Picking up steam Edition
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Alright boys get in here.
Picking up steam Edition
Official Pastebin: pastebin.com
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Alright boys get in here.
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Common boys, lets get this going
Too many popular threads right now.
Argument are on full blast.
shoot. No wonder no one is responding. Well hopefully it stays bumped for awhile.
We must march to there homeland brothers and lay siege to all they know and love, slaughter the heathen that have taken this land and make sure all those who oppose us fear his name!
Deus vult.
I imagine singing this version while on the march
Grab your swords,grab your rosary beads its time to remove niggers,muslims and jew
>SONGS OF DEATH TO JEWS ― If only church leaders would tell their congregations the story behind the songs. All Christian songs that tell of the “Soldiers of the Cross” have very catchy melodies, and are church favorites. If only the people would realize the meaning behind each song.
>Shmuel Golding, Director of the Jerusalem Institute of Biblical Polemics, said that this hymn “… explains fully the evangelical aim to conquer the world through their doctrines. Jews should be warned by these words and chilled by the ghostly echo of distant crusades.” He further stated “this is just one hymn that speaks of a united militant church. There are hundreds of others."
>There were altogether ten Crusades covering a swath of time between the 11th through the 13th centuries. This is how about 30%-50% of the Jewish community of Europe met its end. Some 10,000 Jews of an estimated population of about 20,000-30,000 were slaughtered by Crusaders mobs.
>Other Christian death songs are, under the section of “Spiritual Warfare” # 476 on:
>1. I am a Soldier of the Cross
>2. Am I a Soldier of the Cross?
>3. Stand up, stand up for Jesus, ye soldiers of the cross
>4. Soldiers of Christ, arise
>5. Lead on, O King Eternal
>6. The Battle belongs to the Lord
>7. Faith is the Victory…ye Christian soldiers
>8. Battle hymn of the Republic
>The Jews were not the only ― and in fact, not the primary ― victims of the Crusaders. Muslims were. If you're a student of Islamic history, you know that a large part of the reason why the Arab world is today the way it is has to do with the Crusades. All the brutality directed toward them devastated the Arab peoples economically, made the Arab world very closed, and contributed to Arab hatred of the West. (Why do Arabs paint the doors of their houses blue to this day? To ward off the evil eye. Why blue? One explanation is that it was the color of the blue-eyed northern Europeans that came to slay them.)
Hear the hatred running in Schlomo's veins.
>(12) And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves,
(13) And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.
Hey crusaders, I have a deal I'd like to offer.
You help me restore my deposed father on the Byzantine throne, and in turn I lend you Byzantine military support in your crusade.
>On 17 July 1203 the first assault of Constantinople took place. The fighting was fierce and the Venetians took parts the walls for some tie but were eventually driven off.
>Meanwhile the crusaders received a mauling by the emperor's famous Varangian Guard as they tried to storm the walls.
>But next the unbelievable happened and emperor Alexius III fled Constantinople on a ship. Abandoning his city, his empire, his followers, his wife and children, Alexius III took flight on the night from 17 to 18 July 1203, taking with him only his favourite daughter Irene, a few members of his court and 10'000 pieces of gold and some priceless jewels.
Always loved how only the Swedes actually posed a challenge during that siege. Did they ever make up with the Byzantines?
Sometimes I think the sack was a bit of a fuck up, but eh, DEUS VULT
>In Alexius IV absence a disaster struck the great city of Constantinople. A few drunken crusaders, started attacking a Saracen mosque and the people praying within it. Many Byzantine citizens came to the help of the beleaguered Saracens.
>Meanwhile many of the Italian residents of the merchants quarters rushed to the aid of the crusaders once the violence spiralled out of control.
I consider the fourth crusade the end of the Roman Empire. After the siege of Constantinople, the Byzantines could never recover.
Fucking Latin empire man.
Notice in quotes how the Italians sided with the drunk crusaders. It also describes the Byzantines as siding with the Saracens.
It sounds like a multicultural hellhole with a corrupted aristocracy hording wealth in a few city centers, doling out food and wealth to plebs in order to retain power.
