what is alan moore's greatest work
What is alan moore's greatest work
Top Ten.
pic related and swamp thing
It's actually this.
My favorite as well.
Swamp Thing, c'mon now
Yep, no question.
From Hell.
This, and 1963.
Swamp Thing, MiracleMan or From Hell
The Hasty Smear of my Smile, a short underground comic about the life and times of the Kool Aid mascot he did with Peter Bagge.
V For Vendetta or Watchmen. Not that shit. Not shit where Bond's a rapist and Harry Potter the Antichrist.
Promethea or Tom Strong
Tossup between Top Ten and V for Vendetta for me.
The killing joke
This desu senpai
this, i really like the LOEG though
is there a question?
Jack B Quick. Or anything he did in America's Best Comics really.
My favorites will always be Supreme and Tom Strong.