Nigger female reacts reasonably to her son dinging a car


>single mother

What exactly did you expect?

>>single mother
is there any other combination?


How about this one?

why is she freaking out

Nah. Ive heard of unprivileged Greeks

The dudes a faggot for calling insurance over a little red dot caused by a kid. Any real man would just thank the kid for his honesty and go fix it himself.

This is everything that's wrong with america. A feral sheboon wreaking havoc and a pussy ass faggot mancuck crying over a dot in his shitty car.

just because the dad is not seen in the video doesn't mean she is a single mother.


You guys need to step up your game.

The fuck? Maybe you don't have nice things. If I paid thousands of dollars for a fucking car, only to have some fucking niggers child damage it, regardless of how minuscule, thats bullshit. I have a fucking right to be able to go somewhere without my property being fucked up by some fucking idiot. And if they do fuck something up, then they need to restore; to make it WHOLE again.

absolutely. I believe her when she says he was yelling at her before he started recording. I bet the guys a real son of a bitch.

Gotta love how the kid even admits it and she's still freaking out.

She starts tapping on the window with her fucking keys and then accuses him of assault when he has her stop that.

Fuck, if a bitch reacted like that when I informed her that her kid just hit my car with the door, I'd fucking go after every penny just out of spite.

Everyone in this video except the little boy is a complete shitfuck

That fucking bitch pissed me off with her bullshit ramblings and her screaming like that in front of/at her kids. You don't fucking do that you cunt.

And that faggot doesn't have much to complain about. The kid was honest about it, and you know what? Kids fuck up sometimes. It's a non-issue you fucking Jew. Fix it up yourself and be done with it. It's not even a big dent, because that's a different story.

But fuck, that sheboon is the worst one in this fucking situation. Fucking causing a huge scene, and not once fucking trying to apologize or even act civil.

had it right. This video is exactly what is wrong with America today. I weep for my country.

True however that is not how a responsible parent should react in front of their child

One of the few encounters where a dindu admits they did do

holy shit

go fuck a bag of concrete you whiny cunt.

hahaha lmao you sound like the most brittle of men, 'oh no wah wah wah my car door has a bit of red on it lets exchange insurance'.

fuckin call billy mays or something and fix it yourself you entitled dickhead

That's what he's gonna do. Only that he also cashes in $400-$600 from Insurance.

We ware kangs.

There may be hope yet for the kid, but with a mother like that it'll be an uphill battle.


little red dot?



True but he was also just asking for insurance information in case it does end up costing a large amount for some reason.

You would call him a cuck if he didn't say anything either.

>Read Description
>Le sigh at the end

sheboon shoulda smacked him harder.

Then go park on the outskirts of the parking lot where there are no other cars if you're so worried about your car. Or just learn how to fix shit on your own instead of having to whine to the jews who pay a real man to fix it.

She dropped her Obamaphone. :(

Where the fuck was this from?

what is she hitting her head on

Damn, I feel so bad for those kids. No wonder they wind up criminals.

>That webm

> "that's how white people do"
> uploaded by Jose Rios, Jr


This is why little niggers think behaving badly is ok. Their nigger mothers do it. Their nigger fathers do it. Never ending nigger cycle.

So i suppose you have an idea of what it takes to repaint a car door? Shit, if its so cheap and easy to do, why does anybody's car have a scratch on it for any longer than a few days?

Youre a fuckin idiot

Fake and gay.

what in fuck

There is no doubt that she went full nig, but who wouldn't?
Its a brand new camaro and the insurance rate is going to sky rocket for that little red dot at 4:33
The white car is already beat up. This situation should have been settled outside of insurance.

You can tell her son knows something's a little loopy with his mom.

Of course she has a new car. Must be a doctor.

You think this reasonable lady would have agreed to this?

Found the nigger.

>Mom is acting like a fucking ape.
>She just busted a expensive phone on the ground.
>She assaults the guy.
>She attempts to destroy his property.
>She begins beating his vehicle, which is again damage to property.
>All this happening.
>Little boy.
>Mom please stop.
>Mom I hit it, its right there.
>Goes and spits on a woman passing by.

Hey friend watch the video. That dent was not done by the kid. There is a small red mark on their door, where the kid hit it.

Maybe, if the couple suggested it.

