This crippled tumblrina is suffering from a rare incurable disease (spinal muscular atrophy). People won't let her die with dignity based on the fact that she's only 14 years old and they think she can't make a life altering logical decision. Oh...her mom is white and her nigger dad left the family. Thoughts?
Does a person have a right to die?
Other urls found in this thread:
>purple hair
>reeks of social justice
Let her die.
First things first. What is Aleppo?
Yes, but I think it should have the family sign to since they're minor
Clearly an effect of interbreeding.
Intelligence is genetic and heritable.
Differences in intelligence between ethnic groups are due to genetics alone.
Better education will not change differences in group intelligence, they'll always remain.
Human intelligence up to 75% inheritible
Human intelligence is highly heritable.
Scientific consensus is that IQ tests are not racially biased.
Very poor Whites are comparably intelligent to very wealthy blacks.
Black children raised in White households have similar IQs to black children in black households.
The average African IQ is estimated at 79.
The average African-American IQ is 85, compared to the average White IQ of 100.
The white-black gap in SAT scores, a proxy for IQ, is increasing.
Genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa.
Intelligence has at least a 40-50% genetic basis.
IQ scores are the best predictor of success in Western society.
IQ is 75% heritable among Whites.
France's IQ drops 4 points per decade because of African immigration
>nig makes a sound decision for once
>people refuse to go with it
Blacks just can't win, can't they?
Maybe she could influence other sjw's to go with jer
Never seen a more deserving person
I hate being (((me))) but what does this have to do with either interbreeding or intelligence?
It's a muscle problem.
Are you joking?
>Life altering decision
>Cutting off your dick and being pumped full of chemicals is totally fine though.
Rape her then kill her.
I feel bad for her
She's literally "KILL ME" personified.
>have just enough white genes to understand how unlucky you are
i dont think there is anything wrong with physician assisted suicide
>People won't let her die with dignity based on the fact that she's only 14 years old and they think she can't make a life altering logical decision.
Well shit, I thought 14 year olds were perfectly capable to making life-altering logical decisions?
>The socially classified Black adoptees, whose natural parents were educationally average, scored above the IQ and the school achievement mean of the White population...The high IQ scores of the socially classified Black adoptees indicate malleability for IQ under rearing conditions that are relevant to the tests and the schools.
you literally posted something that destroys your own argument, you idiot. you are a dutch nigger and your country is worthless on the world stage and will be so going forward until the end of time.
Let's force her to live until 200 other SJWs kill themselves in solidarity with her.
>coalburner's disgusting genetic aberration
Keep her on life support forever and pass along the bills to the mother. PAY DAT TOLL
> looks at picture
Yes she does.
Did you create your life? No. God did. Your life belongs to God, not to you. You'll die when God wants you to. And you'd better live whatever life you have in service to God.
>But I'm in pain.
Good. Suffering is a good thing. Pain lets you know that you're not at home in this world, and reminds you of your duty to God. Suffering is ennobling. You don't think Christ suffered? Oh you don't like pain? If you kill yourself you'll go to Hell.
>but muh rights--
Fuck off with that "rights" bullshit. Rights don't exist, and even if they did, the right to get a doctor to fucking kill you still wouldn't exist, because that's fucked up and defeats the entire purpose of medicine.
I'll do it lol gimme a brick
But then no more gibs for mom!wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmuhentitlements
>Your life belongs to God, not to you. You'll die when God wants you to.
how do you know the will of the Almighty isn't for this dumb bitch to kill herself?
The only answer at this point is that modern liberalism is simply a mental illness. That's the only way any of this makes sense.
christ fags are retarded.
there are a small, finite amount of resources on this planet. Do you really want ANY of them going to this retarded nig? We don't have room for her, especially if she doesn't want it. and she will never contribute anything except leeching tax dollars.
would pull the plug on her myself if I could
Burn coal, pay the toll. I am generally all in for letting suffering people die, and all for killing all mixed race and niggers. But keep this one alive, to make her whore mother suffer seeing her degrade and in pain, if coalburners even have motherly instincts...
But how is this shit relevant at the moment, that dirty nigger Obama just been ratted out by the jews, that he sent Iran 33 billion in cash over two years. All fucking muslims, niggers, and jews should be exterminated, so they don't leach on our resources anymore.
Yes. Everyone should die if they want.
A bullet in the head probably costs less than 1 dollar.
Because I spent five minutes to skim the Bible?
>muh resources
I'm pretty sure a human soul is worth more than all the useless shit you own but maybe you'd realize that if you hadn't traded yours away for as much.
She looks interrace, of course she deserves to die.
Is this the new Mary Jane Watson in that Spider-Man movie?
Do you have the right to live?
If you said yes, you have the right to die.
>Because I spent five minutes to skim the Bible?
