Why is Sup Forums your favorite board?
Meta discussion
It's not, /his/ is.
It's not. /tg/ is.
It's not, /e/ is.
it's not, it's full of stupid people even more so than the majority of the boards and Sup Forums coming over everyday is fucking tiring
It's not, and I blame you, OP.
Go back to /qa/.
It isn't
It's not, Sup Forums is.
Because I love you guys!!1! :D
Srsly now. It appeals directly to some of my favourite things in the world.
It keeps me informed about said things.
Discussions are usually fun.
There's free comics to be read every day.
I've learned so much in here.
Also shared fetishes
It's not. I fucking hate Sup Forums, but for me it's a necessary evil. I endure Sup Forums so I can get an aggregate of comic news, and that's it. Fuck community, fuck interaction, fuck you. This board might actually be bearable if cartoonfags were kicked out to Sup Forums where they fucking belong.
Storytimes are often good and people introduce me to awesome stuff that I never would have thought to check out. Also, it's where I found my waifu.
It's not, Sup Forums is. Those guys are fucking Nazis but at least they can have conversations. Everything there is fucking bitchslap fight over Civil War or an endless ladder of shittalking each other's taste.
It is dope when we talk about Danny Phantom though.
It's not, but it used to be. Before the Sup Forums shit and hysterical fear of tumblr, when threads could exist without rampant shitposting and people yelling at eachother. I think that's the only reason I keep coming back, in the hope that I'll see some remnant of old Sup Forums.
>if cartoonfags were kicked out to Sup Forums where they fucking belong.
Just like Sup Forums would be better with only manga threads.
Call me a pansy or a SJW or whatever but Sup Forums is literally one of the most toxic places I've ever visited. It's amazing how those guys pride themselves on being Christians.
Irony is, I don't think pure Sup Forumsmics board would last long.
Then again, /qst/ still exists so whatever.
It used to be but now we've hit Sup Forums levels of toxic "board culture"
Look faggot, if no one wants to talk about your shitty indie comics don't blame it on the cartoon posters
This is one of the dumbest most ignorant boards in Sup Forums,and is extremely casual and tumblr friendly. The worst part is how little to no Oc is created by this board, compare this board with Sup Forums or Sup Forums terrible boards but that at least are aggressive towards new idiots and create their own content, this shitty board has a retard asking why batman doesn't rape the joker, Sup Forums has several cartoons and Sup Forums does more comics in one month than Sup Forums does in a year, so no, I don't like this shitty casual sjw shitty board, I came here to get mad at twitter and for valiant threads.
You are nothing more than a weak minded faggit
I find discussion more important than OC personally.
I met some great people here 3 years ago. Wish we could go back.
It isn't. /tg/ is, less retarded company wars and it actually has interesting topics consistently.
It would be, anime is shit, manga has a low enough budget it can do stuff without some 400 pound Jap NEET needing to jack off to it.
So what you're saying is you're an underage faggot and are pissed we dont subscribe to your faggotry?
I guess there is an upside to Sup Forums housing the most manchildren on this site.
Closest board to my hobbies
I browse Sup Forums but mainly to get hard
In order for Sup Forums to be my favorite board first the comicfags would need to get decent taste and stop reading Big Two shit, and the cartoonfags would need more then three or four not-shit shows running.
I have an unhealthy obsession with underaged female superheroes.
Other than that y'all can get fucked, lol.
MMO threads.
Lets see ya cute butt.
This board believes Johns is better than gaiman, and that the mcu movies are not shit. I have seen posters surprised that Israel and Iraq are in Fucking Asia. Your board is a casual friendly board for retards that don't know mexico is in North America
This is a board for pleb that barely know the big 2 and like to act as if they were realz nerdz. It's a dumb board that thinks anyone that dislikes the mcu is from Sup Forums, anyone who isn't a sjw is from Sup Forums to the point some people think that saying Jews control the media is being paranoid. Sup Forums likes to pretend it's better than tumblr and yet if you say bigger you are acused of being a Sup Forums poster
Do you think Bruce ever told Jason he didn't actually have to have sex with him to live at Wayne manor?
>to the point some people think that saying Jews control the media is being paranoid
You almost had me there Sup Forums. Leave now.
Crossover threads, storytimes, cheesecake threads. Basically any image dump thread.
because the subject matter is the most relevant to my interests
I also like graphic design and cars but those boards are wastelands for real discussion.
I like the speed this board operates at.
There's lots of creative people here. I love all the fun things like Grieve-tan and Sup Forumsmeleon
The people here make me laugh, even if there are some jerks.
People complain about this place turning into tumblr, but I really think that's overblown.
Sup Forums has always been a little gayer than Sup Forums or Sup Forums.
There are some sjws here, but that seems to be a trend in society as a whole.
And for every thread about "muh social justice" there is a nice quiet thread about /ss/ or wacky silver age comics.
For fuck sake, it's something so well known its a joke in everything from family guy to movies, Jews joke about that and yet you somehow try to deny it. This is why this board is shit, anything that makes the sjw like you uncomfortable is considered Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>my favorite board
el oh el
It hasn't been for years.
Sup Forums boy thread?
More cute Robin pics.
It used to be before Sup Forumstards and Sup Forumsedditors took over.
>he doesn't have a Sup Forums pass
Sup Forums fucking sucks, it just happens to be better than any other comics discussion board. So here I remain.
