Daily Reminder To CTR That This Happened


“As a Naval flight officer I held the top secret sensitive compartmentalized information clearance. And that provided me access with materials and information highly sensitive to our war fighting capabilities. Had I communicated this information not following the prescribed protocols I would have been prosecuted and imprisoned. Secretary Clinton, how can you expect those such as myself who are and were trusted with America’s most sensitive information to have any confidence in your leadership as president when you clearly corrupted our national security.”

>That moment when you know you got stumped

Other urls found in this thread:

ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/electronic-or-online-voter-registration.aspx#Table of states w/ovr


They can't defend this at all. MSM is desperately trying to cover up her fuckups


Be nice to Hillary's troll army. They're doing whats best for us all.

Says a lot of words but doesn't actually answer his question.
What a joke

based vet

>W-well I think you should consider that, as a woman, I'm very good at leading! Vote for me because I'm a woman thank you good night!

I want to see the reaction on liberal forums when that moment happened. They must be cursing out that guy so loud.

The shills are out in full force. We need more Pro-trump Propaganda

Deer in the headlights.





Did anything Hillary say actually mean anything?

Fellow burgers if you haven't registered to vote yet. Register now
Not sure if you're registered?
Need to register?

TRUMP 2016
Shills don't want us to vote. This makes us a dangerous demographic.

Repost this in every thread (((((especially shill threads))))) to maximize out potential voting power.

Register to vote online, if your state allows it:
> ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/electronic-or-online-voter-registration.aspx#Table of states w/ovr

Make sure you confirm your current address and personal information. Don't get turned away at the polls due to a "clerical error"!

Make sure you know how mail-in ballots are counted in your state and county. Sometimes they're counted just like normal ballots. Some states ONLY COUNT THEM IF THE ELECTION IS CLOSE ENOUGH FOR THEM TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Don't throw your vote away, make sure your mail-in ballot will be counted regularly, or make plans to go out and vote in person on November 8th!

Research your local elections. Know your house and senate candidates! If you live in a state with direct democracy, study the propositions and measures carefully. Fixing government needs to start from the top and the bottom, your voice is loudest locally!


She just straight up lies. The FBI director flat out said there were emails marked classified at the time.



bump like Jehu

The man on the left looks exactly like Yuri Andropov.

Her answer confirms that she doesn't have a ear piece.

Her answer to that was that she went into tents to write her emails so that cameras would be snooping over her shoulder and seeing what she typed.


My favorite part of the forum was when at the very beginning, they asked Hillary to only speak of herself, and show why she is presidential material, and not just try to state how she is better than Trump

What is a quality of being commander in chief that is most important to you
>I have good judgement calls unlike Trump
>Trump has poor judgement
Thank you Hillary

And from there she went on all sorts of tangents while cutting everyone off. This was amusing, no matter how much I dislike her.

CTR is by far one of the most loathsome things to come out of this election.

Holy shit David Brock and all these people are such fucking garbage.

Her answer isn't an excuse. I hope that normies realize that classified information is classified regardless of the document it's on when you send it. If you type out classified information in an email and then don't put a header on it (like clinton did), it is still illegal.

>Hillary is corrupt and should be in prison
Really made me think..

Relistening to Hillary talk during the last event and its pretty apparent that either she is being fed information or comes off as mentally slow. Shes not as quick with her responses as The Donald.

If it had been anyone else, he would've prosecuted.

Nice try CTR. It was also at this moment where she got stumped so badly she lied and got agitated with Lauer and the audience

RIP that guy

And Trump simply went ahead and did what she did to better effect. Lauer fucked this up so badly just by being such a cuck moderator

He was a bad goy

Two Tomahawk missiles to the back of the head

Worst suicide in U.S. history










That guy is definitely going to commit suicide with 5 bullets to the back of the head soon.

>To: Lynn Forester de Rothschild


>five bullets to the back of the head
>he disposes of the gun after he kills himself

"This son of a bitch was determined."






Politifact strikes again. I've had liberal 'rebut' me with this multiple times today.

Which official buys used phones?

To simplify the language a bit, the vet asked

>How can people familiar with national security trust someone exposed as disregarding it?

The response was

>I take it seriously. I communicated from tents to ensure we weren't spied on

Again, simplified. But she primarily had her words do the talking instead of her past actions; what the vet was concerned about.