They are going through insurance to get the cash for this dot

she seems half hispanic

I agree actually, also if you read the description the guy says "Le sigh!" at the end. That is incredibly faggy, not that it changes the situation but man that is gay.

Fuck niggers, but seriously you have to be fucking stupid to park next to anyone.

>Park as far away as possible, next to no other vehicles.
>Get exercise walking a few hundred feet to store.
>Car never gets dinged.


You sound like a pretty fucking princess, expecting a vehicle that travels over 60mph outdoors to remain completely free from any scratches or marks. The ding on that door could have been easily fixed, the guy could have watched a 5 minute youtube video and learned a new skill.

But no, he doesn't have time because he's busy picking up his wife's son from basketball camp.

You're a fucking lazy cuck nu-male. Why don't you go pay a real man to fuck your girl after you finish paying him to fix your shit. It's not like he needed to rebuild the carb or replace the engine. Its a fucking ding.

both parties are faggots

A baboon like that driving a expensive car like that, car is hot or bought with drugs.

I just drive a new civic ex and even I park away from people. scratches on paint cost a lot of fucking money and people drive off.

Webm is fake btw guys, lady was a Horror make-up artist. Still looks fucked though

Grow the fuck up man... shit happens. It was a little kid, and he was honest about it. The guy is being a bitch, and both you and him are a huge part of the problem with America.

You fucking people are funny, you think he is recording because of the dented door? Watch how she acts.
She knocks the phone out of his hand trying to break it.
She spits on a passer by.
She breaks her own fucking phone.
Shes screaming at other people.
She begins beating his car with her shitty ring and purse.
She starts cussing and screaming at her boy who, sorry to say, didndu nuffin honestly "he even admits his wrong doing like a good man"

I am positive he started recording after she hit him or his wife, and given she assaulted him, and his property multiple times, as well as spitting in another persons face "which counts as assault I found out" its possible she is on something, or this is how she fucking acts on a day to day basis.

feel sorry for the little kid man he dont deserve that shit

>Webm is fake
No shit newfag.

Black people were a mistake.

t. black person

While your reasoning would be sound his comment description of the youtube video casts grave doubt on your analysis of the situation. It would seem that he's actually just a faggot.

i fucking love Rick

>Brand New Camaro
>Carmax tags

pick one

Fuck, that was a delicious read. Maybe the plant enhanced it.

Also, video looks staged. Thanks for getting distracted.

faggot or no, you know what our court system would do to you for violating our enrichment of a black woman.

400 years in jail.

Your "nice things" are going to deteriorate and rot anyway. Cosmetic damage isn't anything. It's not ruining anything. Just go fix your shit. Kids make mistakes.

>the guy says "Le sigh!" at the end

He also recorded in niggervision.

If I were there to witness that I'd tell the dude I'd buff it out while his wife buffed my dick, then I'd give both kids a quarter each so they could go get a gumball or sticky hand from the machines at the entrance of the store.

>Le sigh

>Requested insurance info for a door ding from a little kid

Seriously...? No wonder that black mother looks so tired with this shit.

Why should the man pay out of pocket for the repair when her insurance should?

This is why niggers grow up to be niggers. I feel bad for that kid, man.

When I was a kid my mom warned me not to do that shit, and as a result we didn't have to pay people money for breaking their shit. It isn't hard to remind your kid to be careful when he opens the car door.

If you want more evidence that this could have been easily avoided by not being a shithead, she mentioned herself the amount of distance between the cars. Plenty of space for a kid to get out.

Dick move or no, it's her fault. If she doesn't want to pay cash she can enjoy her increased insurance rate. I feel bad for her son, she lashes out at him repeatedly because he's being honest and doing the right thing.

I know you're a big man who dont need no jewish repair services but don't pretend like this woman is entitled to anything. Especially not respect.


>That poor little boy who has to deal with his mom chimping out
He even tries to calm her down, what a little champ.

