Where have all the real men gone?
Where have all the real men gone?
we are hiding from evil cunts like that.
basement shitposting
>implying modern women want a mad that works
His hands look like that because tyrone keeps them lubricated while he is out busting his ass.
They're just not as apparent because they don't waste their time on twitter or tumblr like all the nu-males do.
>wrecking your hands for some woman
>not keeping your hands nice and pretty
They are dating other men.
underground boxing clubs modeled after fight club
>Long fake ass nails
>born just in time to be a socially accepted house-husband
>nobody posted yet about race mixing
fuck that
the question is, there are still real men?
Any woman that has nails like that is not really worth it. You can tell that she does not do any house work and instead of raising kids she raises your debt as she hasn't found out that you have to pay things back with interest paying with a credit card.
Work, meditation, exercise, enjoying my hobbies (wine making, fine dining, reading)
Why would I want to rob myself of any happiness for the amazon whores of today?
> he has "Pretty" hands
>his hands aren't covered in callouses and scars
Wow you're a woman
also i just realized she has dirty hands as well
>Work, meditation, exercise, enjoying my hobbies (wine making, fine dining, reading)
You became a woman?
Her hands are dirtier than his.
>he fell for the calloused Jew
Good goyim...
>tfw I do woodwork and metalwork in my spare time
>tfw my hands are still silky smooth
The only real callousing on my hands are at my fingertips from playing guitar.
But they're a bit dirty!
>yard was a total mess yesterday
>hired landscapers to fix it
>their hands look like that now
>mine are nice and smooth
Poorfags suck it. Banking is where it's at.
>wanting a shallow spoiled bitch with nothing to do all day
>You became a woman?
I'm Happy. Not cursed.
I only become a real man around real women.
There's a real woman in my life that I treat like a princess. She's a pure virgin girl who's shy and innocent and super smart and nice. That's who I'm a real man to.
The rest of you slutty ass bitch cunts? Yeah, nah you can fuck right off I'm not giving you a dime from my pocket. Go get desperate and fuck a Tyrondell for all I care. You'll never find a good white man that respects your womanly needs.
>Where have all the real men gone?
The same place all the real women went.
Back in time about 50 years.
Means you've not worked in a day of your life you fucking faggot.
>I'm physically weak and unable to attract or support a female partner
>other people who can fell for J-jewish tricks!
I can't wait until the artificial womb
>any man who wants to raise a son has no vaginal Jew to take them away
>entire generation of redpilled men
>women become literally worthless
Sup Best Korea
Not a callus on that man's hand.
No, it just means that you've been using your tools wrong.
Kim you really need to get some better public relations staff.
I want to participate in a fight club
How do i join.
I didn't realise Australians predated the discovery of Australia.
I already have that flag. Use something more rare.
underrated as fuck
We will become the Tleilaxu.
Work for yourself doing something you wish to do
I perfectly understand a woman staying home to raise kids but the woman is doing a job too- a very important job
Why should I work my ass off so some woman can spend all my money and sit around all day just because she has a pussy. If I work the money is being spent either on myself or my children when I have them.
A grown adult should b capable of supporting themselves. If they wish to leech I do not want them
thats a hand of a numale that just put dirt on it
real blue collar hands are thick and trashed
Fake nails are fucking disgusting. So are painted nails, dyed hair, piercings, tattoos, and makeup. Stop fucking dolling yourself up and let me see what you look like. Fucking shocker, men evolved to find women attractive. Stop slapping shit on the outside like it makes any improvement, christ.
Do men actually like those faggoty long painted nails that women have?
That picture doesnt even fit me because its a dude and im not gay
The same way all men like women wearing glitter.
>hur dur i dont know how to wear gloves to avoid tearing the fuck out of my hands
bonus points if you fill your gloves with Vaseline
>woodwork and metalwork
>making birdhouses and metal ornaments
>silky smooth hands
Numale detected
What a cancerous name.
This desu, I teach recurve archery classes without my glove and any marks made just go away eventually
those hands look terrible to do the dishes with
ummmmmmmmm okay sexist, this isn't the 50s any more, honey ;)
women don't have to do your housework like SLAVES
numale detected
>wanting to marry a 'career woman'
You can tell who actually is a numale because they still think these jobs are jobs where you bust your hands up.
The only people today who have busted up thick hands are turd worlders who can't afford gloves.
Funnily enough I was just mixing cement or a girl and when she went to fuck with the left over told her not to touch it as it would destroy her hands.
My hands are a web of work scars. I judge a man by his hands.
Shitposting on Sup Forums
You sappy cunt.
She looks like a negress with all those weird extraneous rings and fake nails.
His hands look like he's been working.
Obviously fake, no negress has ever had a man with a job
>spending money on females
Fucking this. How hard is it for a bitch to just not do anything with your nails and keep them clean? Hate bitches with nasty hands.
>I work a shitty job because I have no talent, so some biTHC that's using me for money can buy fake nails.
I worried about the day that I fuck a bitch and regret becomes rape.
k then go get a job and buy your own house
>my wageslave job makes me work shit hours for shit pay so my materialistic wife can cuck me for Jody whom she met on Tinder
The reality of that image.
My husband is a real man. He is strong and assertive and has a respectable career.
And where are all the gods?
wait until these bitches get blackout drunk and snip all their nails short
ITT: IT working losers
Im glad I live in a society where working a trade and working hard is still something thats seen as the alpha thing to do
Where's the streetwise Hercules to fight the rising odds?
.t kargoolie miner
Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed?
They don't want to date cunts like you.
So this...is the power...of cucking...woah
>wants pretty hands
>Claims to be male
I take it you do not use tools for heavy work.
Then he gets fired, gets a bit depressed, and the neighbors dick starts looking really nice.
wage deflation from the workforce doubling when women entered the job market have forced both sexes to work full time to support a 'typical' american way of life
if we could control immigration, and send women back to working in the home where they prefer, then we could get that dynamic back
however, many women enjoy working and we do not have a government willing to limit immigration.
so this is a pipedream until we can change those things
but it is certainly possible
women don't have to work
they choose to
we are all addicted to spending too much money on frivolous things
if we didn't waste so much time working- we might actually enjoy our lives
Gloves have their place, winter and welding. If you need gloves to build something or use hand tools you are a joke.
Literally not even surprised anymore...
No. I love him with all of my heart. I would never cheat on him.
...untill there is a higher branch for you to swing into.
Then you don't love him anymore.
Why are you so pessimistic to assume I cannot know love? Have you been hurt by a woman in the past?
>that "emptiness" debate
Seems we have one of these threads daily now.
Long read, but the faggot is right.
What an insanely cucked image op.
No it's not race mixing. Its reality. White people work to pay for the welfare that stupid negress spends for fake nails and gawdy jewelry
You're all a bunch of fucking faggots.