats them like they are children. They finally found a target they could beat.
They're asking what he would do about a provincial conflict within a larger conflict that is largely irrelevant to the average American.
It's a question that has no bearing on any presidential candidate other than Clinton.
If they were to ask about Syria in a general sense the question would make sense.
Instead they are asking for his policy on a very specific issue within a much larger issue.
It would be like asking what he's going to do about employment in the East Midlands.
I assume the asinine question was asked on the presumption that it's irrelevancy would unbalance him and lead to media friendly "wut is Aleppo?" moment.
That or both he and the interviewer are retards. I wouldn't be half shocked to learn that like the NY Times the interviewer and his staff have Aleppo and Damascus and Raqqa confused.
Is this real life?
East midlands in England, correct?
How does a presidential candidate not know the capital of Syria, a massive hotzone between the US and Russia? This assad thing has been going on for years.
Why cant people just admit that he's a fucking moron?
During the libertarian convention, he took a good thirty second to think about the global warming question. He just stood there with his thumbs up his ass, and his answer after all that pondering was, "idk lol!"
its not the capital of syria dumbfuck
So how long have you thought Aleppo was Syrias capital?
>They're asking what he would do about a provincial conflict within a larger conflict that is largely irrelevant to the average American.
It shows his knowledge, or lack thereof, about a conflict within a civil war that's gone on for over 5 years with no end in sight. And it is hardly irrelevant when the vast majority of people oppose any direct intervention and Obongo's push to bomb Asaad over "muh red line" failed miserably.
>It's a question that has no bearing on any presidential candidate other than Clinton.
Absolutely fair question to anyone who thinks that they are qualified to be Commander in Chief. It's easily one of the biggest foreign policy challenges in modern times, if not the biggest in this election cycle.
>If they were to ask about Syria in a general sense the question would make sense.
No, it wouldn't be more relevant.
>Instead they are asking for his policy on a very specific issue within a much larger issue.
Still relates to the Syrian Civil War and how he, a man who believes that he should be Commander in Chief, should handle it.
>It would be like asking what he's going to do about employment in the East Midlands.
Nope, because this is an issue that people are aware of (clearly more aware than Johnson) because the American people have fatigue from Afghanistan and Iraq. Aleppo is something that most people have at least heard of because of seeing that little kid on the front of every website and newspaper. I guess Johnson doesn't read a newspaper, watch the news, or read the news online.
>I assume the asinine question was asked on the presumption that it's irrelevancy would unbalance him and lead to media friendly "wut is Aleppo?" moment.
>Aleppo, a city that has been majorly contested by the rebels and government forces for years in a civil war that has left 250k+ dead and created the greatest refugee crisis since WW2
Stick to shitposting. At least some of you cunts are good at it.
They asked him about Aleppo.
Not Damascus.
Unless you and the interviewer are so fucking stupid you think Aleppo is the capital of Syria, which be kinda ironic I guess.
Isn't it strange that the media never ever talks about Gary Johnson until now only to assassinate his character and get him out of the race?
I've always thought that. Would you vote for me for president?
>Unless you and the interviewer are so fucking stupid you think Aleppo is the capital of Syria, which be kinda ironic I guess.
>says this while defending a man who doesn't even know what Aleppo is
Okay buddy. I hope you don't do it for free.
>Absolutely fair question to anyone who thinks that they are qualified to be Commander in Chief
maybe if they were running for Commander in Chief of Geography
>East Midlands is in England correct?
Hooooly shit!
>Where Is The East Midlands?
Omg leaf btfo, what a stupid fucking question. How could you not know about this? Jesus christ, don't ever run for president!
>Do you get how stupid the Aleppo question is now?
Maybe; what would do about Aleppo?
>One of the biggest foreign policy questions of our times
No it's not. It's a component of one of the largest current foreign policy issues of our time. Like I said, it would be like asking Presidential candidates in the 90's about Pristina.
>This is an issue people are aware of
So you're saying Americans weren't aware of Brexit?
That's because he fucking sucks. Johnson has pretty much turned the lolbertarians into the greatest meme party of all time - shit, I'd probably vote for the socialist jew broad before I'd vote for him now, and this is coming from a guy who voted libertarian in 2000 and 2004.
Funny how fast someone can tank when they were a shitty choice for a candidate, eh?
All the sudden people be like muh Aleppo.
People correcting idiots who try to sound smart doesn't always mean they are CTR. Admit it, you probably had to look up Aleppo. You thought it was the capital. Don't get butthurt. Not many people know how important it is. I bet the news anchors flaying him for it barely even know about the varying stages of the siege or the groups involved.
It's just suspect that now and only now the media gives him mainstream attention. Sucky candidate or not that sucks?
Everyone immediately thought of this, but it's funny and it makes Garyshills squirm so whatever. Gary was never gonna get more than 5% anyway (probly not over 2%) and once they realized he was taking more Shillary-ites than Trump-supporters, he was never getting in the debates anyway
It is irrelevant though.
Aleppo could fall to either side and the civil war would continue.
Who formulates a policy based on dealing with a secondary component of a conflict?
I bet you miss me now
>Attacking a man for not knowing what Aleppo is, when you yourself don't know what Aleppo is
Like I said...ironic.
Yeah, he was actually intelligent.
Considering there are some dedicated anons running the Syria general. You all better fucking know where Aleppo is
When the election rolls around, no one will even remember this.
I think Johnson is a retard.
But I think the question in and of itself is retarded, before also factoring in the suspicion that the interviewer himself is also retarded (like the canadian itt) and doesn't know what Aleppo is, which is bolstered by the fact that he has pinpointed it as the "epicenter" of the refugee "crisis".
It just goes to show the rest of you literally don't matter to us unless you've pissed us off.
Gary was in on this. He's a known Hillary shill and they told him he was stealing too many votes from Hilldog so he crashed his campaign with no survivors. Notice how he then starts going on about teaming up with Russia like Trump. This was done to associate Johnson's ignorance with Trump's foreign policy plan and the Putin conspiracy. So now you subconsciously associate Gary's gaffe with Trump.