That's kind of a dick move to bring insurance into it when it was just a small ding and if you look they have a huge dent in the back of their car already.

they sell new cars too

I would have grabbed that bitch and thrown her to the ground when she put her body onto the wife to scream in her ear.
If she started to approach me afterwards I'd scream "GET AWAY FROM ME" and shove her chest so hard that she'd hurl into the ground and just do that over and over until she got tired.
The kid even admitted he hit the car,

>beta chuck gets ding on car door
>bitches and moans on camera
>takes car to some shitty shop with his wife
>alpha body shop worker says it'll just need to get buffed
>gets it done in an hour
>that'll be $400
months later beta chucks wife is pregnant with body shop dudes kid

many such cases

dude was a faggot. woman was a raging cunt. the kid, admitting he did wrong, was the only adult, ironically.

polishing compound or clay bar would take care of that in 5 seconds.

If I did something like that as a child my father would have made me go to the store, pay for the materials with money I earned mowing grass, fixed the thing for the person and apologize.

So how about I throw a fucking brick through your window and burn your house to the fucking ground? Because, HEH, IT'S GOING TO DETERIORATE ANYWAYS!!

Eat shit, nigger sympathizer

>not knowing how expensive car paint is
>not knowing how quickly rust spots devalue your car

can all the poor people who don't actually own anything worth protecting just stop posting itt

You're probably one of those faggots who park their piece of shit all the way in the back as if anyone cares.

God forbid a nigger parent should ever have to take even the tiniest bit of responsibility for their children.

That's the problem with the US, blacks are just held to such a high standard regarding child rearing.

"Entitled Dickhead"? Entitled that I work and can afford a 40k car and expect that some filthy nigger or child won't damage my car that I worked and paid for? Entitled?? You fucking neet piece of shit. And yes, fixing my own shit is easy. It's not about the fact that it's hard. Its about time is fucking money bitch, and I'm not going to waste time fixing something caused by someone elses negligence that should have never fucking happened in the first place if they were being responsible. Learn some fucking respect you fucking neets. You'll all only be in the 15% tax bracket the rest of your fucking loser lives.

irony is when you hassle somebody for sympathizing with niggers when you're being a nigger yourself.

i would too if i lived in texas you god damn cantdrivers

>be 19
>Friend T-boned my pickup with his shitty Ranger
>ranger unharmed
>Destroyed both of my doors on passenger side
>niether of us could afford insurance gouging that comes with reporting accident
>go to wrecking yard
>buy doors
>paint doors
Pick related

Teaching your kids to respect private property is one of the most important fixes, mate. You can go around and tell people not to put so much value in materialistic stuff all you want but that's not going to make the world a better place.

Damn, and to think that black woman could have used that insurance surcharge to narrowly avoid having her car repossessed for ONE more month.

Too bad, now it's gotta go back.

>calls camera man white
>Bitches about white people
>his name is Jose Rios

so anyone who upsets niggers becomes white? niggers really do hate whites.

What a faggot an ape shit dings my 99 gmc ill put her head in in front of my tire b4 i hear that shit. No wonder this country sucks your all a bunch of fucking pussies. Talk to me like that ill beat the fuck out of you or bend her over.


>le sigh


woaaah check it out you guys we got a real man visiting our shitty cuckholding website

>son admits it
>Berates son instead
Man people sure are stupid defending this shit. The black woman literally denies her son doing any wrong when he tries to own up to and she acts like a psycho bitch.

Then she proceeds to berate the man and belittle him for having a shitty car as if that justifies her damaging it. She's a cunt, her insurance rates are going to go up. The uploader isn't exactly a hero but you guys are retarded if you took offense to his actions.

>When I was a kid my mom warned me not to do that shit, and as a result we didn't have to pay people money for breaking their shit.

This! And you brushed of your shoes or whatever and you didn't slam the door shut. You were told to be careful so often that you rolled your eyes while you could already finish their sentence and guess what? You actually started to behave that way naturally.

how many cucks are you holding?


>reacting as if you've never seen violence on TV

i don't think anybody is defending the the sheboon instead we're calling out the guy holding the camera for being a pussy.

If you ever wondered how niggers learned their niggery ways, this is it.

Everyone saying the guy is a bitch for demanding insurance info, her reaction probably prompted that. Here's my bet how it went down:
>kid dings door
>hey watch it kid, and he checks it
>crazy nigger bitch, instead of apologizing like a human and saying 'oh i'm sorry, tell the man you're sorry son' completely chimps out and starts denying, swearing at him, and blaming him for having a shitty car
>guy thinks 'fuck this cunt' and makes an issue of it now