Not even a little surprised anymore
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Any more pics of that cum wolf? Holy shit.
What did the US get out of this again? Weren't we sanctioning them and not giving a fuck? Why did we suddenly have to bend over backwards?
>Defunds NASA so white people cant escape to mars
>Gives all the money to bum-fuck Iran
i fucking hate this nigger
Source on those tits now
anastasia kvitko
maybe the "conspiracy" that obama is a muslim isnt so outlandish after all....
Obama fucked up hard and he didn't want to go down like Jimmy Carter.
Obama gets away with shit no white president would ever get away with.
Jimmy Carter never got to this level.
"My gosh, Iran cucked me again. Gotta pay up or I'm gonna be black Jimmy Carter. Can't go down to some Iran hostage crisis."
33 billion dollars in hush money.
The sad part is that this 33 billion is squandered and basically tribute cash to preserve Obama's image in the media and public.
It's like paying 33 billion dollars for tit implants, botox, and a face lift.
Just hope you live long enough to enjoy VR.
I've had two girlfriends of at least equal quality to OPs specimen.
but had being the operative word, I sometimes wonder why bother to continue with life.
yea ok bud
I don't like to defend Obama, but you guys do know that that money originally belonged to Iran right? That money is the Iranian assets that we froze when we place sanctions on them. It was their money to begin with.
Israel gotten 500billion and 22 f35's for free
and we got nothing in return
let that sink in
because pussy isn't the end all, be all, in life. shit gets time consuming
You are so deep in debt you have no choice if you dont want to be obliterated from inside .. The only thing you will lose is your loud mouth and you will meditate more and be WAY more Happy and healthy without all that gold ..
Whatever you say lad...
Mine look like her .. she suck like a fatherless vacuum cleaner..
Why? Because it doesn't support a narrative that you're trying to push? I'm all for criticizing Obama, but shit like this, saying Obama isn't a US citizen, or that he's a secret Muslim are all ridiculous. Why not talk about something legitimate like how Obama is working with the Jews in secret on the TPP to push new job-killing draconian international laws on the American people?
Holy shit. The bitch is so hot she makes you stupid. Just like my japanese animes.
What else do you guys honestly expect Muslim in Cheif to do?
He could look less like a crypto Muslim.
She is russian therefore not white, therefore you are a race traitor, therefore you are a bluepilled jew commie swj, therefore you should be shaved, sterilized and destroyed
How much has israel cajoled?
I want to fuck those tits