Is the Trump campaign trying to sound as terrible as fucking possible?? I swear to god these idiots are Clinton plants. Hillary is so fucking easy to beat and yet you fuckers blew it again.
Is the Trump campaign trying to sound as terrible as fucking possible?? I swear to god these idiots are Clinton plants...
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He isn't wrong.
King nigger BTFO'd
I know this is a shiII thread, so here have $0.02, on me. :)
>literally CTR's twitter
What is exactly wrong with that statement? Why do liberals get triggered everytime the words Putin or Russia are said?
Putin is a much stronger leader than the spineless nig.
Move to Kaliningrad you fucking Ruskie.
fuck off CTR.
He's right.
>we're still in the cold war goy russia is le evil :^)
Putin's just a nationalist, not perfect but not this boogeyman they make him out to be.
Obama wasn't even officially received in China, they stranded him on the tarmac, and the president of the Philippines called him a son of a whore and cancelled their meeting.
Wait, so it's not tough of Obama to cancel that meeting? You can't have it both ways trumpie
Proxy hohol please leave.
Because you have typed a message in all caps
CTR deposits .75 cents into your bank account
Don't post CTR shit nigger just for the baits, it's low class.
Thank you for your contribution, .75 cents were deposited into your bank account. CTR.
Not an argument.
There is nothing wrong with any of that.
>its ok when the US invades countries
>respect = love
no it's not tough of Obama to cancel a meeting. He got played
all because Obama cowers in fear of Putin
face it, King Chimp is a weakling and a pathetic leader
Cancelling a meeting because you and another country refuse to come to terms is one thing, that's just negotiations...
... Obama literally cancelled the meeting in the Phillipines because their president said mean things about him.
It's the diplomatic equivalent of a batter throwing his bat and storming off because the catcher trash talks him.
It doesn't make Obama tough, it makes him thin-skinned.
Because deep down they all want a war with Russia.
They aren't even trying anymore.
Exactly. This anti-Putin shit is just a meme for corporations to make more money on the working class.
Shillary is literally using the commie playbook on the American people.
Still a better leader than King Nigger.
The sad thing is that the whole
"war with Russia" thing started
because Russia banned faggots
from marrying each other
So the whole world is possibly gonna blow
up because of faggots basically
How stupid is that?
it's like the russians got dirty harry and we got mrs. doubtfire.
$hillary isn't a dictator? You surely haven't checked her kill list....
Yeah and he succeeds at those things, thus making him a stronger leader.
>the war with Russia started because Russia banned faggots
Did you sleep through the last 100 years of history? Did you think Russia was a perfect ideal utopian society or something? How much of a fucking idiot do you have to be to think people hate Russia because it banned gays?
Hmmm, @Correct Record. 18.5K followers.
>into the trash it goes
He said stronger not better
Putin is a stronger leader then Obama this is a fact
>disciplined, self-controlled, powerful, successful
How do these not apply to Putin?
>Reminder that Bush and Putin got along great
>Reminder that Obama being weak is why we have to hate Russia now
This isn't 1960 you dummy. We're not enemies with Russia anymore. Are you actually autistic?
>What is exactly wrong with that statement?
Exactly? It should be unarguable or indisputable.
Shilled the shill shillingly.
If at least the opposition was entertaining, but really guys, you're so sub-par it's not even funny.
>Why do neocons get triggered everytime the words Putin or Russia are said?
>Why do baby boomers get triggered everytime the words Putin or Russia are said?
>Why do gen x'ers get triggered everytime the words Putin or Russia are said?
Not that I agree with their stance on Russia but for the last two it's because we were alive during the cold war and we, speaking in generally, still fear Russia. For neocons, it's because Russia opposes American hegemony.
Putin's influence in the world has only grown as Obama and Hillary stumbled around.
Only the cucks in the EU would pick Obama over Putin.
I don't understand why this is a thing. Putin has been a better leader for Russia compared to Obama for america.
putin took Crimea, shouldered a massive oil crash and currency collapse, and is still running Russia NOT into the ground.
what has Obama done that is comparable? got the feds to label ketchup and pizza as a vegetable? got an abortion of a health care bill to pass, then let it die 4th trimester with no funding?
I don't understand.
sounds like someone else i know. hmmmmmmm
Have you read the last 30 years of history?
The Soviet Union officially ended in 1991
Putin represents United Russia a right-wing
Christian political party
The fact that CTR is so mad shows that
indeed, WW3 is literally being fought over
faggots right to marry
>Russia secures a region that was part of its territory for centuries, after its residents voted for it to happen
>Obama+Hillary set the entire Mediterranean rim on fire for no reason
Really energizes the gray matter.
Are you gonna cry bitch nigga?
He's right though... Obongo fucking kissed a sandniggers ring.
>invades countries for the luls
Quite a bit of projection there.
Putin is based. How is this wrong? No one takes Obongo seriously.
Obama has done next to nothing significant that has made the US or the world a better place. His support for regime change in Syria helped destroy the country.
he's right and I've never met anyone who thinks otherwise
Dude tell your CTR boss David Brock this shit doesn't fly on Sup Forums or anywhere online.
Go try plebbit r/politics
Can you name a single head of state weaker than obama?
putin pike and prumpf pedo power
the world economy is about to collapse and social security is about to go negative. there is a reason the parties nominated their worst.
Putin loves Russia, does what he wants and punks the shit out of Obama.
Obama goes around calling us lazy and ignorant, and doesn't do shit about Putin because he is a soft nigger.
That's what you get when you put a black guy into the White House, it just doesn't werk.
Why won't Hillary Clinton release her medical records? This is standard procedure for anyone running for office.
