Story Time: Pandemonium Wizard Village

Been meaning to story time this for awhile now, but have been caught up in my laziness, so while I'm in the mood for wasting a couple hours, let's get started, shall we?




























End of Chapter 1
Is anyone there? Should I keep going?


Start of Chapter 2
Well, guess I'll keep going until the thread dies.

I'm reading it.

Just making sure is all. First time doing a story time, so not sure when the "best time" to do one is.

Thanks OP



No prob user, just want to spread the word about it because I love it so much.



















By the way, are these loading correctly? Just want to make sure.

It appears to be.

Good, thanks.








End of Chapter 2
2 down, 10 to go

Start of Chapter 3


















reading bump














End of Chapter 3
God that scene gets me every time.

Start of Chapter 4