Dixie love thread

Dixie love thread.

Why did Dixie become so cool? General Lee.. ( which I can't link because YouTube is Jew) and other Dixie tunes which make me so nostalgic over an area which I have never experienced...

Where is Britain's equivalent of Dixie??

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>Where is Britain's equivalent of Dixie??
dont know but southern whites are almost all british decent. north and west are mixed with all different europeans.


Hey m8 north carliona small town USA white guy here Dixie isnt really what you think it is. What your thinking about is small town country coultre. Good food goot times every one is nice and gets along with each other unless given a big reason not to


>north carliona
theres your problem. NC isnt southern like it used to be. dixie is still alive in the deep south.

My theory is that the southern identity is just the product of it's plantation centered society. It is a very interesting thing to note that most Caribbean and Central American countries where basically identical to the Confederacy in every aspect except the natives where used instead of niggers. You can see the result now when these places drop the hierarchies that ruled them and kept them in place.

>What is Britain's version of Dixie

Guy Fawkes masks.

North carliona is plenty southern in small towns we still dont like niggers and love bbq and sweet tea.

It's not really a theory. Everything south of New England was settled by royal charters or commercial enterprises (from Georgia to Jamaica). Everything North was settled by crazy liberal religious fundies.

How do you define dixie?

fuck off thats not what southern identity is.
southern culture. which has been shrinking in the last century.

>Where is Britain's equivalent of Dixie??

Eastern Shore MD reporting in.


>tfw californian
>tfw won't ever be dixie

honestly dixie is just a shaming word for southerners and nothing more

being proud of being a rat is nice I suppose

Anyone else want to go to the Dixie State University?

Northern Ireland, we're huge dixieboos over here.

Wont deny that southern culture is shrinking in larger cities in the south but im under 30 and hunt n fish. Love guns and sweat tea n bbq n dont like niggers in general. But as i said im from a small town. The big cities are full of faggots

Look at Venezuela. It's bring run by a mestizo bus driver and the country is falling apart despite massive oil and gas reservrs.

>Where is Britain's equivalent of Dixie??

Ulster scots were mainly of English origin weren't they? Where is all the folk music Britain produced at the time of Dixie? Why aren't they shunted forward now??

Southern culture is a meme. It's true that the south tends to be more conservative than the rest of America, but they are cuckservatives. They are a bunch of Israel worshipping brainwashed Protestants. They love the Juden.

>fat people everywhere
>shit country music
>southerners are genetically Anglo and Celtic, so they tend to be ugly
>boring culture

The only fun part is there are some great outdoors areas for hiking and hunting and stuff like that.

Before some dixiefag calls me a clueless yankee, I have lived in the south (in several areas) for many years and I am speaking from experience. The south is a shithole.

>The big cities are full of faggots

Modern southern numales are disgusting. The combination of a southern accent with a high pitched faggy voice is absolutely repulsive.

People who have never lived in the south have this romanticized view of it where everything is great and the men are all tough and masculine but it is simply not true at all. Some of the effeminate spineless cucks I have ever met are southern.

>Ulster scots were mainly of English origin weren't they?
No, mostly from lowland scotland.
>Where is all the folk music Britain produced at the time of Dixie?
Don't fecken know m8, I've been looking myself.

Fuck you Dixie you gave us 3,000,000 more niggers. Look where you got the east coast. It's already touched my precious west coast and now it's spreading up north. Cascadia is the last bastion for Anglo/Asian heritage.

>Some of the effeminate spineless cucks I have ever met are southern.
You ever been to California? Specifically LA or SF?

Please don't post that racist flag on this board.

Yes I have.

It's interesting that most of the dixieboos in this thread are brits who have probably never been to the south. If you guys came here you would see the truth for yourself. It's a place of obese brainwashed kike lovers.

>boring culture
the only place in america with anything unique going on

>It's interesting that most of the dixieboos in this thread are brits
There are two of us calm it down lad

You have no idea what you're talking about, bong. You have probably never been here. The south is not what you think it is.

The south is definitely one of the few places in the US that is unique.

>2 dixieboos
>every dixieboo is a brit
gotta love American reasoning

i know that feel

dont listen to the yankee lies

>The south is not what you think it is.

right back at you faggot.

>making faggy pop rock with a southern twaing and calling it "country music" is their great and unique culture

>Where is Britain's equivalent of Dixie??
america, only we didn't lose that war

I'll take that over the Dropkick Murphys any day of the week


Boondocks, SC here. Am I S-Southern enough?

Brits would love the deep south. Hot chicks, tons of beer, shit talking is a must, dont brush your teeth, eat bbq and chicken all of the time, lots of coke and meth, lots of love.

Southfag here, can confirm all of this. He missed the reason all are so fat, however, that being FUCKING FRIED OKRA, COLLARD GREENS, AND CORNED BEEF HASH NYUKA. The food here is simply the best, and even the authentic chinese and thai and other asian restaurants are better than elsewhere (all the #woke ones move here).

>I'll take this shitty music over this other shitty music



>dont brush your teeth
I want this meme to die

Wow, that is fucking pathetic. I have a racist uncle in the UK and I honestly wouldn't be surprised if that picture was taken at his house.

>Hot chicks

Most southern women are disgustingly ugly (being of Anglo and Celtic descent) and fat.

Of course there are some exceptions, just like there are some exceptions in the UK.

Its perpuated by our GA-based Adult Swim. :^)

Theres tons of hot chicks in SC. It is however disproportionate to the fatass shartmarter's.

>Where is Britain's equivalent of Dixie??

All the action and the freedom-loving Brits left for the United States long ago.

Your flag is upside down, look at the stars famalam

get educated:


southern music is best american folk music

Except no one in the south actually listens to that anymore. They all listen to Luke Bryan and Waka Flocka Flame

What part of the south are you in? We still listen to David Allen Coe unironically around here.

hipsters on the coasts sure as hell listen to it. maybe they are good for something after all

Mississippi fag here

>Soon the South will be nothing but a memory.

Feels fucking awful man. True American culture is dying. I actually had some rednecks from the US on facebook that I met on various forums, games etc when I was younger. Their lives looked based as fuck. They really did have trucks, guns, big parties etc. They always put pics up of it all. They also actually had hot females among them, true southern girls.

>ywn be American

Just end me senpai

where at? i'm about 30 mins from tupelo

>Soon the South will be nothing but a memory.
iktf bro

just tell very american you know to vote trump and make sure all their friends vote trump

It just depends on your taste I guess. Southern women are often "cute" but not striking or model tier. If you are looking for model tier women, you're out of luck around here.

OP here, trump seems to be the only logical choice.

Shit, perhaps us Brits are the reason trump is even gaining any wing at all... We are the master race after all ;)


I'm pretty sure he's being ironic user. R-right?

Not mine, I promise it's from uncle's house.

So, I heard this thing on this podcast (completely credible) that the South's vernacular/dialect is closer to "Old English" than the contemporary English vernacular/dialect because of it's extreme self imposed isolation and steadfast revolt against anything different.

I took a trip to visit my father in Florida this spring this year. Absolutely loved Tennessee and Alabama. I'd say the friendliest states I'd ever visited (traveling from Southern Illinois). Great places overall.

That's m'boy

God bless the CSA

>the South's vernacular/dialect is closer to "Old English" than the contemporary English vernacular/dialect

>contemporary English (meaning British English)

Scotfag here, pretty redneck out in the sticks with us. Visiting the U.S, before anyone says flag.

>tfw have a Dixie and Gadsden flag en route in the mail