This is why. A doctor and medical professor prove that Hillary Clinton has been diagnosed with vascular dementia, and is literally dying as we speak, which only one year to live.
This is the most comprehensive, fact filled, well documented video ever made on the subject of Clinton's health.
This is the most explosive, eye opening thing you will ever see.
Watch it.
Like it.
Share it.
Spread it.
Post it.
Tweet it.
Why is it okay to like Saudi Arabia but not Russia?
>head of state
>Direct image from CTR Twitter
I know you guys are low on funding but come the fuck on with these new hires.
>WW3 is literally being fought over
>faggots right to marry
The corporate hacks (aka lefties) are pissed off that Putin is keeping Snowden and they're pissed off at Assange.
>Cancel a meeting becuase you're scared of what the mean country might say about you sticking your big nigger nose in their politics
To say I hate liberals is an understatement.
Nyet comrade the Cold War has been over for thirty years. Vrussians are okee-dokee now.
I actually said the same thing in almost the same words last night as my own reaction. Putin is inarguably a better leader then King Bananas. Putin is an objectively superior leader, it's not opinion. Putin came out of the higher officer corps of the KGB, where he was posted to their most important external office, in Berlin. Obama is a lawyer who studied black power nonsense.
Putin ended the disastrous war in Chechnya, after restoring national sentiment at a time when there was absolutely none and the Russians were selling their own weapons to their enemy for heroin. Putin also stabilized the country at a time when no one cared about it and he could have walked away, and he chastized the oligarchs. Obama in the Illinois State House fought against a bill that would provide rape kits for rape victims on the grounds that it would lead to more blacks going to prison.
It's honestly like when that retard who was replaced by Al Franken tried to trip up George Galloway and Galloway just verbally smashed him into the ground.
Why? putin is a great leader
Shill thread go fuck yourself
.57¢ has been deposited to your account
Not everyone is on your bloodlust path to peace through war, commie.
Go fight your own war with Putin if you want boots on the ground.
FF to 2026 POL
I'd rather stay here and kill liberal pussies like you
>firing squads
Soon, my little traitor
This, the Russians went through real communism and came out better for the realization and horrible reality.
Fuck everyone else and their push for it.
Wew lad.
Where was he wrong?
Yeah, that nigga gonna cry.
But he is doing a better job running Russia than Obama has been running the US.
Why do we have to try so hard that russia and putin is so awful? shir propaganda.
I bet percentage wise russians feel he is a better leader than americans feel about obama.
not that hard to understand, dipshit
He's right, though. Putin IS strong. Just like Stalin, Mao Zedong, and Hitler were strong. Strong does not necessarily mean good. Obama just bends over for everyone, letting the whole world fuck him in the ass. He's a weak faggot with no spine.
aw how cute.
No, the true aim of Hillary and her fellow (((neocons))) is invading Iran.
Nobody respects Obama for a reason. You don't even have to like Putin to realize he's a more effective leader than Obama.
>tfw he may suicide before we get to him
Stay put. You people are already doxed. Your homes will be your prison.
so first it was obama is a dictator and now he's not dictator enough
>Loves Putin/Russia
>Calls others a traitor
wew lad
Obama is a first term junior senator SJW hippie turned President.
Putin is an ex-KGB agent, black belt. That nigga has seen some shit.
Some say, Putin is a real nigga.
Obongo isn't even a full nigger, he's half white.
I can hardly wait for eastern europe to feel the pressure of the russian boot pressing on its skull. you fuckers in the old world are absolutely dicked with the spineless leaders you elected in comparison to the fucking manletbear who's been ruling Poccи́я for the last decade, atop the millions of fucking subhumans wading across the med at this second.
that feel when lucky enough to be born neither in shithole europe or the broke-ass dumb-ass nigger-ass states of amrikki.
There is such a thing as being an incompetent dictator, you know.
Proxies won't save you. We know where you live.
Pray to God your house burns down while you sleep and you die quickly.
The rest of you will be strung up in public on streetlamps.
Obongo can never be a dictator, because he's a pussy.
He's super lefty and doesn't understand how dark this world is. He thinks this world is made of puppies and shit.
The faggot keeps pushing executive orders like no tomorrow, those will be nullified by Trump. Thankfully we have laws in this country and presidents don't really have that much power.
A foreign, globalist cabal runs our country. True patriots realize this.
The only thing they can do is refuse to take interviews. The media is shilling full stop and they will ask the questions to get the answers they want to push their narrative. Pic related.
i dont remember people saying that.
we all say he is w e a k
Russia is the only one actually trying to put the middle East in order. Every liberal shit stain is against that because they don't have to deal with all that on the other side of the ocean
Obama installed Ukraine's current administration. Its a neo-nazi group. Hope you're getting paid.
What Pence actually said was "Putin has been a far greater leader in his country than Obama has been in our country"
Nice tweet by CTR
But Putin has been. He cares more about his Country and people than Obama. All Obama cares about is tearing ours apart.
Dating a Russian who lives in Italy. She talks about Putin to me having had 3 generations of her family live in Russia. She says while he isn't perfect (what political leader is?) he is the best leader Russia has ever had and has significantly improved a majority of the countries standard of living. On the other hand Obama may be one of the worst America has ever had
actually executive orders are a power the president has
Damn he looks so smooth and soulful, like Daniel Craig Bond but shorter, his words are his bond and his deeds are his words and his courage is well renowned in his invasion of Ukraine which he did legally and his destroying of ISIS.
If you want a son who makes a true difference in the world model him to be Putin not Obama.
BTW David Brock is a faggot.
He hates Putin because Putin doesn't shill to the kikes and fags in Russia.