Very Roman in their approach, but too many variables for it to retain stability.
Also, the Fourth Crusade had a lot to do with Venetian politics.
Third Crusade might be my favorite in history.
Also, we need to make sure we all read up on these events, because I have noted some attempts at revisionism by historians. The Wikipedia pages have also been shortened in recent years.
The Third Crusade is definitely my favorite as well.
I've been playing Crusader Kings 2 a lot recently, and it has definitely made me have a much deeper hate for the heathens and moors.
I long for each crusade, knowing it will bring me bountiful plunder and the deaths of many infidels.
Deus fucking vult.
Amen brother
I used to play the shit outta Stronghold Crusader growing up. I did my 3rd grade project on Crusades, same year 9/11 happened
holy shit castles were tiny back then
Remember you fags, never allow a cuck to say the Crusades were exploiting anyone.
Our old fathers brought wrath upon the Saracens for the preservation of Europe.
Nah, the ships are just big
Don't fall for revisionism from (((historians))) at major universities. If anyone has any redpilled books on the subject, please share
And they are trying to do the same again. Instead of looking only to the past we should look to the future as well. We need to stop them, we will stop them.
I completely agree, but we mustn't fall for the shallow "progressive" linear view of history.
We are in a living history, but it has a cycle. You could also say there is a pendulum pattern to events in terms of cause and effect.
Anways, we will stop them, but we will remember our old fathers smile upon us
get comfy lads, no Saracens here
In case we have any eurofags, dunno what this means but may mean something to someone.
>[Montgisard]. Si Saint Georges était le patron de Lydda, Baudouin d’Ibelin, sire de Ramla, était le seigneur de la terre de Montgisard. Aussi avant la bataille vint-il réclamer du roi Baudouin IV l’honneur d’engager l’action.
The Visigoths falling to moorish armies is something that always saddens me. You'd think an army that managed to topple the Western Roman Empire (in conjunction with the Ostrogoths, Huns, Vandals, and Franks) would be able to hold their own against them. At least the Franks managed to beat the Umayyad at Toulouse and Tours.
It is nice to know at least their successors Castile, Leon and Aragon contributed to fighting the heathens during the crusades.
Anyone know if real Templars were better men than modern Jewaboo Masonic shills?
I usually differentiate the knight order from the secret society in modern lodges.
I honestly need to read up more on the Iberian peninsula in Late Antiquity.
I always enjoyed watching that ridiculously long El Cid movie with Charlton Heston.
It's amazing how easy people forget Islam besieged Europe once before.
This is a holy thread
Infidels have been warned
But remember senpai we need to act. In November turn out to vote for Trump in hell or high water.
Already voted for him in open primaries, kohai
Are you ready to vote? I'm in GA, solid red state
I'm in California. I'll still vote but I doubt it will do much good here. But hey, crazy things do happen.
I probably disagree with many of you here when I defend the Crusades yet utterly condemn our Middle Eastern excursions today. Indeed, the Crusades were a reactionary movement, largely political in nature, that helped the ERE to rid Muslim invaders (who were bent on world conquest) and take back ancient European clay. While the Crusades were no doubt bloody and many innocent people died on both sides, they were in themselves a measure of defense and reaction.
Nevertheless, what we are facing today is nothing like what happened back then. We are today waging wars on behalf of Zionist Israel and private central banks, who profit from a massively costly standing army and use it to justify their system of baseless fiat inflationary currency. Our 'wars" are all illegal, since congress has not declared them, as are our standing armies, for it has been way past the two years the Constitution permits congress to appropriate funds for an army.
Middle East war=bad
Ave Maria
Deus Vult
I just convinced my friend in Grass City to cast a Trump vote. Do it, user!
Also, what's this business on a referendum to award proportional delegates in general election? Did it already happen?
Hey user, I completely agree with you. You may have misread us in I agree the destabilization of Middle East is part of a larger Zionist depopulation agenda to open up a Greater Israel.