And this allows you to know the will of God? Did you skip Corinthians 2:11?
bitch should have been euthanized a long time ago, wtf is wrong with this society? Fucking Jews god damn.
what does pro choice say about this
>Adam Kredo is senior writer for the Washington Free Beacon. Formerly an award-winning political reporter for the Washington Jewish Week, where he frequently broke national news, Kredo’s work has been featured in outlets such as the Jerusalem Post, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, and Politico, among others
>Does a person have a right to die?
of course
>Does a person have a right to kill someone if they want it?
whole other story
Anyone who thinks that a person does not have the right to die painlessly should die the a very long and miserable death.
i suppose it's relevant to the fact that we're discussing niggers but it does seem rather lazy.
It's a coin toss... No being should be denied the choice to merge into oneness with the mighty kek, but those who deny his name have no place in his presence.
she is a disabled black fat ugly woman. this is tumblr personified, and she wants to die. makes absolute sense.
I think all niggers should be allowed to die. And if they don't want to, the state should decide.
>resources, food, water
>useless shit
painlessly could be any number of ways of dying though. we should have a big wheel she could spin with her last effort, and what it lands on is how she goes. we could televise it, and use the proceeds to pay for the funeral/cleanup.
I propose a specially built rollercoaster specifically for her wheelchair. which ends in a woodchipper. just deliver the anaesthetic before the ride begins and boom. a quick, painless and most of all entertaining death for someone who will never be remembered for anything else.
>I'm in pain and I have no future and I want to die
>no Jackishaquandratifa you have a long life ahead of you being wheeled in front of others so i can signal what a kind person i am. now lick that drool off your face, we're going to the hair stylist again
As I said, ratted out by the jews.
rollercoaster that stops on an upward curve launching toward a pit of woodchippers
i would pay to watch that
>i need to die with dignity
ok, kill yourself
>like i don't want to mess up so i need someone to do it for me
then you don't really want to die then
>no, i want to die with dignity
how should it matter how you die? you'll be dead
>you just don't understand
[door slams and emo music intensifies]
I think I found the father.
>like i don't want to mess up so i need someone to do it for me
This is a valid excuse in the case of a physical cripple
>Try to commit suicide because you're a physical potato
>Fuck up and become a mental potato
or even worse
>fuck up because you're a cripple
>end up involuntarily committed to a long term drug mellowed vacation to a closely monitored padded room
When your city is in ashes,
Then you have my permission to die.
Or just give her a ride on pic related.
do you think this would actually work ?
Force her to live for being a tumblerina and force her mudshark mother to care for her until she dies
Not if they can provide labor to a business or buy the goods a business produces. ((((business))))
I'll take what is goyim for $50 Alex.
You're being exposed to about 10 g of force. You'd pass out as your brain shuts down from cerebral hypoxia. You'd be dead by the second loop guaranteed.
Mean't to reply to
she is a child and should wait until she is 18 to kill herself
yes, the only exception should be chronic depression, however, that would give psychiatry much more power than it already has.
People who are mentally aware and want to die and make the conscious and voluntary decision to die should have every right to end their own lives, only if they are in extreme pain and it's provable.
i dont even like rollercoasters i would rather get killed by firing squad or something
it would feel so weird on the drop down
Those with a terminal illness and no chance of survival should be allowed to die with what dignity they have left, on their own terms.
>based on the fact that she's only 14 years old and they think she can't make a life altering logical decision
>and two under the age of three
How much do you think they'd charge for the picture?
Physics and human anatomy say yes.
>Stupid whore bimbo farms the media for attention instead of easily killing herself quietly
Boo hoo
probaly 29.99 + tax
oven mode tier body
So a 3 years old is mature enought to have a sex change but a crippled teen can't decide her own fate?
the dog will be euthanized before she will. kek.
well she clearly has decided. it's just everyone else decided something else.
Did you skip the ten commandments?
yeah pretty much. it's just because freak shows aren't as popular now and we still need to make money off of the disabled.
someone put it down
No, what part in there regards youthinasia?
>When your city is in ashes,
>Then you have my permission to die.
Take a guess.
if I pulled that off would she die?
Might have some good pussy doe
(Hint: it's the Thou halt not Kill part)
A person only has the rights they choose to stand up for
>no one cared about me until I put on the mask
the 5th commandment has nothing to do with euthanasia, it's not immoral
I think we should quit subsidizing nigger-tier shit like kike wars, banker bailouts, and liberal arts degrees and instead invest trillions in genetic research that can cure diseases and extend healthy lifespan.
But hey, that's just me.
Oh, you think the darkness is your ally. You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it. Molded by it.
>People won't let her die with dignity based on the fact that she's only 14 years old and they think she can't make a life altering logical decision.
Yet if she wanted to be a man they would be starting gofundme accounts.
it doesn't specify the circumstances. you're just not supposed to kill people.