So was trump against the Iraq war from the start? Or is CNN lying again (they are).
So was trump against the Iraq war from the start? Or is CNN lying again (they are)
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What is Iraq?
He was technically for it before he knew what was even going on. He ended up being against it and I remember there being proof of that earlier during the primaries when this topic originally came up.
This was Jan 28, 2003 (two months before Bush declared war)
>CNN is where objective journalism happens (it isn't)
He said he was for it then changed his mind and said he was against it before it happened.
Cite the source
You sound like a shill
(((They))) are realizing this is it if Trump wins.
in case you don't remember conservatards flipped their shit during the 2004 elections about John Kerry and the perceived change on positions. Meanwhile Trump does a 360 out the door and these same conservatrds are like, well he learned new information he has the right to change his mind. CONSERVTARDS I TELL YOU.
Google it you lazy fuck
You really wanna go there?
Hillary has flipflopped on every issue there is as recently as a year ago.
The bitch only says what will get her elected.
Your confirmation bias is appalling.
Typical trumptards
b b but he said "i guess so" on howard stern
and then said 20 times he was against it
all hillary did was vote for it
and support it for years
Trump didn't know, he didn't have enough info to decide. He wasn't "Totally against it from the start" like he says he was, though. It's close enough to the truth that his diehard supporters will believe it to be Gods honest truth, though.
Fuck off CTR
And called it a "business opportunity" in 2011
Thanks for Correcting the Record. I can take your word Hillary has never lied or regretted what she did or voted for in the past?
Not going to do your homework for you #PowerBottomForRodham
Trump, once, on Howard Stern, said in a sort of off the cuff remark manner, that he could be for a war in Iraq.
some fucking nobody civilian that says meh vs a united states senator that voted to go to war but had the option to vote NO!
>What is Iraq?
A blossoming democracy (it isn't)
Vague Howard Stern interview responses incite real political opinions and stances holy fuck shoot me in the head fuck my country ill help you guys annex us
Hillary literally got on national tv yesterday and said no americans died in Syria and said she received nor sent no marked classified emails... yet the entire world can see in wikileaks that she instructed her peers to remove the classified headers to send emails to her.
I mean Libya, not Syria. inb4 CTR shills jump all over me for that.
>said no americans died in Syria
no, she said no Americans died in Libya
not going to argue
Fucking real.
He's always trying to walk a line btween what he really feels and what is politically correct for the time. At the time most of the mainstream was going along with it. His answer to Stern made it clear to me when I heard it that he didn't think it was a good idea and that there probably wasn't a threat. and as he says here the economy was a much bigger issue.
I hope your wife's bull gets annoyed at how long your prep is taking and corrects your spine.
it was a business opportunity, lots of people made a lot of money off it.
>Benghazi- 4 Americans died
>Strip the headers and fax them
Fucking lying shit she has no shame
>we might as well make the best of this shit show now that we are 10 years into it
Ya that totally means he supported it
>liberals everyone
And she used lawyer speak by saying no Americans died in "action"
They are lying CTR.
Trump said fuck Iraq, before we fully knew they were not even responsible for the twin towers attacks.
Howard Stern is a liberal Jew and will do what is necessary for his interests.
You are seriously calling a change in opinion that happened BEFORE the war happened, from an opinion that was lukewarm and held before he had any information, a flip-flop worth giving a shit about?
They should be careful on how much they push this one
The details are in Trump's favor and Hillary smells like shit no matter what
Except Trump's half truth will run 24/7 for a week and only some obscure alt-right website will post the truth of Hillary's situation.
Face it, we're fucked on the propaganda front, all we can do is hope Americans aren't as stupid as everyone thinks.
Just makes me realize how easily it would have been to manipulate this country before the internet if you owned the media like the clintons/democrats do...
Trump has hours to clarify direct to the American people without any interference from the media. They can spin it afterwards but he will have already made his point
I've seen him address this very issue in rallies
This meme will be the death of CNN screencap this (it will)
In the post-9/11 jingoistic frenzy, even Ron Paul said, "yeah, i guess so" when it was asked whether we should bomb the fuck out of the middle east. what Ron Paul and Donald Trump both quickly came to their senses and said they were against was sticking the US taxpayer the bill for 6 trillion dollars to support lengthy, persistent military occupations. Trump said there were bigger things to worry about than Iraq--and Trump is a businessman, a LEADING businessman, and he knew that Greenspan's real estate bubble was getting so big that it was going to pop and cause a financial shitstorm (It Did.)
Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton sees wars as "business opportunities" and she votes YES 4 WAR as often as the chance to go bomb some other sovereign country came up. Iraq was a great business opportunity for Halliburton, to drill drill drill those iraqi oilfields. Afghanistan was a great business opportunity for le happy mining companies. Ukraine was a great business opportunity for Joe Biden, to put his son in charge of an oil & gas co. Private corporations are making an absolute killing off Hillary's war 4 profit, but America as a whole isn't. We're letting billionaire scumbags loot those countries, but the taxpayer is getting stuck with the bills for the bombs and bullets and boots on the ground. If we're going to loot those countries then lets loot them for AMERICA instead of private globalist interests.
He said one time while on the Howard Stern show that he guessed it was the right thing to do.
Every other time it was brought up he made it loud and clear he was against it.
Never believe anything the mainstream media says about Trump, it is almost always biased and a very far stretch of the truth.
He said that to Howard Stern because he wanted to show support for the troops because it was already a done deal. Fuck Clinton and her media shills.
back then all the cable news channels were basically pro war, even msnbc. The propaganda being churned out was overwhelming. The neo cons controlled everything.
The cable news channels want war now, because thats where they make their money. People don't tune into the (for profit) news channels when everything is great, they tune in when there is chaos, and the news channels make a shitload of money. The news channels know hillary will bow to her corporate gods and give them a war with russia or iran and make something everyone will want to watch. Operation Shock and Awe was the superbowl for our media. Trump wants to put an end to that bullshit, thats why the news wants to do away with trump.
He wasn't as vocally against it as he tries to pretend, honestly he was pretty noncomittal. The only evidence the shills have for his support is him saying "yeah i guess" on howard fucking stern over a year before the war
Donald Trump, war & peace, overwhelmingly made statements against the war. One statement for.
Suck a dick CNN.
Trump really needs to start buying some ads. Maybe hes saving his money because he knows assange is about to drop some serious shit on hillary and he'll have to campaign against tim "king cuck" kayne.
Americans have the attention span of a Goddamn gnat, he's just waiting to dump it all at the end when it matters.
I can literally see their brain melt if I go into more detail than TRUMP GOOD, CLINTON BAD.