Trust me, these regime changes have replaced good fascist dictators with the same jihadist sultans our ancestors fought...therefore, we will naturally remember our past struggles, yet this time we fucked up on the Jew part...see
Well under bush they went through congress. Obama has done no such thing. The wars under Obama haven't been for Israel at all. We've largely ignored them. Our efforts have in no way helped Israel. Iraq and Afghanistan were wholesome kebab removals. However Obama with Libya was an effort to counter russia and was absolute bullshit. Just as obama's "syrian rebels" are bullshit.
Obama and other globalist democrats=bad
But desu even then there was still alot of kebab removal
Spoken like a true Christian, hypocrite
Many modern (((historians))) laud Saladin as a philosopher king, who fought Christian barbarians.
We must stay vigilant in preserving/restoring our true history. The narrative is under attack to this day. I remember spending hours on Wikipedia articles about the Crusades as a young lad.
Now, these our small pages that include more information about the Muslims. I will contribute to these threads when able, so other scholars may find the path to their cultural birthright, that being pride in our ancestors achievements in the Middle East.
All war gets nasty, but never doubt Western legitimacy.
As much as Zionists like Soros and the lot do have influence, there's just too many factions and ideas floating around in the American elite for that to be the only driving force. In fact my friend once told me a theory that they were displacing the dictators with Islamists in order to revitalize the christians and have us fight back. As in like the people taking out the dictators are true patriots and crusaders. But then again its just a theory.
>proportional distribution if electoral votes
I haven't heard of this proposition being considered by anyone in power. But I would love that. Heck most elections california votes like 40-45% republican. If they did that the dems would be done.
They always leave out certain parts. Saladin absolutely wanting to crush Christians in the holy land is always ignored, and Richard the lionheart swimming from his boat to lead the third crusades last battle to victory is never depicted.
Renounce your misdirected hatred, sir, and please direct it to the megachurches and "non-denominationals."
We champion medieval Christianity for its role in preserving the West and assuming a defensive, militant posture.
This same outlook later spurred the Age of Discovery and Conquest.
The Crusades defined the West in way not done since the Roman Empire. It's a part of our identity and, yes, seeing modern degenerate Christianity abhors all soldiers of God.
I would like to get rid of the electoral college and replace it with a popular vote, but one that is not first past the post based
Why christianity?
A hardline old school Catholicism appeals as well as the ideal of a crusader but the religion is universalist at the core no? Assuming a hristian europe can preserve christian culture, can it do so as well for national identity for generations to come despite the pretty words of the universal "soul" and the command to convert other nations and let alone the idea of jesus being jewish?
Because Christianity is unique in not being the basis for the state, but the basis of the moral outlook of a state and looking towards values beyond the physical. Christianity supersedes national barriers, but seeks only to preserve its ideals and not destroy nations in response
Well, I may be wrong, but check this out. It could be pretty yuge...
>Right now California has a system where all of it’s 55 electoral college votes go to one candidate (usually the Democrats) but changing this rule would allow the votes to be split.
>Changes existing law which awards all of the State’s electoral votes to the presidential and vice-presidential winners of the popular vote within California, and instead divides and assigns electoral votes to the candidates according to their share of the popular vote.
kek. I would shill the shit outta this to your friends in Commiefornia. I talk to my old roomie there on vidya and it's pretty tough on him.
Apparently, it's full on thoughtcrime SJW tier culture over there with a lot of young people.
We need a crusade in the heartland before anywhere else. Teutonic cleanse style
crusadepill me on the renaissance. was it just a really top quality progenitor of modern degeneracy?
Interesting theory, however, I would suggest this one as well.
In order to rule the world, we must first compartmentalize it.
The EU packaged all of Europe together, making it easier to subvert the rights of millions with single trade deals, central banking and a single legislative body.
NAFTA is the North American prototype btw. Russia may be worked into their own pan-Slavic region with some bits of Central Asia. Chinese-bloc will receive parts of Southeast Asia.
To establish the NWO, we have to first create these large regional blocs. From there, we begin the different tactics of subversion, division, subjugation, etc. Once the region no longer hold strong ties to nationalism, ethnicity, religion and so forth. We can begin the global assimilation.