Sup Forums is a better board.
And Sup Forums is pure shit
>Those guys are fucking Nazis but at least they can have conversations.
Because it's a constant circlejerk over muh Trump?
The funny thing is that nazi threads are pretty rational it's libertarian racist threads the deluded crazy ones.
I'm only here as a colonial representative of Sup Forums. We have to keep an eye on you hippies and your girl cartoons.
Nah, he's right. Sup Forums is a fucking cesspool of human waste, but go ahead and call me a 'cuck' if that makes you feel any better.
> Sup Forums pass
What's wrong, fag? Too poor to afford Sup Forums Gold™?
>nazi threads are pretty rational
I mean, I agree that Libertarians are typically delusional, willfully ignorant faggots, but I really can't take you seriously with that.
Ok Sup Forums
If the Jews really do control everything then the White race is in trouble because all you faggots do is shitpost while they're apparently doing actual work.
If i wanted to read about lesbians having personal problems I would go to any webcomic. Non-cape indie comics should be a general.
>Decent conversation
>Unironically think meme magick works
>Not even /x/ thinks meme magick works.
Even outside of that, their threads are better. They're better about sharing stories and the SJW vs. Nazi fights are hilarious.
The constant bitching here about Carol Danvers' costume and shit like that is just tiresome.
Its this or Tumblr if you wanna talk cartoons/comics.
I just want to talk about why I like Legend of Korra and I can't do that here. So fuck you guys.
I call you a weak dumbass that can't handle opinions different than his own, Sup Forums has communists, anarkists, national Socialists, white supremacists, Socialists, dumbass libertarians, and hard-core capitalist jew shills, it's a extremely diverse board, and they all share one trait; they can handle being insulted and information that goes against what they believe
It isn't. I prefer Sup Forums and /d/ over Sup Forums.
I do think it had problems, but overall I loved it.
Sup Forums just got way too ass blasted when it didn't fit their expectations from years of ATLA fanfics and shipping.
>Sup Forums
get out
hey this guy might be alright.
I come from /x/ and I was thee since it replaced /pg/.
I came here about a year ago during a particularly shitty dip in the quality of /x/, lots of religious arguments, legit schizos instead of lightheared roleplayers and morondella effect shit going on. I longed for the days that there was a horror comic thread always within the first two pages. Then I discovered the term storytiming and got my green card and immigrated here.
You guys think this place gets shitty, its cute when you think that, you know that?
It's not, I only come here out of habit.
I spend most of my time on /fa/ now because even if they're faggots, at least even the shitflinging in their watch threads is a civil, intelligent discussion compared to this place's company wars.
Wait so you dont like anime but you like manga?
That combination means 99% chance of kid diddler, so no.
But Sup Forums has best trap threads
You mean catty? Catty is just as bad as playground insults. I'd rather call somebody a dumbass faggot retard then sukky my soul and be passive aggressive.
Oh hey fellow /x/pat. I started coming to Sup Forums around 2013 or so.
I know what we need.
Joey vs Marco
bulge to bulge
I am Sup Forums crossboarder and it is still my main board even all the shit threads but it is not like Sup Forums is any different from Sup Forums other than it has more normalfags nowdays
You mean Pico right?
Get out normalfag. Sup Forums always has been into lolis in sameway as Sup Forums
That annoying Newgrounds mascot? The driver of the green car in F-Zero?
Hey kid diddler, your IP has been flagged.
It was my first home board.
I don't even watch cartoons or read comics anymore, but I find this place strangely comforting. I do miss when Sup Forums was love, though.
I wish /cape/ actually happened.
I'd love to see what this board is like without all the Sup Forumsshitters.
Was that/tv/'s attempt at a containment general?
I don't know, to be honest. I just want those annoying assholes and their shit threads out of here.
It's not, I enjoy it as an occasional break from /tg/
Sup Forums is probably the worst interest board on the site (please do not cherrypick this point and say no it's Sup Forums or something and instead address my meme arrows if you want to give me a (You))
>board is full of capeshit movie and television threads which are neither comics or cartoons and end up making many discussions go back to how x would be cool in live action
>company wars made by said moviefags
>much of the userbase is thinskinned and politically correct (tumblr) and likes to spam back to Sup Forums at any posts they don't like
>an extreme amount of political threads where the tumblrites from above will say back to Sup Forums for disagreeing with them as they discuss offtopic material instead of indiscriminately telling everyone back to Sup Forums for talking politics on the western pictures board. the moderators and janitors police these threads also
>low general knowledge of board topic which is common for most interest boards but still pathetic. there's some hardcores like the JSA thread circlejerkers or SOME posters in animation threads but the average poster is dumb as fuck and here for the waifus and ongoings without any interest in looking back at the past
>general autists for shows like SVTFOE SU and TLH make things hard for people who want to talk about those shows outside of a general without making it a general topic
>cartoon autists shittalking comics threads when most cartoon threads are bad
>comic autists shittalking cartoon threads when most comics threads are bad
>noncapeshit autists shittalking capeshit threads when they don't make any threads seriously why are you here you loser go make a thread talking about love and rockets or whatever entry level comic that makes you think you're so superior because the comics i see that aren't about capes are fucking webcomics like willisshit or homestuck or poppy or whatever and none of it is worth bragging about
>currently Sup Forumsco/'s bizarre adventure is another really autistic community project that has no place
im done
fuck Sup Forums