Her response was incongruent to what he was asking anyway. He's aware that it was unsecure internet communication that she's guilty of. Her response was a save-face attempt about bugged foreign sites an conversations.

So to answer you: no. Her answer was muddied and did not satisfy the honest question.

Not Victor Thorne? He wrote a book about people that Clinton has killed and was recently found dead from an apparent suicide from a gunshot wound. For some reason no gun was ever found. He also wrote a book detailing why the Holocaust is a load of shit.

Where were you guys when Hillary Clintonand all of CTR got BTFO?

I was shooting my guns, practicing freedom

If the Clintons are so powerful and evil, how come they didn't just plant questions? Checkmate poltards

This is exactly why she's barely even campaigning. It's Typical Female Behavior 101 -- when in trouble, avoid all confrontation! She won't give anyone even the opportunity to bring up these issues, just avoid, dodge and deflect and try to either play stupid or play the victim.

And yet, this is typical of every time any woman gets into trouble, this is how they all act. It's shit like this that validates my disbelief in female leadership and why I can confidently say a woman shouldn't be President.

KEK. Then we'll have a dozen articles and news segments about how it's totally possible for someone to shoot bullets and have them bend around hit the back of your head.

>Clinton elected
>Military Coup
please lord let it happen.

God knows there aren't enough kikes in the military to maintain a solid grip here

This shit pissed me off so much. I mean, it's like shooting yourself in the foot too. Why would you blur it out if you didn't want to say "Hey I'm bias as fuck!" ... That's all that's going to do. It feels like some producer said "oh we can't show anything that would show a Trump supporter in a positive light."

I hate that's what our country has come to too. It's so petty and pathetic. Everyone trying to control everyone else's thoughts.

In all seriousness, the elites have kind of places themselves in a bit of a quandary. They essentially have zero ties or loyalty to any service groups of any kind, be they military, police, fire, EMTs, Etc.

Yeah, they psych test pretty specifically for federal agencies like DEA Etc, but it seems odd that they would alienate the armed forces so heavily.

Any military bros in here have insight into the alleged purge of generals by Obama? Was that really political or just baby boomers hitting retirement and being burned out?

I was going to say that using provigil doesn't mean anything because my mom uses it, but then I remembered she uses it because she has MS... Which is a kind of brain damage.





CTR here,

Yes, Hillary has made mistakes but just look at what the right is offering

50, fucking 50 top advisory the defense department wrote in a letter that Trump is not ready for president, and askd "WHY CANT WE USE NUKES?!", what a buffoon

drop the memes and join her Sup Forums, why arnt you with her yet? #ImWithHer

hop on twitter or fb and spread the hashtag, every opinion counts

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Fucking hell, stop using that old image. It compares two different events and can result in shills going against it with ease.

Pic related is a better comparison, for the same results, it shows the favor, and the draw.

its good seeing her go to the Republican conspiracy already. Usually thats her last resort.


>Yes, Hillary has made mistakes but just look at what the right is offering

Apathetic NEET here. If you can give me one reason Hillary should be President that doesn't involve bashing Trump/the right or that she's a woman, I'll register and check Democrat all the way down my ballot.

> expecting hilldawg to justify her desire for the office she considers hers by right...

how DARE you?!?!?!
she EARNED the presidency through years of shenanigans, decades of acquiescence and silence about bubba's cupidity, tacit acceptance of obongo's stupidity and the general incompetence of the left!

she has caused a string of miserable failures all her life, and as a democrat that means she deserves to be elevated to a higher position each time she proves she is unsuited to the last position!

>.. / -.. --- -. - / -.-. .- .-. . / .-. . .- .-.. .-.. -.-- --..-- / .. / .--- ..- ... - / -.. --- / - .... .. ... / ..-. --- .-. / -- --- -. . -.-- --..-- / .- -.. -. / - .... . -.-- / - .-. .- -.-. -.- / --- ..- .-. / .. -.. ...

Well that's the absolute truth, she obviously sent classified information, saying that "nothing I sent was marked" says nothing to the issue of classified information being disseminated to non-qualified individuals.

> but it seems odd that they would alienate the armed forces so heavily.
Thats why they are pushing all of their dependent and controlled identity groups in there.

At the beginning of his segment, they didn't even ask him to not do it.
And the amount of times he was cut off repeatedly. It was painful to watch.

well... that word for word statement is technically correct (^: