Daily reminder

In Canada, on average, Quebec
>Has the highest IQ
>Has the tallest men
>Has the biggest dick
>Is the nation with the highest aryan genes
>Is the most creative
>Is the most talented in all fields
>Has the best soldiers
>Is naturally bilingual, thus superior to monolingual Anglo scum
>Has the best aesthetics on both women and men
>Has a carefree attitude, no stress, longer lives
>Has strong nationalism, compared to the rest of Canada which has zero

Some bonuses:
>Quebec has the second highest gdp after Ontario, tied with Alberta (even though its economy is about to crash)
>Has some of the laws considered the most racists by (((them)))
>Quebec was Canada before any other province, thus making it the country's founding nation
>Quebec has the strongest culture and started every single stereotype about Canadians
>Quebec is Canada's masterrace

>inb4 butthurt Albertans
Sucks to suck, oil ain't payin much now, eh? Faggots.
>Inb4 angry Brits defending their old colonies
This isn't your fight: Canada is rightful Quebec's clay, gtfo
>inb4 Quebecboo
Fuck off faggots, you're not welcome here



You're getting better

Only good thing from Quebec is the music.

Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Set Fire to Flames, Silver Mt. Zion, HRSTA to name a few

Daily reminder this is your Queen

Un jour ils comprendrons...

Speaking of which, this isn't just a meme. Pic related, plus even Lionel Groulx wrote 100 years ago that French men shouldn't marry English girls because it was a thing at the time as well

quebec frogposts whos surprised

It's strange, I grew up feeling apathy towards Canada in general and irritation at the concept of monarchy. Spending time here I changed my mind about the the cultural importance of the monarchy but still.

Not muh queen.

Why couldn't you guys beat the Anglos?

Can confirm OP
but it's a nightmare for a manlet to live here (5'3 reporting in)

>still upset the French left them to rot


cause were faggets

>In Canada

France did not care about America sadly so we were left alone with indians to defend our lands while Great Britain sent entire fleets and armies.

Then why is Quebec the nigger welfare queen province?


Fuck that shit, i want the monarchy to take over the colonies again. We are obviously too stupid to relegate control of ourselves to anyone if they can be this obviously plants by secret globalist regimes.


Even if true, all that is negated by the fact that they're fucking French.

Get back on your knees before the Queen. You're hers forever, remember that.

le kill yourself my man

>have fortified city with walls and artillery
>fight on plains



>He fell for the Quebec welfare meme

How does it feel having your whole economy fucked by saudis? Looks like your cucked provinces are going to need our precious tax dollars again since your shit sands are wortless now.

It would be nice if she'd do her fucking job.

>tfw monolingual quebecoo with grandmother that is born Canadien and hates her roots

Montcalm was a dumbass, we could've won if he listened to his local generals.

>Has the tallest men
I was in Montreal in 2013 visiting friends. I'm 5' 11". There were maybe two or three guys in the whole damned place I ran into my height. And they were all tiny. Like hungry skeleton tiny.

Montreal is 35% shitskin, that's kinda expected. Come to Quebec City and you'll see a whole different story, m8ie.

>hurr durr rainbows

Trudeau's absolutely insane global celebrity status is manifest evidence of Quebec superiority. Even the Sentinelese love him.

I'll have to check it out. Made one trip out of the city to visit friend's relatives. Friends brother ended up hitting a racoon the size of a small bear, fucked up his radiator and transmission cooler. Friend and husband caught a ride back to the city with her dad. I ended up waiting with the brother an rode back in the tow truck. Town truck driver was country as hell, only spoke Quebecois. My French is non existent to begin with. Interesting trip, though. Nice to see a different culture from what you're used to.

>ITT: Canacucks falling for the oldest bait in the book
It's like you enjoy getting cucked by us. Kek.

Pay denbts.


What are debts? You mean that thing you pay for us? Thanks by the way, I can enjoy a life of luxury thanks to you working so hard.

Quebec was mostly a company not a colony so France only sent a few men who had to fuck natives.

In all fairness, Montreal and Quebec City embarrass any other leaf cities but that won't matter once they are (inevitably and necessarily) burned to the ground

Nuke Montreal, make Quebec great again.

Let's see some sources, canuck

Look up Iberville. If we had 5 guys like him we would have won.

English had the levy Ridge and had cannons to shell Quebec down.