With Islam, it can unite all Middle East in one bloc. Yes, it cannot be incorporated into globalist system in the form of ISIS, but you better believe the Wahhabi shiekhs are in on the NWO. The Sunni Kings want to be the stewards of the "Muslim" bloc, but first the must destroy the Baathists, secular Republicans and so forth.
So my theory kinda ties into your friend's. Using religion as a tool to bring the region under single control. It's late and I kinda just rambled that, so forgive for errors
what a gay theme music fuck you and this thread.
Eh, Fourth Crusade has closest association with Italian Renaissance.
Idk about modern degeneracy. There's a lot of theories on that: Sabbateans, Fifth Pillars, media industry, cultural marxism, mass culture globalism/consumerism, etc.
Renaissance was just Italiafags fondling themselves over "muh umpire." Also brought about a revival of Greco-Roman literature among European elite
keep it alive boys, I'm out
It's actually not as bad as you might think. There are lots of nutty SJWs but most young people a very reasonable l. Even some SJWs are somewhat reasonable. I dont think that most dems would object too hard to it.
I do belive globalism is a thing but I don't think that everyone is in on it. There are people who want it but there are so many other factions and ideas floating around that not all the elite, even in europe and america, are with it.
Hopped on mobile for this
You are right. If we could return the West to the old gods, it would be much more beneficial to the Western cause, yet paganism is too fringe to gain serious grounds.
The beauty of Christianity is how it has been used by Europeans to purge Jews and Muslims. It already has been repurposed for these ends in the past. Much easier to reformat it once again than to start from scratch. And as points out, transcends a lot of barriers. This can be a good and extremely bad thing. The key is race and heritage must trump doctrinal idealism. In other words, no refugees even if they are Christian niggers, let them spread the faith in their own lands
The funny thing is I have the opposite perspective. I think that all christians no matter the race are fine by me. That's nothe to say I want europe to be filled by a bunch of Congolese. But I belive that those said Congolese are still our brothers and we should fight along their side against the muslims.
Pagans aren't coming back. It just comes down to this, those gods aren't real. That simple. Jesus is real, Thor isn't.
White liberals are not all evil degenerates. Only the ones consciously leveraging fabricated moral high ground fall into the sinister category.
A lot of cucks and bleeding hearts are just sheltered, idealistic or afraid of getting uncomfortable or offensive.
And I think the elites are being manipulated by getting their egos played up.
Zionists definitely play a more significant role in decision making than other factions.
NWO types are halfway quiet about their endgame. They still have to outmaneuver nationalists and other factions in domestic politics. These same types convince other elites that globalism is their way of ripping off other people under false pretense, but in reality all players are being played in this game
I consider Hillary or Obama to be global politicians before American politicians because of their actions and postire abroad. At home, they talk tough at times but it's pretty easy to see they dont serve national interests
Pray the rosary
All im saying is that it's not as well organized as many people think. Also the elite's power isn't as strong as they thing, after all they are people, arrogant people, extremely arrogant people.
I respect your disagreement. Like I said, I place my cultural and racial identity above spiritual because these are real physical criteria with more real implications to my daily life. Our Congolese brothers default about race before religion even if they are good Catholics. I welcome their worship in their own lands but Europe must stay European. America has always been a clusterfuck but all peoples deserve a homeland.
Oh yeah, we give them too much credit for sure. Otherwise Brexit and Trump wouldn't exist. But we can never rest on our laurels with these types. Always subversive, they are
Yeah I agree that all people need a homeland, it's often a hard mindset to take for me because I'm so used to this shitfest of group on earth in place. I am speaking from an American and maybe also a californian perspective.
Oh absolutely. We need to always be mindfull.
Anyway I'm out boys. I'll make another thread tomorrow. But also if you want one of you could make one too as long as you put the pastebin link.
Night duders
You see, I wanna be with you all. I wanna be with the Lord again.
But I'm a tranny. :c
Deus Vult though, brothers. Fight on.
>go to holy land for grail
>come back with banking
Nice Abrahamic meme
>I wanna be with the Lord again.
>I'm a tranny
those are utterly incompatible