Well Sup Forums?

Well Sup Forums?

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How many kinds of dindus are there?
>We wuz

there's only one type of black people

>Normal man
>Faggot emo/lefty/SJW/gender nigger
and wtf is the #4 supposed to be? Nazi? Seriously don't get 4

One type of nigger

Me on the top left

That's Slim Jesus.

what about average joes that wear jeans and plain t shirts

yep, total wigger.

What if I'm the average of all 4

All white men are at least 70% gay.

I'm honestly a mix of 1, 2, 4

where does timothy mcveigh fit in?


I'll take the top 2.


im 2 and 3 honestly

Pic related is more accurate + nigger

tf is 4 supposed to be? Skinhead?

>1 type of black person

Either less extreme rednecks or wiggers
Or lazy elmo faggots

Surprisingly accurate IMO

You are the weakest link, the lowest common denominator. You may not argue over Target vs Walmart, but you know people who do. And you or a close family member have at least once pronounced it as Targé.


You are honestly a loser. Now hurry up with my espresso before I complain to your manager.

Yes, I would like fries with that. Thanks.

We just need to get rid of the emo kid.

Bottom left emo needs to be replaced by a nu-male, and then it would be accurate.

I'm all of these.
>dress preppy
>love guns and hunting
>edgy and deep
>listen to rap

Where does he fit in Sup Forums?

>Normal man
That's not a normal man, that is Chad manifest.

Holy fuck, somebody else knows about Targé?

bottom left, eyeliner dude

A variety of upper right.

missed one

I'm a red neck, ill admit it. i live in the country and wear cammo. hunt and fish all year and work in a garage. not fat like guy in the picture but my best buddy looks like him kek.

not really ashamed of it, love my community. even the blacks (we have maybe 60 total) are great people. feels better than being a wigger, emo or a fag i guess.

liberal sluts love me because i represent everything they hate which makes them wet.

>that pic

upper left.. chad
upper right... normal/redneck
lower right... SJW, emo, goth, twink, gay or exploring
lower left... wigga

Being a normal white guy is basically just being redneck tier. Anyone who isn't a chad or SJW is considered "redneck" by lefty whites.

kek i still call it that, never stopped.

All of Sup Forums would be the emo kid

>implying he was going to smoke those swishers


which would white liberals fall under? also r9k? they would get beat up by rednecks.

I had a lunatic step-dad placeholder who called it that. I was 14 and it burned that fucker up when I said "Don't you mean Tar-gay??"

I keked heartily.

he's right though

>suicide by cop age 35


Is this 2007 again?
>tfw in middle school and high school I was the bottom left
>I'm not the top right working on becoming a mix of that and the top left, except more /fashy/
I'd rather being any of these except the wigger but even wiggers aren't as bad as real nigger.

The fedoras were never GG supporters.

There are two types of black people - literal apes and Dr. Ben Carson.

I'm a musician but not a faggot who follows blm or writes about how hard my life is. I love guns but don't fuck my cousin. I am middle class but wear clothes from goodwill. I hate 90% of rap and black culture. I think I fall under the 5th category of overall cracker.

I'm in between top left and bottom left